Discover Google's Game-Changing Drone App, Parrot's Revolutionary Anafi AI, and More!

Discover Google's Game-Changing Drone App, Parrot's Revolutionary Anafi AI, and More!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Wing's Open Sky App for Drone Pilots
  3. Parrot's Revolutionary Anafi Drone
  4. FAA's Delay in Defining Critical Infrastructure
  5. Skyfish: The Future of Photogrammetry


In today's edition of Drone Life News, we have an action-packed week filled with exciting news from the drone industry. We'll be discussing the release of Wing's Open Sky app, Parrot's groundbreaking Anafi drone, the delays in defining critical infrastructure by the FAA, and the impressive capabilities of Skyfish's photogrammetry technology.

So, let's dive in and explore all the latest happenings in the world of drones!

🚁 Wing's Open Sky App for Drone Pilots

One of the long-standing challenges in the drone industry has been the lack of a reliable Lance provider or an application that can effectively showcase all the necessary airspace information. Fortunately, this problem has been addressed with the release of Wing's Open Sky app.

Wing, a subsidiary of Google, has developed an innovative app to assist both recreational and commercial drone pilots. The app, based on Google Maps, provides a user-friendly interface that is clearer and easier to use than existing alternatives like "Know Before You Fly." Wing's aim is to encourage widespread adoption of their app, as it will contribute to a safer airspace and expedite the scaling of commercial drone delivery operations.


  • Free app for both recreational and commercial pilots
  • User-friendly interface based on Google Maps
  • Encourages compliance with rules and regulations
  • Supports the growth of commercial drone operations


  • Potential competition for existing Lance providers
  • Reliance on Google Maps, which may have limitations in certain areas

🛩️ Parrot's Revolutionary Anafi Drone

Parrot, a renowned drone manufacturer, has recently unveiled its latest creation, the Anafi AI drone. This highly anticipated release has garnered significant attention due to its unique design and advanced features.

Inspired by the remarkable vision systems found in flying insects, Parrot has incorporated insect-like sensors into the Anafi AI. These lightweight sensors allow for precise movement in the direction of flight, enabling the drone to navigate obstacles with incredible precision. Additionally, the Anafi AI boasts enhanced connectivity and future-proof features that Align with evolving regulations and applications.

The Anafi AI represents a significant leap forward for Parrot, showcasing their commitment to developing cutting-edge technologies for the drone industry. With its groundbreaking capabilities, this drone is set to become a Game-changer in various sectors, from cinematography and inspections to search and rescue missions.


  • Innovative design inspired by flying insects' vision systems
  • Lightweight sensors for obstacle avoidance and precise flight control
  • Enhanced connectivity and future-proof features
  • Versatile applications in various industries


  • Potential competition with other high-end drone manufacturers
  • May require additional pilot training to utilize advanced features effectively

FAA's Delay in Defining Critical Infrastructure

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been facing criticism regarding its delay in defining critical infrastructure and establishing a central list of prohibited areas for drone flights. This delay has led state and local authorities to independently designate certain areas as no-fly zones, causing confusion among commercial drone pilots and impeding the growth of the industry.

Section 2209 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2016 tasked the FAA with identifying critical infrastructure and creating regulations to ensure drone pilots abide by the restrictions associated with these areas. However, the FAA's inaction has prompted other organizations, such as AUVSI and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to raise concerns and urge the FAA to expedite the implementation of these regulations.

The absence of a centralized list of critical infrastructure not only hampers the ability of airspace intelligence apps to accurately inform pilots but also impedes the process of obtaining exception authorizations. To facilitate safe and efficient drone operations, it is crucial for the FAA to fulfill its responsibilities and establish national guidelines for flying near critical infrastructure.


  • Reduces confusion and inconsistencies in drone flight regulations
  • Facilitates accurate mapping of no-fly zones through airspace intelligence apps
  • Streamlines the process of obtaining exception authorizations
  • Ensures the safe integration of drones into critical infrastructure environments


  • Potential delays in defining critical infrastructure due to complex procedures
  • Challenges in coordinating regulations with state and local authorities

Skyfish: The Future of Photogrammetry

Skyfish, an American drone manufacturer, has secured $20 million in funding to produce a groundbreaking drone tailored for engineering purposes. This purpose-built drone combines cutting-edge photogrammetry technology with exceptional accuracy, revolutionizing the way infrastructure inspections and maintenance are conducted.

Utilizing Skyfish's advanced photogrammetry capabilities, infrastructure companies can generate precise digital models of telecom infrastructure, power plants, bridges, and more. These centimeter-accurate models enable engineers to plan maintenance activities and identify potential issues with unparalleled precision, saving both time and cost. The return on investment provided by Skyfish's technology has garnered attention from major infrastructure and engineering companies, prompting them to adopt drone solutions for their specific use cases.

Skyfish's success marks another milestone in the adoption of drones as platforms for solving complex problems. By leveraging the power of photogrammetry, this American manufacturer is contributing to the advancement of infrastructure industries worldwide.


  • Exceptional precision and accuracy in generating digital models
  • Streamlines infrastructure inspection and maintenance workflows
  • Reduces costs associated with manual inspections and surveys
  • Enables effective planning for maintenance activities


  • Potential limitations in certain weather conditions or challenging environments
  • Competing technologies and solutions available in the market


  • Wing, a subsidiary of Google, has released the Open Sky app to address the need for a user-friendly and comprehensive Lance provider.
  • Parrot's Anafi AI drone incorporates innovative features inspired by the vision systems of flying insects, revolutionizing obstacle avoidance and flight control.
  • The FAA's delay in defining critical infrastructure and establishing a central list of prohibited areas hinders the growth of the drone industry and creates confusion among commercial operators.
  • Skyfish's photogrammetry technology offers unparalleled precision and accuracy in generating digital models for engineering purposes, transforming infrastructure inspections and maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Will Wing's Open Sky app replace existing Lance providers? A: While Wing's Open Sky app offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive airspace information, it is not intended to replace existing Lance providers. Its goal is to encourage compliance and provide an alternative option for drone pilots.

Q: Can the Anafi AI drone be used for commercial purposes in addition to recreational use? A: Yes, the Anafi AI drone is designed to cater to both recreational and commercial pilots. Its advanced features and high-quality imaging capabilities make it suitable for a wide range of applications, including cinematography, inspections, and search and rescue missions.

Q: How can the FAA's delay in defining critical infrastructure affect commercial drone operations? A: The FAA's delay in defining critical infrastructure creates inconsistencies and uncertainties in drone flight regulations. This can lead to varying restrictions imposed by state and local authorities, making it challenging for commercial drone pilots to navigate and plan their operations effectively.

Q: What sets Skyfish's photogrammetry technology apart from other solutions? A: Skyfish's photogrammetry technology stands out due to its exceptional accuracy and precision. The generated digital models provide centimeter-level details, enabling engineers to plan maintenance activities with unparalleled precision. This level of accuracy offers significant time and cost savings compared to traditional manual inspections.


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