Discover the Best Keywords with ChatGPT: 5 Simple Prompts for Keyword Research

Discover the Best Keywords with ChatGPT: 5 Simple Prompts for Keyword Research

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using Chat GPT for Keyword Research
    1. Popular Subtopics in Your Niche
    2. Popular Subtopics Related to a Specific Subtopic
    3. Popular Long Tail Keywords for a Short Tail Keyword
    4. Keywords to Target with Blog Posts
    5. Keywords to Target with YouTube Videos
  3. Creating a Comprehensive Keyword List
    1. Example: Microsoft Advertising
    2. Example: Smart Homes Niche
  4. Turning Keyword Research into Content Strategy
  5. Conclusion

Using Chat GPT for Keyword Research

In today's video, I'm going to show you how to use Chat GPT for keyword research. If you're looking for easy prompts that can help you generate a keyword list for various subtopics within your niche, you've come to the right place. Whether it's coming up with content ideas for your YouTube Channel or blog, Chat GPT can provide you with a quick and efficient way to find popular keywords. So let's get started!

Popular Subtopics in Your Niche

The first step in using Chat GPT for keyword research is to identify the most popular subtopics related to your niche. By entering your niche into Chat GPT, you can generate a list of 20 popular subtopics that you can further explore. For example, if your niche is PPC advertising, you can ask Chat GPT, "What are the 20 most popular subtopics related to PPC advertising?" The generated list may include subtopics such as campaign management, Copywriting, targeting, and optimization.

Popular Subtopics Related to a Specific Subtopic

Once you have identified the popular subtopics in your niche, you can narrow down your focus by exploring the subtopics related to a specific topic. For example, if you want to delve deeper into Microsoft advertising, you can ask Chat GPT, "What are 20 popular subtopics related to Microsoft advertising?" This will help you generate more specific content ideas, such as landing pages, ad copywriting, and optimization techniques.

Popular Long Tail Keywords for a Short Tail Keyword

In addition to exploring subtopics, you can also use Chat GPT to find popular long tail keywords for a short tail keyword. Let's say you want to find long tail keywords for the short tail keyword "Microsoft advertising." Simply ask Chat GPT, "What are 20 popular long tail keywords for the short tail keyword Microsoft advertising?" The generated list may include keywords like campaign management, targeting optimization, and landing page design, giving you further ideas for your content creation.

Keywords to Target with Blog Posts

Once you have generated a list of keywords, you can further expand your content ideas by asking Chat GPT for keywords that you can target with blog posts. By requesting prompts like "What are 20 popular Microsoft advertising keywords I can target with blog posts?", you can receive a list of keywords that you can use as topics for your blog articles. For example, if you find a keyword like "optimizing Google ads campaigns," you can create a blog post that provides tips and strategies on how to effectively optimize Google ads campaigns.

Keywords to Target with YouTube Videos

Similar to targeting keywords with blog posts, you can also use Chat GPT to find keywords that you can target with YouTube videos. By asking prompts like "What are 20 popular Microsoft advertising keywords I can target with YouTube videos?", you can receive keyword suggestions that you can use as topics for your YouTube videos. This can help you create content that aligns with popular search queries and increases the visibility of your videos on YouTube.

Creating a Comprehensive Keyword List

Now that you have gathered keywords using Chat GPT, it's time to compile them into a comprehensive keyword list. This list will serve as a valuable resource for your content creation strategy. By organizing your keywords in a spreadsheet, you can easily refer to them when planning your blog posts or YouTube videos.

For example, let's take a look at a keyword list for the topic of Microsoft advertising. In this list, you can see a variety of keywords and topics that can be used to generate content ideas. From optimizing PPC campaigns to writing effective ad copy, each keyword presents an opportunity to create valuable and informative content for your audience.

Similarly, if your niche is Smart Homes, you can use Chat GPT to find popular subtopics and keywords related to Smart Home products. By conducting keyword research for this niche, you can discover topics like voice assistance, smart lighting systems, and security systems. These topics can be further explored to create blog posts, videos, and other content focused on Smart Home technology.

Turning Keyword Research into Content Strategy

Keyword research is just the first step in creating a successful content strategy. Once you have a comprehensive list of keywords, it's important to analyze and prioritize them based on factors like search volume and relevance to your target audience. By understanding the topics and keywords that resonate with your audience the most, you can craft content that meets their needs and interests.

For each keyword or topic on your list, brainstorm ideas for blog posts, YouTube videos, or other content formats that best Align with that keyword. Take into consideration the type of content that performs well in your niche and the preferences of your target audience. By creating content that addresses their pain points, provides valuable insights, and offers actionable tips, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche and attract a loyal following.


In conclusion, Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can facilitate your keyword research process and help you generate content ideas. By leveraging the prompts provided by Chat GPT, you can uncover popular subtopics, long tail keywords, and ideas for blog posts and YouTube videos. Remember to organize your keyword list, analyze the data, and prioritize the topics that resonate the most with your audience. With a well-planned content strategy, you can create compelling and valuable content that not only attracts organic traffic but also establishes your expertise in your niche.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is Chat GPT? A: Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text in response to prompts.

Q: How can Chat GPT help with keyword research? A: Chat GPT can provide prompts and suggestions for popular subtopics, long tail keywords, and content ideas related to your niche.

Q: Can Chat GPT generate content ideas for any niche? A: Yes, Chat GPT can be used for keyword research and content ideation in any niche.

Q: How should I use the keyword list generated by Chat GPT? A: The keyword list can serve as a valuable resource for planning your content strategy. Use it to prioritize topics, create content outlines, and develop engaging blog posts or YouTube videos.

Q: Is it important to analyze keyword search volume? A: Yes, analyzing keyword search volume can help you understand the popularity and competition of specific keywords. This information can guide your content strategy and help you target keywords that have higher search volumes.

Q: Can Chat GPT be used as a standalone tool for keyword research? A: While Chat GPT can provide valuable insights and content ideas, it's recommended to use it in conjunction with other keyword research tools for a comprehensive analysis.

Q: How often should I conduct keyword research? A: It's advisable to conduct keyword research regularly to stay updated with the latest trends and search queries in your niche. Keep an eye on emerging keywords and topics that can be incorporated into your content strategy.


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