Create Stunning Darkened Background-Images with CSS Blend Mode

Create Stunning Darkened Background-Images with CSS Blend Mode

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the HTML Boilerplate
  3. Adding a Background Image
  4. Darkening the Background Image
  5. Positioning the Text
  6. Using Flexbox to Center the Text
  7. Making the Body Element Extend to the Bottom
  8. Working with Linear Gradients
  9. Tips for Improving Readability
  10. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will learn how to darken the background image with Blend mode in CSS. We will start by setting up the HTML boilerplate and adding a background image to the body element. Then, we will explore different techniques to darken the image and make the text more readable. By the end of this tutorial, You will have a solid understanding of how to Create visually appealing backgrounds using CSS.

1. Setting up the HTML Boilerplate

Before we dive into manipulating the background image, let's set up the basic HTML structure. We will create a simple HTML file and link it to a CSS file.

2. Adding a Background Image

To add a background image to the body element, we will use the CSS background property. We can specify the URL of the image and set its size to cover the entire area.

3. Darkening the Background Image

To darken the background image, we can use the background-blend-mode property. We will add a Second background color with reduced opacity to achieve the desired effect.

4. Positioning the Text

To make the text more visible, we will position it in the center of the page. We will give the text a white color and adjust its size for better readability.

5. Using Flexbox to Center the Text

To Align the text horizontally and vertically, we will utilize flexbox. Flexbox provides a powerful way to control the layout of elements and make them flexible.

6. Making the Body Element Extend to the Bottom

To ensure that the background image covers the entire page, even if the content is shorter, we will set the minimum Height of the body element to 100% of the viewport height.

7. Working with Linear Gradients

In addition to using a background image, we can also create a linear gradient to enhance the visual appeal. Linear gradients allow us to create smooth transitions between different colors.

8. Tips for Improving Readability

To improve the readability of the text on the darkened background, we will provide some tips and best practices. These tips include choosing appropriate colors, adjusting font size, and considering the overall design.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, darkening the background image with blend mode in CSS can create visually stunning effects. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can enhance the visual appeal of your web pages and improve the readability of your content.

Darken the Background Image with Blend Mode in CSS


In this tutorial, we will learn how to darken the background image using blend mode in CSS. By adding a dark overlay to the background image, we can create visually stunning effects that enhance the overall design of a webpage. We will explore various techniques to achieve this effect, including adjusting the opacity and using linear gradients. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to create visually appealing backgrounds using CSS blend modes.

Setting up the HTML Boilerplate

Before we begin, let's set up the basic HTML structure. Create an HTML file and add the necessary boilerplate code. This will provide the foundation for our webpage and allow us to Apply CSS styles to our content.

Adding a Background Image

To add a background image to the webpage, we will utilize CSS. The background-image property allows us to specify the URL of the image we want to use. We can use images from sites like Unsplash, which offer a wide range of high-quality images. Additionally, we can adjust the size and positioning of the background image to achieve the desired effect.

Darkening the Background Image

To darken the background image, we will use the CSS background-blend-mode property. This property allows us to specify how multiple backgrounds should blend together. By adding a dark overlay using a combination of background color and opacity, we can darken the image and create a visually pleasing effect. We will experiment with different color values and opacities to achieve the desired result.

Positioning the Text

To ensure that the text is visible and readable on the darkened background, we will position it in the center of the page. By adjusting the color, size, and font properties, we can create a visually appealing text overlay that complements the background image. We will use CSS to style the text and CSS flexbox to center it horizontally and vertically.

Making the Body Element Extend to the Bottom

By default, the height of the body element is determined by its content. This can cause the background image to appear cut off if the content is shorter than the viewport height. To address this issue, we will use CSS to ensure that the body element extends to the bottom of the viewport, regardless of the content height. This will ensure that the background image covers the entire page, providing a seamless visual experience.

Working with Linear Gradients

In addition to using a background image, we can also create a linear gradient to add depth and visual interest to the background. Linear gradients allow us to smoothly transition between different colors, creating a dynamic and immersive effect. We will explore different gradient styles and adjust the color values to achieve the desired visual effect.

Tips for Improving Readability

When working with a darkened background image, it's important to consider readability. To ensure that the text is easy to read, we will provide some tips and best practices. These include choosing appropriate colors that contrast well with the background, adjusting font sizes for optimal readability, and considering the overall design and layout of the webpage.


In conclusion, darkening the background image with blend mode in CSS is a powerful technique that can enhance the visual appeal of a webpage. By adjusting the opacity, using blend modes, and adding linear gradients, we can create visually stunning effects that captivate the viewer's Attention. With the tips and techniques outlined in this tutorial, you can create compelling and visually appealing backgrounds for your webpages.

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