Creating Interactive Robots: Modeling Humans and Using Pairwise Comparisons

Creating Interactive Robots: Modeling Humans and Using Pairwise Comparisons

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Human-Human Interactions: The Gold Standard
  3. The Dream of Interactive Robots
  4. The Challenge: Properly Modeling Humans
  5. Learning from Demonstrations
  6. Overcoming Limitations with User Studies
  7. Pairwise Comparisons: A New Approach
  8. Algorithmic Considerations for Pairwise Comparisons
  9. Results and Implications
  10. Conclusion


In the field of human-robot interaction, the ultimate goal is to create autonomous systems that can seamlessly and effectively collaborate with people. However, achieving this level of interaction is not an easy task. One of the main challenges lies in properly modeling human behavior, which is significantly difficult. This article explores the importance of modeling humans and presents a new approach using demonstrations and pairwise comparisons to learn a model of humans' preferences.

Human-Human Interactions: The Gold Standard

Before delving into the complexities of human-robot interactions, it is important to recognize the gold standard of interaction: human-human interactions. Humans are remarkably skilled at collaborating with each other, whether it's in the context of complicated manipulation tasks or everyday activities. The dream of human-robot interactions is to replicate this level of seamless collaboration and inference in robots, enabling them to easily come into our spaces and work with us.

The Dream of Interactive Robots

The vision of interactive robots extends beyond mundane tasks like cooking. As robotics systems transition from factory floors to everyday environments, the need for interactive robots becomes increasingly apparent. Examples include service robotics, drone control, robotic surgery, and autonomous cars. However, the reality is that most of the robots we encounter in our everyday lives fail to live up to the standard of true interaction. They are limited to specific tasks and lack the ability to adapt to human behavior.

The Challenge: Properly Modeling Humans

The lack of interactive robots in our everyday lives can be attributed to the difficulties in properly modeling humans. Humans are highly complex beings with nuanced behaviors and preferences. Without an accurate representation of humans, robots struggle to collaborate effectively. One possible approach is to learn from demonstrations, allowing people to teach robots how to perform tasks. However, even with expert demonstrations, robots may still struggle to reproduce the desired behaviors.

Learning from Demonstrations

To address the challenge of learning from demonstrations, a team of researchers collected a large number of demonstrations from an expert. The expert used a joystick to control the robot's end effector and demonstrated trajectories for a specific task. However, even with expert demonstrations, the robot failed to reach the desired goal. Overfitting to the expert's demonstrations resulted in a strong emphasis on obstacle avoidance, hindering the robot's ability to reach the goal.

Overcoming Limitations with User Studies

Recognizing the limitations of relying solely on expert demonstrations, the researchers conducted a user study to Gather trajectories demonstrated by different users. This approach aimed to capture a broader range of human behaviors and preferences. Through these user studies, it became evident that some users found the system difficult to navigate due to a lack of physical coordination. This insight led to the exploration of an alternative approach: pairwise comparisons.

Pairwise Comparisons: A New Approach

To learn a model of humans' preferences, the researchers employed the use of pairwise comparisons. In this approach, two different trajectories, labeled as Trajectory A and Trajectory B, were presented to the participant. The participant was then asked to indicate their preference between the two trajectories. This simple comparison provided valuable information about the participant's desired reward function and their preferences.

Algorithmic Considerations for Pairwise Comparisons

The use of pairwise comparisons raises the question of how to generate an informative and diverse sequence of questions that can quickly and effectively learn a good model of human preferences. The researchers developed algorithms to optimize the sequence of comparison queries, taking into account factors such as informativeness and diversity. These algorithms aimed to Elicit the most valuable information from participants while minimizing the number of comparisons required.

Results and Implications

The researchers evaluated the effectiveness of their approach through experiments. A policy learned from expert demonstrations was compared to a policy learned through pairwise comparisons. While the policy learned from pairwise comparisons was not perfect, it exhibited significant improvement compared to the expert demonstrations. The robot was able to approach the goal faster and demonstrated a better understanding of the task. These results showcased the potential of using pairwise comparisons as an effective method for learning models of human preferences.


In conclusion, building models of humans' preferences is crucial in the development of interactive robots that can effectively collaborate with people. The challenges of properly modeling humans can be overcome through innovative approaches such as learning from demonstrations and utilizing pairwise comparisons. By continuing to explore and refine these techniques, we can bring ourselves closer to the promised world of seamless human-robot interactions.


  • The challenge of properly modeling human behavior in the context of human-robot interaction.
  • The limitations of relying solely on expert demonstrations for learning robot behavior.
  • The introduction of pairwise comparisons as an alternative approach for learning models of human preferences.
  • The algorithmic considerations and optimization methods for generating informative and diverse sequences of comparison queries.
  • The significant improvement observed in the performance of robots trained using pairwise comparisons compared to expert demonstrations.
  • The potential of these techniques to enable the development of interactive robots that can effectively collaborate with humans.


Q: Why is modeling humans properly important in the development of interactive robots? A: Properly modeling humans is essential as it enables robots to understand and adapt to human behavior, resulting in more effective collaboration and interaction.

Q: What are the challenges in properly modeling humans? A: Humans are complex beings with nuanced behaviors and preferences. Capturing and representing this complexity accurately in robot models is a significant challenge.

Q: How does the use of pairwise comparisons aid in learning models of human preferences? A: Pairwise comparisons provide valuable information about individual preferences by allowing participants to compare and indicate their preference between two different trajectories or options.

Q: How can algorithms optimize the sequence of comparison queries in pairwise comparisons? A: Algorithms can optimize the sequence of comparison queries by considering factors such as informativeness and diversity, aiming to elicit the most valuable information while minimizing the number of required comparisons.

Q: What are the potential implications of the research findings? A: The research findings highlight the potential of using pairwise comparisons as an effective method for learning models of human preferences. This can contribute to the development of interactive robots that can better understand and adapt to human behavior.


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