Create Stunning Fake Text Effect in Davinci Resolve 17

Create Stunning Fake Text Effect in Davinci Resolve 17

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up DaVinci Resolve
  3. Adding Fusion composition
  4. Adding and customizing text
  5. Adjusting the appearance and color
  6. Tuning the positioning of the text
  7. Copying and pasting text nodes
  8. Adding a response message
  9. Merging the text nodes with the output
  10. Animating the text composition
  11. Applying masks to restrict display
  12. Adding sound effects
  13. Tracking the text with a plane tracker
  14. Conclusion

How to Create Bubble Text in DaVinci Resolve

Are You looking for a creative way to make your text stand out in your videos? Bubble text is a fun and Attention-grabbing option that can add an extra touch of excitement to your content. In this tutorial, we will Show you how to Create bubble text using DaVinci Resolve, a powerful video editing software with advanced compositing capabilities.

1. Introduction

Before we dive into the process, let's briefly introduce the concept of bubble text and how it can enhance your videos. Bubble text, also known as speech bubble text or cartoon text, is a Stylized form of adding text to your visuals. It mimics the look of speech bubbles commonly found in comic books, creating a playful and engaging effect. With bubble text, you can make your text appear more dynamic and expressive, capturing the attention of your viewers.

2. Setting up DaVinci Resolve

To start creating bubble text, you will need to have DaVinci Resolve installed on your computer. If you haven't already, you can download and install the software from the official Blackmagic Design Website. Once installed, open DaVinci Resolve and set up your timeline with the clip or footage you want to add the bubble text to.

3. Adding Fusion composition

In DaVinci Resolve, the Fusion page offers powerful compositing tools that we will use to create the bubble text effect. To access the Fusion page, right-click on the clip in your timeline and select "Open in Fusion." This will open the Fusion interface where you can perform advanced compositing tasks.

In the Effect Library, navigate to the Fusion composition and drag it onto the clip in your timeline. This will create a new Fusion composition layer on top of your clip.

4. Adding and customizing text

Within the Fusion composition, locate the Text node in the toolbar and drag it down into the Media Output node. This will display the text in the output, allowing you to see the changes in real-time.

Double click on the Text node to open its settings. In the text input field, Type in the desired text for your bubble. For example, you can use "Hey hey hey" as a sample text.

5. Adjusting the appearance and color

To customize the appearance of the bubble text, navigate to the Shading tab within the Text node's settings. Enable Property 2 to modify the Outline color. You can experiment with different colors to achieve your desired effect. For instance, you can try a vibrant red outline.

Click on the Appearance button to fine-tune the spacing between the letters. By adjusting the Roundness value, you can create a more Cohesive bubble Shape. Increase the Roundness value to the maximum for a fluid bubble effect.

As for the color of the text itself, go to the Text tab and modify the color to your preference. You can choose a shade of gray for a subtle and clean look.

6. Tuning the positioning of the text

To ensure that the text is perfectly positioned in the corner of the screen, navigate to the Layout tab within the Text node's settings. Adjust the X and Y coordinates to position the text accurately. For example, setting the Y coordinate to 0.9 will place the text near the top of the screen.

Remember to anchor the text vertically and horizontally to the corner by adjusting the Anchoring settings. This will prevent the text from moving when you add more text later.

7. Copying and pasting text nodes

To create multiple bubble Texts, you can easily copy and paste the Text node. Right-click on the Text node and select Copy. Then, right-click on a blank space and select Paste. This will duplicate the Text node, allowing you to change the text content without losing the previous settings.

Repeat this process for each additional bubble text you want to add. Adjust the position and size of each text node to create a visually appealing arrangement.

8. Adding a response message

To include a response message in your bubble text composition, repeat the copying and pasting process. Customize the text as desired. For example, you can use "What is it for dinner?" as the response message.

Remember to adjust the position of the response message to create a visually balanced composition. Decreasing the Y coordinate slightly, such as setting it to 0.8, can help create an appealing layout.

9. Merging the text nodes with the output

To ensure that all the text nodes are merged with the final output, you need to add a Merge node. In the Fusion composition, right-click on a blank space and navigate to the Merges category in the toolbar. Drag the Merge node to the workspace and connect it to the text nodes.

Make sure to reconnect the Merge node to the Media Output node. This will combine all the text nodes into one composition, ready to be displayed in your video.

10. Animating the text composition

Now that the visual elements of your bubble text composition are in place, it's time to add animation to bring it to life. Select the frame where you want the text composition to fully appear and click on the diamond next to the center in the Layout tab. This will create a keyframe for the composition.

Go back to the first frame and drag the composition outside of the frame to hide it initially. As you navigate frame by frame, you will see the text composition gradually entering the frame with a motion blur effect, creating a dynamic transition.

Repeat this process for each frame where you want the text to be fully displayed. This animation technique adds visual interest to your bubble text composition.

11. Applying masks to restrict display

To prevent the bubble texts from going outside the frame and appearing cut-off, you can Apply masks to restrict their display area. In the Fusion composition, locate the Rectangle tool in the toolbar and resize it to roughly match the screen size. Connect the Rectangle tool to the Merge node and make sure to select the appropriate merge operation.

This mask will ensure that the bubble texts stay within the boundaries of the screen, creating a visually pleasing composition.

12. Adding sound effects

To enhance your bubble text composition further, consider adding sound effects. You can find suitable sound effects for receiving and sending messages from various online sources. Import the sound effects into DaVinci Resolve and place them in the timeline accordingly.

Align the sound effects with the appearance of the bubble text to create a cohesive audiovisual experience for your viewers.

13. Tracking the text with a plane tracker

To ensure that the bubble texts move along with a subject in your video, you can use a plane tracker. This feature allows you to track the movement of an object or area and apply it to your composted elements.

Select a plane tracker tool from the Fusion composition and define the area you want to track. In this case, track roughly around the phone where the bubble text appears. Set the motion type to translation to focus on horizontal and vertical movements.

Create a plane transform object and copy-paste it back into the Fusion composition. This will link the text to the movement of the tracked plane. Now, as you move the subject, the bubble text will follow, creating a more realistic and engaging effect.

14. Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully created bubble text using DaVinci Resolve. By following this step-by-step guide, you have learned how to add and customize bubble text, animate the composition, and incorporate sound effects to enhance the overall impact.

Remember to experiment and explore further possibilities with DaVinci Resolve's Fusion page. You can create unique and eye-catching bubble text compositions by leveraging additional tools and effects offered by the software.

Start adding bubble text to your videos to make them more captivating and visually appealing. Let your creativity soar and engage your audience with this fun and dynamic text effect.


  • Learn how to create bubble text in DaVinci Resolve and make your videos more engaging
  • Customize the appearance and color of the bubble text to suit your style
  • Add animation to bring your bubble text composition to life
  • Apply masks to restrict the display of the bubble text within the boundaries of the screen
  • Enhance your bubble text composition with sound effects for a more immersive experience
  • Track the movement of the text with a plane tracker to create a realistic and engaging effect


Q: Can bubble text be used in any type of video? A: Yes, bubble text can be utilized in various types of videos to add a playful and creative touch to the content.

Q: Can I customize the shape of the speech bubble? A: While this tutorial focuses on bubble text within DaVinci Resolve, it is possible to further customize the shape of the speech bubble using graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

Q: Can I resize and reposition the bubble text within the frame? A: Yes, you can adjust the size and position of the bubble text within the Fusion composition to fit your desired layout.

Q: Can I use bubble text for subtitles or Captions in my videos? A: Bubble text is primarily used for decorative or stylistic purposes rather than traditional subtitles or captions. However, you can experiment with different variations to create unique text effects for subtitles or captions.

Q: Can I incorporate bubble text in my social media posts? A: Absolutely! Bubble text can be a fun and eye-catching addition to your social media posts. You can create graphics with bubble text using graphic design tools and then share them on your preferred social media platforms.

Q: Are there any limitations to using bubble text in videos? A: The main limitation of bubble text is its visual style, which may not be suitable for all types of videos or brands. It is essential to consider the overall aesthetics and branding of your content before incorporating bubble text.

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