Designing Ethical AI Systems: A Guidebook for Product Teams

Designing Ethical AI Systems: A Guidebook for Product Teams

Table of Contents


  • About the Google Cloud Platform Podcast
  • Guest: Di Dang, Design Advocate at Google

Understanding Human-Centered AI

  • Defining AI and Human-Centered AI
  • The importance of considering the impact of AI on people
  • The People Plus AI Guidebook

The People Plus AI Guidebook

  • Target audience and purpose
  • The six chapters of the guidebook
  • Examples of best practices from the guidebook

Getting Started with Practical AI

  • The importance of building AI responsibly
  • Using Dialogflow to get started with AI
  • Resources for learning more about AI


  • Google I/O and KubeCon Europe
  • How to get involved in I/O and KubeCon Europe


  • What is the People Plus AI Guidebook?
  • Who is the target audience for the guidebook?
  • How can I get started with practical AI?
  • What are some examples of best practices from the guidebook?
  • How can I get involved in Google I/O and KubeCon Europe?

Understanding Human-Centered AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. However, as with any new technology, it is important to consider the impact that AI will have on people. This is where the concept of human-centered AI comes in.

Human-centered AI is about designing AI systems that are focused on people and their needs. It involves considering the ethical, social, and cultural implications of AI, as well as the impact that AI will have on individuals and society as a whole.

At Google, the People Plus AI Research (PAIR) team has developed a guidebook to help product teams Create human-centered AI systems. The guidebook is intended to be a resource for UX designers and product managers who are working on AI-driven products.

The People Plus AI Guidebook

The People Plus AI Guidebook is a set of best practices and guidelines for designing human-centered AI systems. It is intended to help product teams make decisions about how to create AI-driven products that are beneficial, ethical, fair, and inclusive.

The guidebook is composed of six chapters, each of which covers a different aspect of designing human-centered AI systems. The chapters are:

  • User Needs and Defining Success
  • Data Collection and Evaluation
  • Mental Models
  • Exploitability and Trust
  • Feedback and Controls
  • Errors and Graceful Failure

The guidebook also includes vignettes and mockups of a fake app called Run, which illustrate Patterns to aim for or avoid. Worksheets are attached to every chapter, which include checklists, pointers, different questions, and exercises that You can pose to your team to come to these decisions together.

Getting Started with Practical AI

If you're interested in getting started with practical AI, there are a few different approaches you can take. One option is to dive into deep learning, which involves building machine learning models from scratch. Google offers a variety of resources for learning about deep learning, including code labs and TensorFlow.

Another option is to use a tool like Dialogflow, which allows you to create chatbots and other conversational interfaces using natural language processing and machine learning. Dialogflow is a great way to get started with AI without having to build everything from scratch.


Google I/O and KubeCon Europe are two upcoming events that are great opportunities to learn more about AI and other cutting-edge technologies. If you're interested in attending, there are a variety of ways to get involved, including attending an I/O extended event or hosting one yourself.


What is the People Plus AI Guidebook?

The People Plus AI Guidebook is a set of best practices and guidelines for designing human-centered AI systems. It is intended to help product teams create AI-driven products that are beneficial, ethical, fair, and inclusive.

Who is the target audience for the guidebook?

The guidebook is primarily intended for UX designers and product managers who are working on AI-driven products. However, it is also a useful resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about human-centered AI.

How can I get started with practical AI?

There are a variety of ways to get started with practical AI, including diving into deep learning or using a tool like Dialogflow. Google offers a variety of resources for learning about AI, including code labs and TensorFlow.

What are some examples of best practices from the guidebook?

One example of a best practice from the guidebook is the importance of considering the cost of optimizing for precision or recall when building an AI system. Another example is the importance of designing AI systems that augment human abilities rather than replacing them.

How can I get involved in Google I/O and KubeCon Europe?

There are a variety of ways to get involved in Google I/O and KubeCon Europe, including attending an I/O extended event or hosting one yourself. You can also follow along with the events online and participate in discussions on social media.

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