Customize Your Lesson Plan with Default Text

Customize Your Lesson Plan with Default Text

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Customizing Default Text Entry
    1. Adding Components to the Lesson Plan
    2. Setting Default Text Entry
    3. Removing Default Text Entry
  3. Benefits of Adding Default Text
  4. Benefits of Deleting Default Text
  5. Planning with Comprehensive Default Text
  6. Planning by Units with Blank Default Text
  7. Sharing Plans with Team Planners
  8. Conclusion

Customizing Your Default Text Entry in the Lesson Planner

When You first open your personal lesson planner, you may Notice that the district has provided you with some default text. However, if you find yourself needing to add more customization to your lesson plans, you have the option to do so. By adding default text, you can save time by not having to Type repetitive components every day.

Adding Components to the Lesson Plan

Let's say your lesson plans look quite similar every day, and you know that you will always have a content objective and a language objective. To avoid typing this every day, you can add these components to your default text. Additionally, if you know that your class starts with a warm-up, followed by a group activity and independent practice, you can include these elements as well. The key is to type what you want to see in your default text without including parts of the lesson plan that change day to day.

Setting Default Text Entry

Once you have completed customizing your default text, you can set it as the default text entry for each day that you have not yet planned. To do this, simply click on the wrench icon and select "Set as Default Text Entry." This ensures that whenever you click on a day in your biology class, for example, you will see the default text you have selected.

If you have previously clicked on a day, you may notice that the default text does not match your Current selection. In such cases, click in the gray area, choose the wrench icon, and select "Remove from Today's Plans." This will allow you to add the desired default text back in.

Removing Default Text Entry

While there are benefits to adding default text, some individuals may prefer to delete all of the default text and save their default text as blank. This Scenario is useful for those who plan mostly the same way every day and want to save time by not having to delete repetitive text. It is also advantageous for individuals who plan by units and make small changes to a copied template for each day of the week.

To delete the default text, simply delete everything in the text entry box. Then, click on the "Save as Default Text" button, even if the text entry box is empty. This will set your default text as blank, allowing for a clean slate for each day.

Benefits of Adding Default Text

Adding your own default text and making it as comprehensive as possible is beneficial for those who plan the same way every day. It saves time by eliminating the need to type repetitive components repeatedly. This option is particularly useful for teachers who want to focus on delivering their lessons rather than spending time on administrative tasks.

Benefits of Deleting Default Text

On the other HAND, there are scenarios in which deleting all of the default text and saving it as blank is advantageous. Planning by units and copying a template into each day of the week with minor modifications becomes more efficient when the default text is set as blank. Additionally, individuals who share plans with team planners find this option helpful as it prevents unnecessary repetition and blending of different planner sections.

Planning with Comprehensive Default Text

Teachers who prefer to have comprehensive default text find it convenient to have all the recurring components of their lesson plans pre-filled. By customizing the default text, teachers save time and effort, ensuring a consistent structure across their plans. Moreover, it eliminates the risk of omitting critical parts of the lesson plan due to oversight or time constraints.

Planning by Units with Blank Default Text

For teachers who plan their lessons by units and copy the same template into multiple days, setting the default text as blank allows for a neater and more concise lesson planner. This approach ensures that each day starts with a clean slate and only requires small modifications specific to that day. It prevents unnecessary duplication of text and maintains Clarity in the lesson plans.

Sharing Plans with Team Planners

When collaborating with team planners, some teachers prefer to delete the default text entirely to avoid blending different sections of the planner. By setting the default text as blank, they can seamlessly import plans from team planners without having to delete or modify unwanted text repeatedly. This simplifies the process of sharing plans and promotes consistency within the team.


In conclusion, customizing your default text entry in the lesson planner can significantly streamline your planning process. Whether you choose to add comprehensive default text or prefer a blank slate, it ultimately comes down to your preferred planning style and specific teaching requirements. By utilizing the customization options available, you can make the most of your lesson planner and focus on delivering engaging and effective lessons.


  • Customizing default text in the lesson planner allows for a more efficient planning process.
  • Adding comprehensive default text saves time by pre-filling recurring components of lesson plans.
  • Deleting default text and setting it as blank is advantageous for planning by units and sharing plans with team planners.
  • Each teacher can choose the method that suits their planning style and preferences the best.


Q: Can I change the default text entry for each day individually?
A: Yes, you can change the default text entry for each day by removing the existing default text and adding new customized text.

Q: Will setting the default text as blank delete the pre-filled text in my existing plans?
A: No, setting the default text as blank will only affect future days that have not been planned yet. Existing plans will remain unchanged.

Q: Can I revert back to the original default text provided by the district?
A: Yes, you can revert back to the original default text by removing any customized default text and selecting "Set as Default Text Entry" without adding any new text.

Q: Can I have different default text entries for different subjects or classes?
A: Yes, you can customize the default text entry for each subject or class individually. Simply follow the steps mentioned earlier for each subject or class you teach.

Q: How can I undo changes to the default text entry?
A: To undo changes to the default text entry, click on the wrench icon, select "Set as Default Text Entry," and choose the option to remove any existing default text.

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