Create Unique Names with Unity's Random Name Generator Tutorial!

Create Unique Names with Unity's Random Name Generator Tutorial!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Name Generator?
  3. Creating a Name Generator in Unity
  4. Setting up the Script
  5. Creating Arrays for First and Last Names
  6. Generating Random Names
  7. Adding the Name Generator to the Game
  8. Customizing the Name Generator
  9. Creating a Character Generator
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to Create a name generator using Unity, a popular game development platform. Name generators can be useful in various game genres, from RPGs to simulation games, where randomly generated names add depth and variety to characters and NPCs. We will go step by step through the process of building a basic name generator and also discuss potential enhancements and customization options.

What is a Name Generator?

A name generator is a tool that creates random names Based on predefined parameters or rules. In the Context of game development, a name generator can be used to dynamically generate character names, enemy names, location names, and more. This adds an element of realism and variety to the game world, making it feel more immersive and engaging for players.

Creating a Name Generator in Unity

To create a name generator in Unity, we will utilize C# scripting and the Unity engine's UI (User Interface) features. We will first set up the script and define arrays for first names and last names. Then, we will write code to randomly select names from these arrays and display them in the game. Finally, we will explore how to customize the name generator to suit specific game requirements.

Setting up the Script

To begin, let's set up the script for our name generator. In Unity, create a new script and attach it to a game object in your scene. We can name the script "NameGenerator." Within the script, we will define public STRING arrays for first names and last names. These arrays will hold the pool of names from which the generator will randomly select.

public string[] firstNameArray;
public string[] lastNameArray;

Creating Arrays for First and Last Names

Next, we need to populate our first name and last name arrays with actual names. You can add names manually or programmatically retrieve them from external sources, such as text files or online databases. For simplicity, let's add a few names directly to the arrays within the script:

string[] firstNameArray = { "John", "Emma", "Michael", "Olivia", "William" };
string[] lastNameArray = { "Smith", "Johnson", "Brown", "Davis", "Miller" };

Feel free to customize these arrays by adding or removing names to match the desired theme or context of your game.

Generating Random Names

Now that we have our arrays set up, we can proceed with generating random names. Within the script's Start() function, we will write code to select a random first name and last name from their respective arrays using the Random.Range() method. We will then display these names in the game using UI text elements.

void Start()
    string firstName = firstNameArray[Random.Range(0, firstNameArray.Length)];
    string lastName = lastNameArray[Random.Range(0, lastNameArray.Length)];

    Debug.Log("Generated Name: " + firstName + " " + lastName);

    // Display the generated name in UI text elements
    firstNameText.text = firstName;
    lastNameText.text = lastName;

Remember to assign the UI text elements to the respective public Text variables within the script. This will allow the script to update the text elements with the generated names.

Adding the Name Generator to the Game

To see the name generator in action, we need to add it to our game scene. Create a new canvas object in Unity and add a UI text element to it. Assign the UI text element to the firstNameText variable in the script. Similarly, add another UI text element for the last name and assign it to the lastNameText variable.

Once the name generator is set up, you can place it on any desired game object in your scene. It can be a character, an NPC, or any other element that requires a randomly generated name. When the game starts or when the name generation event occurs, the name generator will select random names from the arrays and display them in the UI text elements.

Customizing the Name Generator

The basic name generator we have created can serve as a starting point for more advanced customization. Depending on your game's requirements, you can implement additional features such as generating middle names, adding name prefixes or suffixes, or creating unique combinations using specific rules. Experimentation and iteration are key to refining the name generator and making it more tailored to your game's needs.

Creating a Character Generator

Building upon the name generator, you can also expand the functionality to create a character generator. A character generator can randomly assign attributes such as gender, age, appearance, and traits to characters, enhancing their diversity and individuality. By integrating a character generator with the name generator, you can create a dynamic system that produces unique, randomized characters for your game.


In this article, we have explored the process of creating a name generator in Unity. We started by setting up the script, defining arrays for first names and last names. Then, we generated random names and displayed them in the game using UI text elements. We also discussed the potential for customization and the integration of a character generator. With this knowledge, you can now implement a name generator in your games to enhance immersion and provide a richer gameplay experience.


  • Create a name generator in Unity using C# scripting and the Unity engine's UI features.
  • Populate arrays with first names and last names to create a pool of options for random name generation.
  • Generate random names by selecting a random first name and last name from the arrays.
  • Display the generated names in the game using UI text elements.
  • Customize the name generator by adding additional features such as middle names or name prefixes/suffixes.
  • Expand the functionality to create a character generator, assigning attributes like gender, age, and appearance.


Q: Can I add more names to the arrays?

A: Yes, you can add as many names as you want to the arrays. Simply append more names in the format "firstNameArray[index] = name;" or "lastNameArray[index] = name;".

Q: How can I integrate the name generator with my existing game?

A: To integrate the name generator with your game, attach the script to a game object in your scene and link the UI text elements appropriately. You can then invoke the name generation event when needed in your game logic.

Q: Can I customize the generated names to match a specific theme?

A: Absolutely! By modifying the names in the arrays, you can tailor the generated names to match any desired theme or context in your game.

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