Create Viral YouTube Quiz Videos in Minutes with AI Automation

Create Viral YouTube Quiz Videos in Minutes with AI Automation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How to Go Viral on YouTube with Quiz Videos
    • 2.1 The Power of Quiz Videos
    • 2.2 Creating Quiz Videos Using AI
  3. AI Tools for Creating Geography Quiz Videos
    • 3.1 Using Chat GPT for Generating Geography Questions
    • 3.2 Designing Quiz Videos with Canva
  4. Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Quiz Videos in 5 Minutes
    • 4.1 Setting Up Canva Pro
    • 4.2 Choosing the Right Video Format
    • 4.3 Designing the Video Template
    • 4.4 Adding the Questions and Possible Answers
    • 4.5 Enhancing the Video with Elements
    • 4.6 Adding Countdown and Solution
    • 4.7 Creating Animations for Engagement
    • 4.8 Bulk Creating Multiple Videos
    • 4.9 Customizing Each Video with Image and Sound
  5. Making Your Quiz Videos Engaging with AI Voices
    • 5.1 Using AI Voice Software: 11 Labs
    • 5.2 Alternative Option: Fleeky for Realistic AI Voices
  6. Bonus Tip: Checking If a Channel is Monetized
  7. Conclusion
  8. Resources

How to Go Viral on YouTube with Quiz Videos

Are you fascinated by those faceless YouTube channels that effortlessly gain millions of views? Do you want to know the secret to going viral from scratch, and that too, very fast? Well, brace yourself, because I have the perfect solution for you - creating quiz videos on YouTube Shorts. In this article, I will show you how you can create hundreds of these shorts in just 5 minutes using AI. By implementing this strategy, you can attract thousands of subscribers and get a significant number of views for free. Yes, you heard it right, absolutely for free. But, you might be Wondering, is quiz content monetized? The answer is a resounding yes, and I will even reveal a secret trick to determine if a channel is monetized or not. So, without any further delay, let's dive into the world of quiz videos and unlock the potential of YouTube Shorts.

1. Introduction

YouTube has become a hub of entertainment, education, and information. With a vast user base and ever-growing viewership, it presents an excellent opportunity for content creators to make their mark. While there are various types of videos that attract audiences, quiz videos have steadily gained popularity. The interactive and engaging nature of these videos keeps viewers hooked, leading to higher watch times and increased subscriber counts. In this article, we will explore the art of creating quiz videos that have the potential to go viral on YouTube.

2. How to Go Viral on YouTube with Quiz Videos

2.1 The Power of Quiz Videos

Quiz videos tap into our Curiosity and desire for knowledge. They provide an interactive experience to viewers, challenging them to test their understanding and memory. The element of competition and the opportunity to learn something new make quiz videos highly engaging. By harnessing the power of Quizzes, YouTube creators can attract a wide range of audiences and keep them coming back for more. The viral potential of quiz videos lies in their ability to entertain and educate simultaneously.

2.2 Creating Quiz Videos Using AI

Now, you might be wondering, how can you create a large number of quiz videos quickly and efficiently? The answer lies in leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With AI tools, you can automate the process of generating quiz questions, designing video templates, and even adding engaging elements. This saves you significant time and effort while ensuring the quality and consistency of your quiz videos. In the next sections, we will explore the AI tools that can assist you in creating captivating and viral quiz videos.

3. AI Tools for Creating Geography Quiz Videos

When it comes to creating quiz videos, geography questions are often popular among viewers. To generate a large pool of geography questions effortlessly, AI tools can be your best friend. Let's take a look at two AI tools that can streamline the process of creating geography quiz videos.

3.1 Using Chat GPT for Generating Geography Questions

Chat GPT is a powerful AI language model that can generate coherent and contextually Relevant responses based on prompts. By utilizing Chat GPT, you can create a Chart with 100 geography questions for your videos. Start by copying the prompt from the video description, as it will generate ten different geography questions. However, you can ask Chat GPT to create additional sets of questions until you reach a total of 100. This approach ensures that you have a diverse range of high-quality questions to use in your quiz videos.

3.2 Designing Quiz Videos with Canva

Canva is a versatile Graphic Design platform that offers numerous templates and customization options. It is an ideal tool for designing video templates for your quiz videos. Start by selecting the video format that suits YouTube Shorts, as it provides a real and TikTok-like feel. Choose an appealing background, such as a spiral design, to grab viewers' attention. Adjust the video duration to around 8 seconds, which is perfect for quiz videos. Next, create shapes for the question and possible answers using rectangles with rounded corners. Use colors and fonts that are visually appealing and easy to read. Group the possible answers for easier organization and add relevant elements like flags or countdowns to enhance the overall engagement of the video.

4. Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Quiz Videos in 5 Minutes

Now that you have a solid understanding of the tools and concepts behind creating quiz videos, let's dive into a step-by-step guide to help you create multiple videos in just 5 minutes. By following these steps, you can efficiently produce engaging quiz videos that captivate your audience.

4.1 Setting Up Canva Pro

Before getting started, it is recommended to sign up for Canva Pro's free trial. This trial period of 30 days will allow you to explore the premium features of Canva Pro, making the process of video creation more efficient.

4.2 Choosing the Right Video Format

After accessing Canva Pro, select the video format that aligns with YouTube Shorts. This format ensures that your quiz videos are optimized for the platform and have a higher chance of going viral.

4.3 Designing the Video Template

Once you have chosen the video format, it's time to design the template. Search for attractive backgrounds, such as a blue spiral design, that will make your quiz videos visually appealing. Reduce the duration of the video to 8 seconds to maintain the short and Snappy format of YouTube Shorts.

4.4 Adding the Questions and Possible Answers

Now, it's time to add the questions and possible answers to your video template. Utilize the generated geography questions from the Chat GPT tool and carefully place them on the template. Consider using effects like a black Outline on the text to make it more visually appealing.

4.5 Enhancing the Video with Elements

To make your quiz videos more engaging, enhance them with relevant elements. Search for flags of countries related to the questions and add them to the video. This addition adds a visual stimulus and piques the viewer's interest.

4.6 Adding Countdown and Solution

Create anticipation and excitement by including a countdown element in your quiz videos. Select a countdown animation from Canva's library and position it appropriately on the template. Crop and adjust the duration of the countdown to match the desired timing. Moreover, reveal the solution in the last 2 seconds of the video to keep viewers engaged till the end.

4.7 Creating Animations for Engagement

To make your quiz videos more visually appealing and engaging, apply animations to certain elements. Experiment with animations like tumble, wiggle, face animation, and flicker. These animations add a touch of dynamism to your videos and increase viewer interest.

4.8 Bulk Creating Multiple Videos

With Canva's bulk create feature, you can generate multiple videos at once. Utilize a Google Sheets chart to input all the question and answer combinations for your quiz videos. Copy and paste the chart into Canva, ensuring that the data is accurate and aligned correctly. This bulk creation feature saves you valuable time and effort.

4.9 Customizing Each Video with Image and Sound

To add uniqueness to each video, customize the visual elements and audio. Search for country flags related to each question and add them accordingly. Additionally, consider adding sound effects or background Music to enhance the viewing experience. You can either choose a popular song or search for sound effects like a ticking clock or a ding sound when the correct answer appears.

5. Making Your Quiz Videos Engaging with AI Voices

To take your quiz videos to the next level, consider incorporating AI voices. These voices can provide lifelike narration and add an extra layer of engagement to your videos. Let's explore two software options that utilize AI voices effectively.

5.1 Using AI Voice Software: 11 Labs

One software option you can use for creating AI voices is 11 Labs. This platform provides realistic AI voices that can generate speech for your quiz videos. Simply input the text you want to be spoken, and 11 Labs will generate the audio. Experiment with different voices and narration styles to find the perfect fit for your content.

5.2 Alternative Option: Fleeky for Realistic AI Voices

Another software option to consider is Fleeky. Fleeky offers a wide range of realistic AI voices that can bring your videos to life. With the ability to create lifelike video and audio content in under a minute, Fleeky provides a time-efficient solution for integrating AI voices into your quiz videos.

6. Bonus Tip: Checking If a Channel is Monetized

Curious to know if a YouTube channel is monetized or not? Here's a quick tip to find out. Simply press "Ctrl + U" to view the page source code of the channel's homepage. Then, press "Ctrl + F" and search for "monetization" in the code. If the search highlights "true," it means the channel is monetized. Conversely, if it says "false," the channel is not monetized. This trick can help you determine the monetization status of any YouTube channel.

7. Conclusion

Creating quiz videos and going viral on YouTube is not an impossible feat. With the right tools, strategies, and AI integration, you can create engaging and captivating quiz videos that attract a wide audience. Remember to leverage AI tools like Chat GPT and Canva to streamline the creation process. Enhance your videos with engaging elements, animations, and AI voices. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can create a library of quiz videos in minutes, saving you time and effort. So, go ahead, start your YouTube journey, and unlock the full potential of quiz videos on YouTube Shorts.

8. Resources


  • Learn how to create quiz videos on YouTube Shorts that have the potential to go viral.
  • Utilize AI tools like Chat GPT and Canva to automate the process of generating questions and designing video templates.
  • Step-by-step guide to creating engaging quiz videos in just 5 minutes.
  • Enhance your quiz videos with elements, animations, and AI voices for maximum viewer engagement.
  • Bonus tip: Use a simple trick to check if a YouTube channel is monetized or not.


Q: Are quiz videos popular on YouTube? A: Yes, quiz videos have steadily gained popularity on YouTube due to their interactive and engaging nature.

Q: Can AI help in generating quiz questions? A: Yes, AI tools like Chat GPT can generate high-quality quiz questions based on prompts, saving time and effort for creators.

Q: How can I make my quiz videos more engaging? A: You can enhance your quiz videos by adding relevant elements, animations, and AI voices that provide lifelike narration.

Q: Can I create multiple quiz videos at once? A: Yes, with the bulk create feature of Canva, you can generate multiple quiz videos by inputting data from a Google Sheets chart.

Q: How can I determine if a YouTube channel is monetized? A: By viewing the page source code and searching for "monetization," you can determine if a channel is monetized or not.

Q: Are there any AI voice software options available for quiz videos? A: Yes, platforms like 11 Labs and Fleeky offer realistic AI voices that can be integrated into your quiz videos for lifelike narration.

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