Create Your Own AI Animated Character (Step-by-Step Guide) - AI Avatar in 5 minutes

Create Your Own AI Animated Character (Step-by-Step Guide) - AI Avatar in 5 minutes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Choosing the Avatar Program
  3. Step 2: Selecting the Avatar Image
  4. Step 3: Copying Positive and Negative Prompts
  5. Step 4: Generating the Avatar
  6. Step 5: Enhancing the Avatar Image
  7. Step 6: Removing the Background
  8. Step 7: Adding Audio to the Avatar
  9. Step 8: Using GPT Chat for Scriptwriting
  10. Step 9: Creating the Video with the Avatar
  11. Conclusion


Have You ever wondered how to Create your own avatar from scratch? This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating a personalized avatar for your videos. Whether you're a YouTuber or just want your own virtual persona, this tutorial will teach you everything you need to know. Let's dive into the world of avatar creation and start bringing your digital self to life!

🎯 Pros:

  • Personalized avatars can help you stand out and express yourself online.
  • Creating an avatar from scratch allows for maximum creativity and customization.
  • Avatars can be used in a variety of platforms and content creation endeavors.

⛔ Cons:

  • Avatar creation may require some technical knowledge and learning new tools.
  • The quality of the avatar may depend on the chosen program and image selection.
  • Avatars may not fully replace human presence and connection in videos.

Step 1: Choosing the Avatar Program

The first step in creating your avatar is selecting the right avatar program. One popular and user-friendly option is the Leonardo program, which is available for free. This program provides the tools and features necessary to generate realistic avatars. To begin, download and install the Leonardo program on your computer.

Step 2: Selecting the Avatar Image

Once you have the Leonardo program installed, you need to choose an image for your avatar. This image will serve as the base for your virtual persona. You can either select an existing image that you like or choose to upload a photo of yourself to make the avatar Resemble you. In the Leonardo program, select the "Image to Image" or "Image fromt" tab to choose or upload the image.

Step 3: Copying Positive and Negative Prompts

To refine the avatar creation process, you will need positive and negative prompts. Positive prompts describe the desired features of the avatar, while negative prompts specify what you want to avoid in the generated image. In the Leonardo program, copy a positive prompt that represents the characteristics you want and a negative prompt to exclude unwanted features. Paste the prompts into the appropriate sections in the program.

Step 4: Generating the Avatar

With the image selected and prompts in place, it's time to generate the avatar. In the Leonardo program, click the "Generate" button. The program will use the input image and prompts to create multiple variations of the avatar. You can choose the one that best aligns with your vision. Experiment with different prompts, as well as the "Strange" parameter, which adjusts the level of distortion in the generated image.

Step 5: Enhancing the Avatar Image

Once you have chosen the avatar variation you like, it's time to enhance its appearance. In the Leonardo program, you can use various editing tools to further refine the avatar's facial features. Adjust the smoothness of the face, Apply filters, and tweak the color to achieve the desired result. Take your time to make the avatar as realistic or Stylized as you prefer.

Step 6: Removing the Background

To make your avatar more versatile, it's essential to remove the background from the image. In the Leonardo program's "Root background" feature, you can choose to eliminate the background or replace it with a different image or color. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate your avatar into different settings or videos. Use this feature to create a clean and professional look for your avatar.

Step 7: Adding Audio to the Avatar

To make your avatar truly come to life, you can add audio to its appearance. The GPT Chat feature can provide a script for your avatar's voiceover. Write a prompt explaining the purpose and content of your video and use the GPT Chat to generate a script. Copy the script and proceed to the next step.

Step 8: Using GPT Chat for Scriptwriting

Open the Play HT application and paste the generated script into it. Select the voice you prefer for the avatar's speech. Depending on your preference, you can choose between ultralistic voices or standard ones. Adjust the speech speed if necessary. Click the "Convert text to speech" button to generate the audio track for your avatar's voiceover.

Step 9: Creating the Video with the Avatar

Now that you have the avatar image and the audio track, it's time to create a video featuring your animated avatar. Use the Studio de program to create a new project. Import the avatar image and any additional images or videos you want to include in the video. Add the audio track to the timeline and customize the video according to your desired style and content.


Congratulations! You have successfully created your own personalized avatar from scratch. By following these steps, you have learned how to use the Leonardo program, select an avatar image, generate the avatar, refine its appearance, add audio, and create a video. Your avatar can now represent you in various digital contexts, whether it's on YouTube or other platforms. Enjoy the process of bringing your digital persona to life and explore the endless possibilities of avatar creation.


  • Learn how to create your own personalized avatar from scratch.
  • Utilize the Leonardo program to generate realistic avatars.
  • Customize the avatar's appearance and remove the background.
  • Add audio to the avatar using the GPT Chat feature.
  • Create videos featuring your animated avatar.


Q: Can I use my avatar in different platforms? A: Yes, once you have created your avatar, you can use it in various digital platforms such as YouTube, social media, or even virtual reality environments.

Q: Is creating an avatar difficult? A: While avatar creation may require some technical knowledge, the step-by-step process outlined in this guide makes it accessible for both beginners and more experienced users.

Q: Can I make my avatar look like me? A: Absolutely! You can upload a photo of yourself as the base image for the avatar and adjust the prompts and parameters to resemble your features.

Q: Can I change the avatar's appearance after generating it? A: Yes, the Leonardo program offers various editing tools to enhance and refine the avatar's appearance. You can adjust facial features, apply filters, and modify the background.

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