Create Vibrant and Eye-Catching Confetti Designs in Adobe Illustrator

Create Vibrant and Eye-Catching Confetti Designs in Adobe Illustrator

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a New Document
  3. Copying Colors from Old Artboard
  4. Creating Large Confettis
  5. Selecting the Brush Tool
  6. Drawing Confettis
  7. Adjusting the Shape of Confettis
  8. Breaking the Strokes
  9. Grouping the Confettis
  10. Expanding the Appearance
  11. Adjusting the Colors
  12. Making Smaller Copies
  13. Creating Small Confettis
  14. Using the Polygon Tool
  15. Adding Color to Small Confettis
  16. Changing the Shape of Small Confettis
  17. Duplicating and Adding Different Colors
  18. Aligning the Confettis
  19. Finalizing the Configuration
  20. Conclusion


In this Tutorial, we will learn how to create realistic confettis using Adobe Illustrator. We will cover everything from creating a new document to finalizing the configuration. By following these steps, you will be able to design your own vibrant and eye-catching confetti designs.

Creating a New Document

To begin, open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Set the desired Dimensions and resolution for your confetti design.

Copying Colors from Old Artboard

If you have a previous artboard with colors you would like to use for your confettis, you can easily copy them. Simply select the colors and paste them into your new document. Alternatively, you can download pre-made colors from the provided link in the video's description.

Creating Large Confettis

To create large confettis, we will use the brush tool. Open the brushes window and navigate to the brushes library. Select an artistic or artistically different brush, preferably a number 30 or 4d brush. Avoid using brushes with the numbers 50 or higher, as they are not suitable for confetti designs.

Selecting the Brush Tool

With the brush tool selected, start drawing some confettis on the canvas. The design of the confettis should be random and there is no specific pattern or shape to follow. Feel free to create your own unique designs.

Adjusting the Shape of Confettis

If you want to make adjustments to the shape of the confettis, use the direct selection tool. Select a confetti and round the corners or make any other modifications as desired. Remember, the colors of the confettis do not matter at this stage.

Breaking the Strokes

Currently, the confettis are in stroke form. To work with them as individual shapes, we need to break the strokes. Select the scissor tool and cut the confettis in places where the color is slightly lower. Avoid cutting in thick areas and focus on thin areas to maintain the desired confetti shape.

Grouping the Confettis

Once the strokes are broken, group the confettis together. Select all the confettis and group them using the appropriate command or keyboard shortcut.

Expanding the Appearance

To expand all the confettis into shapes, go to the "Object" menu and select "Expand Appearance". This will convert all the paths into editable shapes. Now you can choose any color you like for the confettis.

Adjusting the Colors

To make the confettis visually appealing, adjust their colors. Use the direct selection tool to select specific areas of the confettis and apply gradients or other color effects. Experiment with different color combinations until you achieve the desired look.

Making Smaller Copies

To create depth and variation in the confetti design, make smaller copies of the confettis. Decrease their size and position them randomly throughout the canvas. Feel free to use different colors for these smaller confettis.

Creating Small Confettis

To add more visual interest, we will create small confettis using the polygon tool. Select the polygon tool and choose a color for the confettis. Fill the polygons with black to create a base shape.

Adding Color to Small Confettis

To give the small confettis color, select them and apply the desired colors using the fill tool. Make multiple copies of the small confettis and arrange them randomly on the canvas.

Changing the Shape of Small Confettis

To achieve a more organic and natural look, we can modify the shape of the small confettis. Go to the "Effect" menu, choose "Appearance", and apply a distortion effect such as warp. This will give the small confettis a unique and irregular shape.

Duplicating and Adding Different Colors

Duplicate the small confettis and experiment with different colors. Add variety to your design by using a range of colors for the small confettis. Play with different arrangements until you are satisfied with the overall composition.

Aligning the Confettis

To create a balanced configuration, Align the confettis to the center of the canvas. Select all the confettis and click on "Align to Artboard". Then, click on "Middle Align" to divide the confettis evenly in the center of the canvas. Make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired look.

Finalizing the Configuration

Once you are satisfied with the arrangement of the confettis, make any final adjustments. Resize the confettis if needed to create a more Cohesive design. You can also add additional large confettis to enhance the overall composition. Place them on random areas of the canvas to create an organic and playful effect.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create realistic confettis in Adobe Illustrator. By following these steps, you can now design your own dazzling confetti configurations for various projects. Let your imagination run wild and create vibrant designs that will surely captivate any audience.



  • Learn how to create realistic confettis in Adobe Illustrator
  • Use the brush tool to draw unique confetti designs
  • Adjust the shape and colors of the confettis for a visually appealing look
  • Create smaller copies of the confettis for depth and variation
  • Experiment with different colors and arrangements for a dynamic confetti configuration


Q: Can I use different brush sizes for my confettis? A: Yes, you can use different brush sizes depending on your preference. However, it is recommended to avoid brushes with numbers higher than 50 as they may not produce desirable confetti shapes.

Q: Can I create custom shapes for the confettis? A: Absolutely! Feel free to create your own custom shapes using the brush tool or other Illustrator tools. The key is to keep the confetti designs random and vibrant.

Q: Are there any other effects I can apply to the confettis? A: Yes, you can experiment with various effects such as distortions, gradients, or transparency to enhance the look of the confettis. Be creative and explore different possibilities.

Q: Can I use the confetti designs for commercial projects? A: Yes, once you have created your confetti designs, you can use them for both personal and commercial projects. However, it is always recommended to check the licensing requirements for any specific uses or distributions.

Q: Where can I find additional resources for confetti designs? A: You can find additional resources, including pre-made color palettes or brush libraries, on various design websites or Adobe's official website. These resources can help you save time and expand your creative options.

Q: Can I animate the confetti designs in Adobe Illustrator? A: While Adobe Illustrator is primarily a vector editing software, you can export your confetti designs as SVG files and import them into other animation software such as Adobe After Effects to create animated confetti effects.

Q: How can I make the confetti designs more realistic? A: To make the confetti designs appear more realistic, you can add subtle shadows or highlights using shading techniques. Pay attention to lighting and perspective to create a three-dimensional effect.

Q: Are there any shortcuts or useful tips for creating confetti designs in Adobe Illustrator? A: Yes, here are a few tips:

  • Use keyboard shortcuts for frequently used tools or commands to speed up your workflow.
  • Experiment with different opacity levels to create transparent or translucent confetti effects.
  • Group related confettis together to easily manage and modify them as a whole.
  • Save your confetti designs as symbols or templates for future use.
  • Play with different Blend modes to add interesting interactions between the confettis.


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