Discover Hidden Gems with the Ninja Property Report

Discover Hidden Gems with the Ninja Property Report

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Ninja Property Report
  3. Analyzing Visitor Data
    • 3.1 Number of Visitors and Visits
    • 3.2 Visitor Trends Over Time
  4. Visitor Demographics
    • 4.1 Visitor Origins
    • 4.2 Mosaic Profiling
  5. Trade Area Analysis
    • 5.1 True Trade Area Definition
    • 5.2 Average Drive Time
    • 5.3 Population and Household Distribution
  6. Visitor Spending Patterns
    • 6.1 Overview of Spending Categories
    • 6.2 Specific Spending Insights
  7. Conclusion


Welcome to this video where we will be discussing our new tool, the Ninja Property Report. This report aims to utilize the vast amount of cell phone data obtained from Placer AI to gain insights into visitor behavior, such as the number of visitors, their travel distances, and their spending habits. Let's dive right into it and explore the various aspects of this report.

Understanding the Ninja Property Report

The Ninja Property Report utilizes cell phone data to analyze visitor behaviors and patterns at a specific location. With this report, we can answer crucial questions such as the number of visitors and visits, trends over time, visitor demographics, trade area definition, and visitor spending patterns.

Analyzing Visitor Data

3.1 Number of Visitors and Visits

Within the past 12 months, the Ninja Property Report reveals that there have been approximately 348,000 customers who have visited the analyzed site in the Preston Center area. On average, these visitors have made three visits, resulting in an estimated 1.3 million visits overall. This information provides an understanding of the site's popularity and visitor frequency.

3.2 Visitor Trends Over Time

The report presents a trend line showcasing the visits over time. By analyzing this trend line, we gain insights into visitor patterns before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the average daily visits indicate a decline in visitor footfall post-March. Before the pandemic, the Preston Center area received an average of 4,419 visits per day, whereas after March, this number dropped to 2,935. This demonstrates the impact of COVID-19 on visitor numbers.

Visitor Demographics

4.1 Visitor Origins

By analyzing the cell phone data, the report reveals the geographical origins of visitors. The concentration of visitors primarily lies in and around the analyzed area, indicating a local customer base. However, the reach extends beyond the immediate vicinity, attracting visitors from neighboring regions as well. This information helps businesses understand where their visitors are coming from.

4.2 Mosaic Profiling

Thanks to the integration of Experian credit card data, we can identify specific characteristics of the visitors. The Mosaic profile demonstrates that over 46% of visitors fall under the A1 category, consisting of the wealthiest and most prestigious individuals in the United States. These visitors are accustomed to prestigious housing, luxury living, and upscale lifestyle choices. This valuable information helps businesses tailor their offerings to cater to their high-end clientele.

Trade Area Analysis

5.1 True Trade Area Definition

Unlike traditional one, three, or five-mile radius measurements, the Ninja Property Report derives a true trade area by considering actual visitor patterns. By analyzing the data, we identify the specific area from where 40% of the visitors originate. This information allows businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, focusing on the regions that contribute the most visitors to their site.

5.2 Average Drive Time

Understanding the distance visitors are willing to travel is crucial in determining their accessibility to a location. The report provides valuable insights into the average drive time visitors spend to reach the analyzed site, with an estimated travel time of 8.5 minutes. This information helps businesses evaluate their location's convenience and accessibility.

5.3 Population and Household Distribution

Additionally, the report offers information on the total population and households within the identified trade area. This data provides an understanding of the potential customer base within the trade area and assists businesses in evaluating market opportunities and potential growth.

Visitor Spending Patterns

6.1 Overview of Spending Categories

The Ninja Property Report goes beyond visitor behavior analysis and delves into the spending patterns of visitors within the trade area. It provides an overview of various spending categories to identify the key areas where visitors allocate their money.

6.2 Specific Spending Insights

The report highlights specific spending insights within the trade area. For example, visitors within the trade area spend approximately $234 million on women's juniors clothing. Jewelry spending, on the other HAND, amounts to around $75 million. Furthermore, large ticket items such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles also receive significant Attention from visitors within the trade area. These valuable spending insights enable businesses to tailor their product offerings and marketing strategies to Align with visitor preferences.


In conclusion, the Ninja Property Report serves as a powerful tool to gain in-depth insights into visitor behavior, demographics, trade area definition, and spending patterns. By leveraging the data obtained from Placer AI and integrating it with Experian credit card data, businesses can optimize their strategies, understand their customers better, and make data-driven decisions. With a comprehensive understanding of visitor patterns and preferences, businesses can elevate their performance and capitalize on the opportunities presented.


  • The Ninja Property Report utilizes vast amounts of cell phone data to analyze visitor behavior, demographics, trade area, and spending patterns.
  • Visitor trends indicate a decline in average daily visits post-COVID-19.
  • The report provides insights into visitor origins, with a concentration of visitors in and around the analyzed area.
  • Mosaic profiles reveal that over 46% of visitors fall under the prestigious A1 category.
  • True trade areas are derived Based on actual visitor patterns, providing accurate insights into visitor origins.
  • Visitors spend an average of 8.5 minutes traveling to the analyzed site.
  • Spending insights highlight key areas where visitors allocate their money, such as women's juniors clothing and jewelry spending.


Q: How does the Ninja Property Report Gather visitor data? A: The report utilizes cell phone data obtained from Placer AI, which provides insights into visitor behavior and patterns.

Q: Can the Ninja Property Report help understand visitor demographics? A: Yes, the report integrates Experian credit card data to analyze visitor demographics and create mosaic profiles.

Q: How does the Ninja Property Report define the trade area? A: Unlike traditional one, three, or five-mile radius measurements, the report derives the trade area based on actual visitor patterns.

Q: What insights does the Ninja Property Report provide regarding visitor spending? A: The report offers an overview of spending categories and specific insights into where visitors allocate their money within the trade area.

Q: How can businesses benefit from the Ninja Property Report? A: By leveraging the insights provided, businesses can optimize marketing strategies, understand customer preferences, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their performance.

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