Debates on President Trump's Visit to Baltimore: Racism in A.I. Policing

Debates on President Trump's Visit to Baltimore: Racism in A.I. Policing

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. President Trump's Visit to Baltimore
  3. Ongoing Debates in Baltimore
    • Trump's Impact on the City
    • Surveillance Aircraft Controversy
  4. A Former Mayoral Candidate's Perspective
    • Historic Problems in Baltimore
    • Privacy Concerns with Surveillance Plane
  5. The Usefulness and Misuse of Data and Algorithms
    • The Issue of Facial Recognition Technology
    • Bias and Inaccuracy in Facial Recognition Systems
  6. The Link Between Arrest Data and Racial Bias
  7. The Clearance Rate and Investment in Policing
  8. Addressing the Root Causes of Crime
  9. The Role of AI and Ethics
  10. Conclusion

President Trump's Visit to Baltimore Sparks Ongoing Debates

In the wake of President Trump's visit to Baltimore tomorrow, the city finds itself at the center of ongoing debates. While some hope for positive change and progress, others remain skeptical of the president's intentions. The visit comes at a time when the Justice Department is attempting to Roll back consent decrees with the city's police department, and a controversial surveillance tactic of using flying aircraft over specific areas of the city has gained support from the state's Republican governor. To gain a deeper understanding of the situation, we spoke to a former mayoral candidate and Black Lives Matter activist to get their perspective on what they hope to see for Baltimore and the ongoing debates.

President Trump's Impact on the City

The former mayoral candidate holds a pessimistic view of President Trump's visit to Baltimore, highlighting that he has previously made disparaging comments about the city. To the candidate, the president's words mirror his treatment of other cities, suggesting that he may not bring about positive change. This sentiment is further reinforced by the candidate's observation of historic problems in the city that have yet to be effectively addressed.

The Surveillance Aircraft Controversy

One of the contentious issues dominating the ongoing debates is the use of surveillance aircraft in Baltimore. The candidate expresses concern over the potential return of the surveillance plane, which records everything within its range. The reasoning behind its use is to aid in crime prevention and investigation, but the candidate raises valid privacy concerns. The prospect of having footage of everyone in Baltimore accessible without proper safeguards raises serious questions about individual rights and the potential for misuse.

The Issue of Facial Recognition Technology

The debate surrounding the use of surveillance technology extends to facial recognition systems, which have shown a significant disparity in their ability to recognize black faces accurately. The candidate brings attention to a government test that found top-performing facial recognition systems misidentify black individuals at a rate ten times higher than their white counterparts. This raises concerns about the accuracy of such technologies and the potential for bias and discrimination.

The Link Between Arrest Data and Racial Bias

The candidate raises an important point about the correlation between arrest data and racial bias. While it may appear that more black individuals are arrested, the candidate argues that this could be a result of over-policing in certain communities. Facial recognition technologies, untested on a diverse range of individuals, may perpetuate this bias by misidentifying black suspects based on flawed algorithms. Additionally, the low clearance rate for crimes in Baltimore calls into question the effectiveness of the current policing system.

Addressing the Root Causes of Crime

The candidate believes that in order to effectively address crime, the focus should be on tackling the root causes, such as poverty and social inequality. Merely investing in policing without addressing the underlying issues will not lead to long-term solutions. By shifting the focus to social programs, education, and economic development, the candidate believes it is possible to create safer and more prosperous communities.

The Role of AI and Ethics

As the debate surrounding surveillance technology and facial recognition continues, the candidate emphasizes the need for ethical considerations in the development and adoption of these technologies. The potential for abuse and the perpetuation of bias must be carefully addressed to ensure that technological advancements do not come at the cost of individual rights and social justice.


The ongoing debates in Baltimore, fueled by President Trump's visit and contentious issues such as surveillance aircraft and facial recognition technology, highlight the need for open and honest discussions on the future of policing and individual rights. By addressing the root causes of crime and incorporating ethical considerations into the use of AI and surveillance technologies, Baltimore can work towards creating a safer and more inclusive city for all its residents.


  1. President Trump's visit to Baltimore sparks ongoing debates and skepticism.
  2. The use of surveillance aircraft and facial recognition technology raises privacy concerns.
  3. Facial recognition systems show significant disparities in recognizing black faces accurately.
  4. Over-policing and flawed algorithms contribute to racial bias in the criminal justice system.
  5. Addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and inequality, is crucial for long-term solutions.
  6. The ethical use of AI and surveillance technologies must be prioritized to protect individual rights.


Q: What are the ongoing debates in Baltimore? A: The ongoing debates in Baltimore revolve around President Trump's visit, the use of surveillance aircraft, and the accuracy and potential bias of facial recognition technology.

Q: What are the concerns regarding surveillance aircraft in Baltimore? A: Privacy concerns arise from the potential misuse of surveillance aircraft, as footage of individuals can be recorded without proper safeguards.

Q: How accurate are facial recognition systems in recognizing black faces? A: Government tests have shown that facial recognition systems misidentify black individuals at a rate ten times higher compared to their white counterparts.

Q: Does arrest data contribute to racial bias in the criminal justice system? A: The candidate argues that over-policing in certain communities may lead to a higher number of arrests among black individuals, perpetuating racial bias.

Q: How can crime in Baltimore be effectively addressed? A: The candidate suggests addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and social inequality, through social programs, education, and economic development.

Q: What role should ethics play in the use of AI and surveillance technologies? A: Ethical considerations are crucial in the development and adoption of AI and surveillance technologies to ensure individual rights are protected and bias is minimized.

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