Create Stunning HOLOGRAM Effects
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Downloading the Free Hologram Script
- Removing the Green Screen
- Adjusting the Hologram Placement
- Applying the Hologram Script
- Customizing the Hologram Effect
- Adding a Turn-on Effect
- Sound Design for the Hologram
- Conclusion
In this tutorial, I will Show You how to Create a variety of hologram looks using a free script. This script, created by Production Crate, is the easiest and simplest way to create hologram effects in After Effects. You don't need to be an expert in visual effects to use it - just a few clicks and adjustments, and you'll have a stunning hologram effect. In this tutorial, I will guide you step-by-step through the process of downloading the script, removing the green screen, applying the script, customizing the effect, adding a turn-on effect, and adding sound design to enhance the hologram. So, let's dive in and create some amazing hologram effects!
Downloading the Free Hologram Script
To start creating hologram effects, you will need to download the free hologram script from Production Crate. Simply follow these steps:
- Access the script by clicking on the link provided in the description box of this video.
- Sign up for a free account on Production Crate if you haven't already.
- Once you have an account, click on the link at the top of the description box to access the script.
- Download the script by clicking on the "Download" button.
- Save the script file to your computer.
Removing the Green Screen
Before applying the hologram script, it is important to remove the green screen from your footage. Follow these steps to do so:
- Download the project file provided in the description box and open it in After Effects.
- In the composition, you will see the background footage with the green screen.
- Import your hologram green screen clip by dragging and dropping it onto the composition.
- Use the rectangle tool to draw a mask around the subject, isolating the green screen.
- Go to the Effects panel and search for the "Keylight" effect. Apply it to the composition.
- In the Effect Controls panel, use the screen color dropper to select the green area of the green screen clip.
- Change the view mode to "Screen Matte" to refine the keying.
- Adjust the black and white levels using the sliders to create a clean key.
- Toggle back to the final result view mode to see the keying result.
- Fine-tune the mask, repositioning and scaling the hologram clip as needed.
Adjusting the Hologram Placement
Now that the green screen has been removed, let's position and Scale the hologram clip on the hologram pad. Follow these steps:
- Select the hologram clip in the composition.
- Use the position and scale properties or press "P" and "S" on your keyboard to adjust the placement and size of the hologram.
- Rotate the hologram if necessary by pressing "R" on your keyboard.
- If desired, create a mask to make it appear as if the hologram is floating above the hologram pad.
- Open the mask controls and change the mask Type to "Intersect."
- Adjust the feathering of the mask to create a smooth transition between the hologram and the pad.
Applying the Hologram Script
Now it's time to apply the hologram script to enhance the hologram effect. Follow these steps:
- Go to "File" > "Scripts" > "Run Script File" and select the hologram script file you downloaded earlier.
- A Production Crate widget will appear with various presets for hologram effects.
- Select the desired preset or try the random option to generate different parameters.
- Click the plus icon to apply the preset to the hologram clip.
- The script will automatically pre-Compose the hologram and apply the effects.
- Play back the composition to see the initial result.
Customizing the Hologram Effect
Now that the hologram script has been applied, you can customize the effect to suit your needs. Here are some parameters you can adjust:
- Scan Lines: Increase the scan width to create more distortion in the hologram.
- Displacement: Adjust the amount of displacement to add a subtle wiggle to the hologram.
- RGB Split: Increase the color separation value to create more pronounced RGB splitting.
- Color: Change the hologram color to your preference.
- Projection Arrays: Move the origin point to change the direction of the projection rays.
- Adjust other parameters to fine-tune the hologram effect.
Adding a Turn-on Effect
To create a turn-on effect for the hologram, follow these steps:
- Select the hologram comp and press "T" to reveal the opacity controls.
- Set a keyframe at the point where you want the hologram to fully appear.
- Move a few frames back and set the opacity value to 0.
- Adjust the timing and spacing of the keyframes to create a smooth fade-in effect.
- If desired, add a twist effect using the CC Twister effect to make the hologram entrance more interesting.
- Customize the parameters of the CC Twister effect to achieve the desired twist effect.
Sound Design for the Hologram
Enhance the hologram effect with sound design. Here's how:
- Download hologram-related sound effects from websites like SoundCrate.
- Import the sound effects into your project and place them in the timeline at the desired moments.
- Use multiple sound effects to create a realistic hologram sound.
- Apply effects and adjust the volume levels to Blend the sound effects seamlessly with the hologram effect.
- If you have dialogue in the video, use the Essential Sound panel to apply a hologram-like effect to the voice.
Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create a variety of hologram looks using the free hologram script provided by Production Crate. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can now create stunning hologram effects in After Effects with ease. Remember to customize the effect, add a turn-on effect, and enhance the hologram with sound design for the best results. Keep experimenting and exploring the creative possibilities of hologram effects. Happy creating!
- Learn how to create hologram effects in After Effects
- Download a free hologram script from Production Crate
- Remove the green screen from your footage
- Adjust the placement and size of the hologram
- Apply the hologram script and customize the effect
- Add a turn-on effect and sound design to enhance the hologram
Q: Can I use the hologram script in other video editing software?
A: The hologram script is specifically designed for use in After Effects. It may not work with other video editing software.
Q: Do I need a Pro account on Production Crate to access the free effects?
A: No, the free effects on Production Crate do not require a Pro account. Only the effects marked with a golden star are exclusive to Pro accounts.
Q: Can I use my own sound effects for the hologram?
A: Yes, you can use any sound effects that fit the hologram effect. It's recommended to explore various hologram-related sound effects to find the best ones for your project.
Q: Is the hologram script compatible with older versions of After Effects?
A: The hologram script is compatible with the latest version of After Effects (2021). However, if you're using an earlier version, you can use the XML version of the project file provided to ensure compatibility.