Discover the Hottest Programming Languages for 2022!

Discover the Hottest Programming Languages for 2022!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Methodology
  3. Full-time Jobs on
    • The Importance of Full-time Jobs
    • Biases in Indeed's Job Numbers
  4. Freelance Jobs on
    • The Significance of Freelance Jobs
    • Comparison with Full-time Jobs
  5. Languages Used at Work
    • Stack Overflow Developer Survey
    • The Role of Full-stack Developers
  6. Trends: Up, Down, or Flat?
    • Analysis of Trending Languages
  7. Language Rankings
    • Ruby: A Declining Language
    • Mobile Languages: Swift, Kotlin, and Dart
    • The Rise of Rust
    • The Continual Growth of Go
    • PHP: A Dying Language or Not?
    • The Popularity of C++
    • The Multipurpose C#
    • Java: Flat but Dominant
    • Python: Versatile and in Demand
    • JavaScript: The Ultimate Language
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs


The world of programming languages can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to choosing the right one for a job. Many rankings exist, but they are often subjective and lack solid data. In this article, we will take a different approach. Using a groundbreaking math formula Based on four weighted categories, we will determine the top programming language for getting a job. The categories include full-time jobs on, freelance jobs on, the usage of a language at work according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, and the trending direction of a language. So, let's dive into the methodology and explore the rankings of different programming languages.


Before we go into the rankings, it is essential to understand the methodology behind them. Our formula takes into account four weighted categories: full-time jobs, freelance jobs, language usage at work, and trending direction. Each category is given a specific weight to ensure a balanced evaluation. By combining these categories, we can determine the overall score for each programming language.

Full-time Jobs on

Full-time jobs play a crucial role in assessing the popularity and demand for a programming language. provides a valuable source of data in this category. However, it is essential to consider certain biases in the numbers. Job posts often list multiple languages, which can inflate the numbers for certain languages. Despite these biases, the number of full-time jobs gives us valuable insights into the job market for each language.

Freelance Jobs on

While full-time jobs provide insights into the job market, freelance jobs offer a different perspective. is a popular platform for freelancers, and its job listings can help us understand the demand for programming languages in the freelance market. Unlike full-time job posts, freelance job postings usually focus on a single language. Analyzing the number of freelance jobs allows us to evaluate the demand for a language on a flexible basis.

Languages Used at Work

To determine the usage of programming languages at work, we rely on the Stack Overflow Developer Survey. This comprehensive survey provides valuable data on the languages used by developers worldwide. It gives us insights into the practical application of each programming language and reflects the preferences of developers in their day-to-day work. The percentage of developers using a particular language at work helps us assess its popularity in professional environments.

Trends: Up, Down, or Flat?

Tracking the trends of programming languages is vital for understanding their future prospects. By comparing statistics from previous years, we can determine if a language is trending up, down, or remaining flat. This information allows us to gauge the potential growth or decline of a programming language. The trend analysis is a crucial factor in our formula, as it helps us identify languages that are gaining Momentum and those that are losing popularity.

Language Rankings

Based on the methodology described above, we have ranked twelve popular programming languages. Let's take a closer look at each language and its position in our rankings. From the lowest ranked to the highest ranked, we will examine the key factors that contribute to their scores.

  1. Ruby: A Declining Language

    • The historical popularity of Ruby
    • Trending down year after year
    • Despite the decline, job opportunities still exist
  2. Mobile Languages: Swift, Kotlin, and Dart

    • Swift: Primarily for iOS development
    • Kotlin: Focuses on Android development
    • Dart (Flutter): Cross-platform development with upward growth
  3. Rust: The Fastest Growing and Most Loved

    • Replacing low-level languages like C
    • Used for Solana Web 3 programming
    • Rising in popularity but still relatively low in absolute terms
  4. Go (Golang): Continual Growth

    • Increasing job opportunities on
    • Trending to surpass PHP in the near future
  5. PHP: A Declining Language but with High Freelancing Demand

    • Long-standing debates about PHP's future
    • Decreasing job opportunities on
    • Surprisingly high demand for freelancers using PHP
  6. C++: Strong Job Market with Limited Freelancing Opportunities

    • Significant job opportunities on
    • Low demand for freelance projects on
  7. C#: A Multipurpose Language

    • Used for .NET framework, web development, and game development
    • Moderate job opportunities on and
    • Thirty percent of developers use it at work
  8. Java: Flat but Dominant

    • Flat trend but widely used at work
    • Comparatively low demand for freelance projects on
  9. Python: Versatile and in High Demand

    • Most job opportunities on
    • Widely used at work, especially in data science and machine learning
    • Trending upward, indicating further growth
  10. JavaScript: The Ultimate Language

    • Highest usage rate at work
    • Most job opportunities on
    • Continual growth despite already high usage rate


In conclusion, choosing the right programming language for a job can significantly impact career prospects. By analyzing factors such as full-time jobs, freelance jobs, language usage at work, and trends, we can evaluate the popularity and demand for different programming languages. While these rankings provide valuable insights, it is essential to consider personal preferences, learning curves, and niche requirements when deciding which language to learn. The data presented here serves as a guide for making informed decisions about programming language choices.


Q: Which programming language is the best for beginners? A: While the rankings focus on job prospects, it is important to note that different languages have different learning curves. For beginners, languages like Python or JavaScript are often recommended due to their versatility and extensive learning resources available.

Q: Does a higher number of job opportunities mean more competition for developers? A: Yes, a higher number of job opportunities usually correlates with increased competition among developers. It is important to consider the supply and demand dynamics of a specific programming language when assessing the job market.

Q: Are there any other factors besides job opportunities that should be considered when selecting a programming language? A: Absolutely. Factors such as community support, available frameworks and libraries, industry relevance, and personal interests should also be considered when choosing a programming language. Job opportunities are just one aspect of the overall picture.

Q: Will the rankings change in the future? A: Programming language popularity and demand are dynamic, and rankings can change over time. New languages emerge, technologies evolve, and market demands shift. It is essential to stay updated and adapt to the changing landscape of the programming industry.

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