Create the Ultimate Void Muliticaster Comp!
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- The New Chinese Comp - An Overview
- Step 1: Picking Lin as Your Legend
- Step 2: Choosing the Right Portals
- Step 3: Playing Around Void Units
- Step 4: Building Items for the Early Game
- Step 5: Leveling Up and Adding Units
- Step 6: Reaching Level 7 and Completing the Comp
- Tips to Take the Comp to the Next Level
- Conclusion
Are You eager to learn how to master the new Chinese comp and dominate the ladder before everyone else catches on? Look no further! In this guide, I will Show you step by step how to play the unstoppable Exodia comp and climb the ranks. With six easy steps and some crucial tips, you'll be well on your way to gaining LP with this multifaceted void freestream comp. But before we dive into the strategy, let's take a closer look at the full comp and its Core elements.
The New Chinese Comp - An Overview
The Chinese comp revolves around the powerful combination of Lin as your Legend, the void units, and the multi-stat casters. In this comp, Harold takes the front line, while the melee units fill the Second and third rows. Sona, positioned between the two other multic casters, buffs their damage output, and the remaining casters are spread out in the backline. When it comes to itemization, prioritizing Vek'lor with a Blue Buff and Gauntlet is essential. Other key items include Sunfire Cape, Spark, and tank items for Cho'gath.
Step 1: Picking Lin as Your Legend
To kickstart your Journey with the Chinese comp, select Lin as your Legend. This choice is paramount because Lin's augment at 2-1 is indisputably the best option to begin with. In case you don't acquire any other Ornaments early in the game, always opt for the Trade Sector augment.
Step 2: Choosing the Right Portals
Next, focus on selecting the portals that complement your comp. The most optimal portal for the Chinese comp is Red Town. However, be cautious not to hold onto unwanted units on your bench. Reedling Growth and Library are also viable alternatives, while Cafeteria and Still Water should be avoided.
Step 3: Playing Around Void Units
In the early game, prioritize the acquisition of void units such as Kai'Sa and Kha'Zix. Combine these units with Maokai, Nautilus, and Renekton to Create a solid foundation for the comp. While it's acceptable to equip Sunfire Cape on some units, your primary objective is to secure a Blue Buff and a Gauntlet for Kai'Sa.
Step 4: Building Items for the Early Game
When it comes to itemization, focus on equipping Kai'Sa with a Blue Buff and a Gauntlet. These items will significantly enhance her casting potential and overall performance. In case you have an extra Rod, consider prioritizing Spark for Wangid on the bench. However, always remember that Kai'Sa is the key early game unit for casters.
Step 5: Leveling Up and Adding Units
At level five, aim to have the core units of your comp on the board. If you don't acquire the exact units necessary, play the strongest units you find, ideally two-star units. If you are unable to find void units, don't worry; we'll discuss pivoting to another comp later. Around Stage 2-5, you should be ready to play the Chinese comp at its core.
Step 6: Reaching Level 7 and Completing the Comp
When you reach Round 3-2 and obtain your second augment, you'll need to make a crucial decision. If you secured six void units from the Trade Tree augment, stay at level six for the majority of the game. However, if you weren't fortunate enough to acquire the sixth void unit, fast-track to level seven. Upon reaching level seven, insert Kai'Sa and remove Kai'Sa from your board. Focus on upgrading your units to two-stars and building the previously discussed core items.
Tips to Take the Comp to the Next Level
- If you receive the plasmatic augment and have no other options, leveling up to four quickly after obtaining the free rolls augment will grant you increased rolls and assist in building two-star one-cost units.
- In the early game, consider playing Kai'Sa for an extended period if you already have three void units. A two-star Kai'Sa with items can be an incredibly potent damage dealer, even if you are not winning rounds.
- In the late game, remember that Vel'koz is your main carry, not Kai'Sa. Prioritize itemization and resources towards Vel'koz, as he deals the bulk of your damage. However, be vigilant and make sure to equip Kai'Sa with items if she reaches three-stars.
- Lastly, you can force the Chinese comp if you manage to find a high number of Vel'koz units and components for Rageblade. In such a Scenario, pivot to Maria's comp.
Congratulations! You now have a comprehensive understanding of how to master the Chinese comp and secure victories on the ladder. By following the six steps and implementing the additional tips provided, you will be well-equipped to dominate the competition. Keep practicing and experimenting, and soon enough, you'll be a force to be reckoned with in any game. Good luck on your climb!