Create Unique Baby Names with the DePaul University Name Generator

Create Unique Baby Names with the DePaul University Name Generator

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. How the Baby Name Generator Works
  3. Gathering User Input
  4. Creating the Name Databases
  5. Generating Random Names
  6. Testing and Validating the Names
  7. User Interaction and Customization
  8. Pros and Cons of the Baby Name Generator
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


The baby name generator is a program that has been created for assignment 4 of the Artificial Intelligence course. This article will provide a detailed explanation of how the generator works, including the process of gathering user input, creating the name databases, generating random names, and testing and validating the names. The article will also discuss the pros and cons of using a baby name generator and conclude with a section of frequently asked questions.

How the Baby Name Generator Works

The baby name generator starts with user input regarding the gender and name length. Depending on the gender selection, the program opens the corresponding names file. The program then uses two maps, "Chart 2" and "Chart 3," to store character combinations and counts of letters following those combinations, respectively.

The program begins by iterating through the name database and using a function called "get letters" to extract the characters of each name. It then combines the first two letters and checks if the resulting combination is present in Chart 3. If it is not, the program adds it with a count of one; otherwise, it increments the count.

After processing all the names, the program sums up the rows of Chart 3. This sum is used to determine the probability of each character following a specific combination. The program also utilizes the "Chart 2" STRING for names that need to start or end with specific characters.

To generate random names, the program enters a while loop. As long as the size of the new names generated is not equal to the desired number of names, the program iterates through the Chart 3 database and the letter map. It starts by selecting the beginning of the name Based on the counts in Chart 2. It then builds the rest of the name by selecting characters based on their probabilities.

The program also includes checks for user input and validation. It ensures that the generated names meet the specified minimum and maximum lengths and are not already in the name database.

Gathering User Input

Before generating names, the program Prompts the user to provide input regarding the gender and length of the names. The user can select between male and female names and specify the desired minimum and maximum length.

The user input helps determine which names file to open and provides constraints for the generated names. It ensures that the generated names Align with the user's preferences.

Creating the Name Databases

To Create the name databases, the program reads the names from text files. It adds hyphens (-) at the beginning of each name and stores them in the "edit database." Each name passes through the "get letters" function, which extracts individual characters and concatenates them into a string.

The program then analyzes the character combinations within the names and calculates their frequencies. This information is stored in "Chart 2" and "Chart 3," which hold the character combinations and their corresponding counts. These databases form the basis for generating random names.

Generating Random Names

The program generates random names by utilizing the information stored in "Chart 2" and "Chart 3." It starts by selecting the beginning of the name based on the counts in "Chart 2." It then proceeds to generate the rest of the name by selecting characters based on their probabilities in "Chart 3."

To ensure randomness, the program uses a random value generator. It multiplies the length of the character string by the generated random value, converts it to an integer, and retrieves the character at that position in the string. This character is then added to the new name string.

The program continues generating names until it reaches the desired number of names specified by the user. It checks for duplicates and ensures that the generated names meet the specified length constraints.

Testing and Validating the Names

To validate the generated names, the program prompts the user to review each name. The user can choose to accept or reject a name. If the name is rejected, the program generates a new name. This process continues until the desired number of names is obtained.

The program also validates the names by checking if they are within the specified minimum and maximum length range. It ensures that the names adhere to the user's requirements.

User Interaction and Customization

The baby name generator allows user interaction and customization. Users can provide input on the gender and length of the names they desire. They can also decline or accept generated names based on their preferences.

Additionally, users have the option to modify the program to incorporate specific criteria or expand the name databases. The program is flexible and can be tailored to suit individual needs.

Pros and Cons of the Baby Name Generator


  • Provides a quick and convenient way to generate a large number of names
  • Allows customization and user interaction
  • Offers flexibility with gender selection and name length constraints
  • Helps brainstorm unique and creative name combinations


  • May not always generate the most suitable or preferred names
  • Relies on the existing name databases, which may limit the variety of names generated
  • Requires user input and validation, which can be time-consuming for large sets of names


The baby name generator is a versatile program designed to assist users in generating random names based on their preferences. It utilizes name databases, character combinations, and probability calculations to produce unique and customized name suggestions. While the generator has its limitations, it offers a convenient solution for individuals seeking extensive lists of potential names.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I specify the starting or ending letter of the generated names? A: Yes, the program allows customization for the beginning and ending characters of the names. You can specify the desired letter or combination of letters.

Q: Are the generated names always unique? A: While the program aims to provide unique names, there is still a possibility of duplicate names being generated. However, the program performs checks to minimize duplicates.

Q: Can I customize the program to include specific criteria, such as syllable count or name origin? A: Yes, the program can be modified to incorporate additional criteria. However, these modifications may require a deeper understanding of the code.

Q: How long does it take to generate a set of names? A: The time taken to generate names depends on factors such as the size of the name databases and the specified length of the names. Generating a large number of long names may take more time compared to shorter names.

Q: Can I use this program commercially or share it with others? A: The usage and distribution of the program may be subject to copyright and licensing restrictions. It is recommended to consult the program's creator or adhere to the guidelines provided with the code.

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