DAX Mastery: Change Background Color in Power BI Table

DAX Mastery: Change Background Color in Power BI Table

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Data Set
  3. Creating the Date Difference Measure
  4. Using a Switch Statement for Color Coding
  5. Applying the Color Codes to the Table
  6. Conclusion


1. Introduction

In this article, we will learn how to change the background color of a cell in a table Based on the proximity of a deadline to today's date. We will use a data set that includes project milestones with specified dates, and our goal is to highlight the tasks with approaching deadlines. We will achieve this by assigning different colors based on the number of days remaining until the deadline.

2. Understanding the Data Set

Before we dive into the implementation, let's take a moment to understand the data set we will be working with. Our data set consists of five projects, each with its own set of milestones that must be met by specific deadline dates. By analyzing this data, we can determine which tasks are closer to their deadlines and require immediate Attention.

3. Creating the Date Difference Measure

To calculate the number of days between today's date and the deadline for each task, we need to Create a measure called "Date Difference". This measure will use the DATEDIFF function to determine the time gap.

Measure: Date Difference
= DATEDIFF(TODAY(), tasks[deadline], DAY)

By subtracting the tasks[deadline] from today's date (TODAY()), we can calculate the number of days remaining. This measure will give us a positive value if the deadline is in the future and a negative value if the deadline has already passed.

4. Using a Switch Statement for Color Coding

To assign colors to the cells based on the number of days remaining, we will utilize a switch statement. This statement will evaluate the value of the "Date Difference" measure and choose the appropriate color for each cell.

Measure: Switch Colors
    [Date Difference] < 0, "#EBEBEB", // Gray
    [Date Difference] <= 5, "#FF0000", // Red
    [Date Difference] <= 10, "#FFCC00", // Yellow
    [Date Difference] <= 14, "#33CC33", // Green

By comparing the "Date Difference" measure to different thresholds, we can determine which color to assign to each cell. If the deadline has passed, the cell will be colored gray. If the deadline is within 5 days, the cell will be red. If it is within 10 days, the cell will be yellow. And if it is within 14 days, the cell will be green. Any cells without a deadline will remain uncolored.

5. Applying the Color Codes to the Table

Now that we have our color codes defined, we can Apply them to the background of the table. To do this, we need to select the table and go to the "Values" section. Under "Earliest Deadline", we can apply conditional formatting by selecting "Background Color" and choosing "Field Value" from the dropdown menu.

In the prompt, we choose our "Switch Colors" measure as the field to base the formatting on. Click "OK", and You will Notice that the colors of the table cells change according to the proximity of the deadlines.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, changing the background color of a cell in a table based on the distance from today's date is a great way to visually indicate the urgency of tasks with approaching deadlines. By using a combination of measures and a switch statement, we can easily implement this feature in our data analysis. This helps us prioritize our work and ensures that we stay on top of crucial deadlines.


  • Easy to implement and understand
  • Provides clear visual cues for task urgency
  • Helps prioritize work effectively


  • Limited to using only a few predefined colors
  • Requires updating the measures if the thresholds for color codes need to be changed


  • Change the background color of table cells based on deadline proximity
  • Use a switch statement to assign colors based on the number of days remaining
  • Apply conditional formatting to the table to Visualize task urgency


Q: Can I customize the colors used for the cell backgrounds? A: Yes, you can modify the color codes in the switch statement to use any desired colors.

Q: Can I apply this technique to other types of data sets? A: Yes, you can adapt this method to color code cells based on various criteria in different data sets.

Q: What if I have overlapping deadlines for multiple tasks? A: This method will color each cell individually based on its own deadline, allowing for separate visual cues for each task's urgency.

Q: Can I apply this technique to other types of visualizations, such as charts or graphs? A: While this specific tutorial focuses on table cells, you can explore similar concepts for color coding in other visualizations as well.

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