Decompile Assembly Code with Chat GPT: A Surprising Reverse Engineering Tool

Decompile Assembly Code with Chat GPT: A Surprising Reverse Engineering Tool

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Using GPT for Reverse Engineering 2.1 Decompiling a Subroutine 2.1.1 Identifying Assembly Code for x64 Processor 2.1.2 Analyzing Subroutine Instructions 2.2 Writing C Code from Assembly Code 2.2.1 Comparing GPT's C Code with IDA Decompiler
  3. The Potential of GPT in Reverse Engineering 3.1 Analyzing More Assembly Code Examples 3.1.1 Bootloader Code in Assembly Language
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Using GPT for Reverse Engineering

In today's video, we will explore another fascinating use case of OpenAI's Chat GPT - reverse engineering. I have been conducting experiments with Chat GPT, and one interesting discovery is that it can be used as a decompiler. Let's dive into this exciting topic and see how GPT helps in understanding and converting assembly code into higher-level languages.

Decompiling a Subroutine

To demonstrate GPT's decompiling capabilities, I have opened a random EXE file in IDA Pro and selected a subroutine. I then copied the assembly code and pasted it into Chat GPT, requesting it to explain the code's purpose. Although I have no prior knowledge about the code, GPT provided some valuable insights.

Identifying Assembly Code for x64 Processor

Upon analyzing the code, Chat GPT correctly identified it as assembly code for an x64 processor. This accurate recognition showcases the model's technical prowess.

Analyzing Subroutine Instructions

While the exact functionality remains unclear due to the lack of context, GPT was able to decipher that the subroutine consists of two different functions. It also noted that the code is likely part of a larger program with a specific purpose.

Writing C Code from Assembly Code

Impressed by its initial analysis, I decided to challenge Chat GPT further. I asked it to write the same code in C language, expecting it to match the original assembly code.

To my surprise, GPT generated a C version of the subroutine that closely mirrored the assembly instructions. The model adeptly identified the if-else clauses and faithfully reproduced them in the C code.

Curious to verify its accuracy, I compared GPT's C code with the decompiled code from IDA Pro using an online code diff tool. Although the overall structure was not identical, GPT successfully captured the essence of the original assembly code, including the if-else clauses.

The Potential of GPT in Reverse Engineering

The ability of Chat GPT to decompile assembly code and generate C equivalents opens up intriguing possibilities in the field of reverse engineering. While this specific example may not showcase its full potential, I have successfully utilized GPT in previous experiments.

Analyzing More Assembly Code Examples

In one of my past use cases, I employed Chat GPT to decipher a bootloader code written in assembly language. GPT accurately recognized it as an x84 Assembly Language program and explained its purpose – performing a context switch from 16-bit real mode to 32-bit protected mode.

From these examples, it is evident that Chat GPT can provide valuable insight into assembly code and bridge the gap between low-level languages and high-level languages like C.


In conclusion, Chat GPT demonstrates remarkable potential in the realm of reverse engineering. Its ability to decompile assembly code and generate C equivalents showcases its analytical capabilities. While there may be limitations in certain cases, GPT can serve as a valuable tool for software reverse engineers.

By leveraging Chat GPT's strengths, reverse engineers can gain a deeper understanding of assembly code and expedite the process of converting it to higher-level languages. Stay tuned for more exciting use cases of GPT in future videos. Thank you for watching!


  • Chat GPT's surprising ability to decompile assembly code
  • Identifying assembly code for x64 processors
  • Analyzing and understanding subroutine instructions
  • Generating C code equivalents from assembly code
  • Verifying GPT's accuracy using code diff tools
  • Harnessing GPT's potential in reverse engineering
  • Analyzing a bootloader code example in assembly language
  • Bridging the gap between low-level and high-level languages
  • Chat GPT as a valuable tool for reverse engineers


Q: Can Chat GPT decompile any assembly code? A: While Chat GPT shows promising decompiling capabilities, it may not always accurately decipher complex assembly code. However, it can provide valuable insights and assist in understanding the general structure and functionality of assembly code.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Chat GPT for reverse engineering? A: Chat GPT may struggle with context-dependent code analysis and may not be able to provide precise details in all cases. It is essential to consider its analysis as a starting point and validate the results using other tools and expertise.

Q: How can Chat GPT benefit reverse engineers? A: Chat GPT can save time by providing initial insights into assembly code and generating higher-level code equivalents. It serves as a useful tool for reverse engineers, aiding in the understanding and conversion of low-level code.

Q: Can Chat GPT handle different processor architectures? A: Chat GPT has shown proficiency in analyzing assembly code for various processor architectures, including x64 and x84. However, the accuracy may vary depending on the complexity and compatibility of the specific architecture.

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