Create unique images with APIs

Create unique images with APIs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. User API
    • Account
    • Balances
    • Usage
  4. Engines API
    • Available Engines
    • Parameters
    • Prompt Text
    • Clip Guidance
    • Samplers and Samples
  6. Image to Image API
    • Masking
    • Upscaling
  7. Python SDK
  8. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the APIs of has recently released their API, and in this video, we will learn how to use these APIs in your own applications for image manipulation. We will start by creating an account on the platform and obtaining an API key. Then, we will Delve into the various APIs and their functionalities.

Getting Started

To begin using the APIs, You need to Create an account on the platform. Simply visit and sign up using either your Google account or email ID. Once signed up, you will receive an API key that you can use to access the APIs.

User API

The User API allows you to manage your account and check your balances. By using the account API, you can retrieve details about your account, such as your account ID and balances. The balances API provides information about the credits you have for using the APIs. offers a default number of credits, and you can also purchase additional credits if needed.

Engines API

The Engines API allows you to access the various engine options provided by By using this API, you can get a comprehensive list of all the available engines. These engines offer different functionalities for image manipulation.


The REST API is the Core API of It provides a wide range of parameters that you can utilize to customize your image manipulation tasks. Some of the parameters include CSG Scale, guidance Height, width of the final image, sampler, number of samples, steps, and text prompt. By adjusting these parameters, you can control the output of the API and create unique images Based on your requirements. The REST API requires an API key for authorization and can be accessed using Postman or other similar tools.


The REST API provides several parameters that you can modify to achieve the desired output. These parameters include CFT scale, clip guidance, samplers, and samples. Each parameter has a specific purpose and affects the final result of the image manipulation.

Prompt Text

The prompt text parameter allows you to provide a specific text prompt that influences the image generation process. By adding a prompt text, you can guide the algorithm to create images that Align with the given text.

Clip Guidance

Clip guidance is another parameter that controls the strictness of the diffusion process. By adjusting the clip guidance value, you can influence how closely the generated image resembles the provided prompt text.

Samplers and Samples

The REST API offers options to define samplers and samples. These parameters play a crucial role in determining the number of images generated and the quality of the output.

Image to Image API

The Image to Image API provides functionalities for tasks such as masking and upscaling images. By using masking, you can manipulate specific parts of an image while preserving the rest. The upscaling functionality allows you to enhance the resolution and quality of images.


Masking is a technique that enables you to Apply changes only to specific areas of an image while keeping the rest intact. offers a demo for masking, allowing you to explore and understand how this process works.


The upscaling feature of the Image to Image API aims to enhance the resolution and quality of an image. By providing an input image and selecting the desired width for the output, you can upscale your images to achieve a finer and more detailed result.

Python SDK

In addition to using the REST API directly, provides a Python SDK for easier integration and image visualization. This SDK simplifies the process of interacting with the APIs and allows developers to work with in a more streamlined manner.

Conclusion offers a user-friendly platform and a wide range of APIs for image manipulation. Whether you want to create unique images using the REST API or perform advanced tasks like masking and upscaling with the Image to Image API, has got you covered. The Python SDK further enhances the development experience. Explore the possibilities provided by and unlock the potential of image manipulation in your own applications.


  • provides APIs for image manipulation.
  • Users can create an account on the platform and obtain an API key.
  • The User API allows users to manage their accounts and check their balances.
  • The Engines API provides a list of available engines for image manipulation.
  • The REST API offers various parameters to customize image generation based on Prompts.
  • The Image to Image API allows masking and upscaling of images.
  • also offers a Python SDK for easier integration and visualization.
  • The platform provides a user-friendly interface for seamless interaction with the APIs.
  • is a powerful tool for developers and image processing enthusiasts.
  • Explore the possibilities of image manipulation with and unlock creativity.


Q: Can I purchase additional credits for using the APIs? A: Yes, you can purchase additional credits once you have utilized the default credits offered by

Q: Is the Python SDK necessary to use the APIs? A: No, the Python SDK is not necessary, but it provides a convenient way to integrate with and visualize the images.

Q: Can I manipulate specific parts of an image without affecting the rest? A: Yes,'s Image to Image API offers masking functionality that allows you to apply changes only to specific areas of an image while preserving the rest.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of images I can generate using the REST API? A: The number of images you can generate depends on the samplers and samples you specify in the API parameters. You can control the output by adjusting these values.

Q: Are there any tutorials available to learn more about using A: provides documentation and tutorials on their platform, which can help you explore and understand the various functionalities of the APIs.

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