Create Stunning Images with Leonardo AI Tutorial

Create Stunning Images with Leonardo AI Tutorial

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Access to Leonardo AI
  3. Exploring the Impressive Capabilities of Leonardo AI
  4. Generating Images with Leonardo AI
  5. Using Prompts in Leonardo AI
  6. The Alchemy Feature in Leonardo AI
  7. The Control Net Option in Leonardo AI
  8. Best Settings for Impressive Image Generation
  9. Other Features of Leonardo AI
  10. Training Your Own Data Set in Leonardo AI
  11. Generating Passive Income with Leonardo AI
  12. Conclusion


Welcome to the world of Leonardo AI, a powerful and realistic Generative AI tool that allows You to Create amazing images. In this article, we will explore the impressive capabilities of Leonardo AI and learn how to use them to achieve your desired outcomes. We will also discuss the best settings for image generations and discover pathways to generate passive income using Leonardo AI.

Getting Access to Leonardo AI

To get started with Leonardo AI, visit their Website named Leonardo.Ai and create an account. Simply click the "Create an Account" button and provide your name and email address. Once you receive a confirmation email, click the "Launch Leonardo AI" button to access the platform. Leonardo AI offers a free account with 150 tokens that reset every 24 hours, allowing you to generate images without any cost.

Exploring the Impressive Capabilities of Leonardo AI

Once you're logged in to Leonardo AI, you'll be greeted with the home screen. Here, you'll find several featured models like Dreamshaper version 7, 3D animation style, RPG version 5, and many more. These models are developed by Leonardo AI and offer various image generation options. You can click on any model to explore its unique capabilities.

The platform also features a community feed where users can share and discover impressive image creations. By clicking on an image, you can see the prompt and all the settings used to generate that specific image. This provides valuable insights into effective image generation techniques.

Generating Images with Leonardo AI

To generate images with Leonardo AI, you have two options. You can either click on the "AI Image Generation" tab or select a model from the home screen and click on "Generate with this Model." In both cases, you'll be taken to the image generation page.

On this page, you can enter a prompt in the prompting box and choose the fine-tune model and style you want to generate with. There's also an option to add a negative prompt, which allows you to exclude specific elements from your generated image. Once you're satisfied with your settings, click the "Generate" button.

The platform displays the number of tokens required for the generation, which can vary depending on your settings. It's important to note that different actions within Leonardo AI Consume different amounts of tokens. If you need more tokens, you can upgrade your plan for additional daily tokens and access certain paid features.

Using Prompts in Leonardo AI

Prompts play a crucial role in generating desired images with Leonardo AI. You can Type your prompt in the prompt generation tab or create a more complex prompt using the prompt generation tool. This tool generates prompt ideas Based on a simple prompt, allowing you to explore different creative possibilities. Once you have a prompt you're satisfied with, you can generate images using that specific prompt or edit it further if needed.

When using prompts, it's recommended to keep them as short as possible for better results. Long prompts may not work effectively. Additionally, you can experiment with different settings like prompt magic strength and prompt magic enable tutorial to enhance the outputs of your image generations.

The Alchemy Feature in Leonardo AI

One of the standout features of Leonardo AI is Alchemy. With Alchemy, you can transform basic prompts into stunning creations. This powerful tool allows you to generate images that are visually captivating and highly creative. However, it's important to note that Alchemy burns more tokens, but the impressive results are well worth the cost.

Within the Alchemy feature, you can adjust settings like Alchemy Style and Alchemy Strength to fine-tune the output of your image generation. These settings allow you to control the level of transformation and creativity in your generated images. Experimenting with different Alchemy settings can lead to unique and mesmerizing results.

The Control Net Option in Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI also offers the Control Net option, which allows you to influence your image generation using an input image. By uploading a reference image and enabling the Control Net, you can generate images that are influenced by the reference image's pose or specific details.

There are three options to choose from: pose to image, H2 image, and depth to image. Each option determines how the generated image relates to the reference image. By adjusting the weight parameter, you can control the level of influence the reference image has on the output.

It's important to note that the Control Net option only works with models derived from Stable Diffusion 1.5. Additionally, the feature currently does not function with Alchemy or Prompt Magic enabled.

Best Settings for Impressive Image Generation

Based on our experience, utilizing specific settings can greatly enhance the quality of image generations with Leonardo AI. Here are some recommended settings to achieve impressive results:

  • Keep Front Magic turned on and select Version 3 Beta Selector.
  • Set the Prompt Magic Strength to 0.55 and the Key Pro Mode to Off.
  • Enable Alchemy for creative transformations.
  • Turn off High Resolution for faster generation times.
  • Adjust the Input Dimension to 1024 by 768 or 1360 by 768.
  • Experiment with different settings while keeping the prompt as concise as possible.
  • Select the Dynamic style for dynamic and diverse image generations.

Other Features of Leonardo AI

Apart from image generation, Leonardo AI offers various additional features to enhance your creative process. You can download images, unzoom the image, utilize upscalers, and even edit the canvas to extend or modify your generated images. These features provide you with endless possibilities to fine-tune and customize your creations.

Furthermore, Leonardo AI allows you to remix other users' prompts Instantly. By clicking on the Remix button, you can copy the prompt of an impressive image and generate variations using the same settings. This feature enables collaboration and exploration within the Leonardo AI community.

Training Your Own Data Set in Leonardo AI

If you want to take your creativity to the next level, Leonardo AI allows you to train your own data set. By uploading multiple images that share similarities, the platform automatically detects Patterns and trains a customized model. This model can then be used to generate images that Align with your specific data set.

Whether you want to generate images based on your own photographs, create unique logos, or design custom artwork, training your own data set opens up a world of possibilities. This feature empowers you to explore new horizons and unleash your creativity using the power of Leonardo AI.

Generating Passive Income with Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI not only enables you to unleash your creativity but also offers opportunities to generate passive income. By utilizing the platform, you can create various digital assets like t-shirt designs, patterns, illustrations, artworks, stock photos, and stickers. These assets can be sold on online marketplaces such as Printify, Etsy, and Fiverr.

Whether you're a professional artist or someone looking to monetize their creativity, Leonardo AI provides a platform for generating income through your unique creations. The best part is that even on the free plan, you retain full ownership of the content you generate and can sell it for commercial purposes.


Leonardo AI is a revolutionary tool that puts the power of generative AI in your hands. With its impressive capabilities, intuitive interface, and a wide range of features, Leonardo AI opens up a world of endless creative possibilities. From generating stunning images to training your own models and generating passive income, the platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools for Creators of all levels. Unlock your creative potential with Leonardo AI today.

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