Discover the Secrets of Causal Discovery in Python

Discover the Secrets of Causal Discovery in Python

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Causal Inference?
  3. Causal Graphs: Building Blocks of Causal Models
  4. Three Families of Causal Discovery Methods 4.1 Constraint-Based Methods 4.2 Score-Based Methods 4.3 Functional Methods
  5. Implementing Causal Discovery in Python 5.1 PC Algorithm: A Constraint-Based Method 5.2 GES Algorithm: A Score-Based Method 5.3 Lingam Algorithm: A Functional Method 5.4 Comparing Results on Different Data Sets
  6. Applications of Causal Discovery 6.1 Biology and Genetics 6.2 Social Sciences and Economics 6.3 Neuroscience 6.4 Chemistry and other scientific fields
  7. Integration of Causal Discovery with Machine Learning Models
  8. Estimating Effect Sizes and Confidence in Causation
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ


Welcome to the session on Causal Discovery in Python. In this article, we will Delve into the fascinating field of causal inference and explore various methods and techniques for discovering causal relationships in data. We will cover the basics of causal inference, the importance of causal graphs as building blocks of causal models, and three families of causal discovery methods. You will also learn how to implement causal discovery algorithms using Python and explore their applications in different scientific fields. Lastly, we will discuss the integration of causal discovery with machine learning models and how to estimate effect sizes and confidence in causation. So, let's dive in and uncover the mysteries of causal discovery!

What is Causal Inference?

Before we deep dive into causal discovery methods, let's first understand what causal inference is and why it is essential. Causal inference is the process of understanding the relationship between causes and effects. It goes beyond correlation and aims to identify the causal factors that lead to observed outcomes. Causal inference allows us to make predictions or interventions Based on our knowledge of causal relationships. By uncovering the underlying causal structure, we can gain insights into how different variables Interact and influence each other. This has significant implications in various scientific fields, such as biology, social sciences, and neuroscience.

Causal Graphs: Building Blocks of Causal Models

Causal graphs, also known as causal networks or Bayesian networks, play a crucial role in understanding and representing causal relationships. A causal graph consists of nodes representing variables and directed edges representing causal dependencies between variables. The direction of the edges indicates the direction of causation. There are three fundamental types of causal graphs: chains, forks, and colliders.

  1. Chains: In a chain structure, variables are connected in a linear sequence, where each variable depends on the one before it. For example, variable A causes variable B, which causes variable C. In this structure, controlling for the intermediate variable (B) makes A and C independent.

  2. Forks: In a fork structure, variables A and B cause variable C. However, A and B are independent unless C is controlled. The fork structure indicates that the presence of C makes A and B dependent.

  3. Colliders: In a collider structure, variable A and variable B both cause variable C. However, when conditioning on C, A and B become independent. The collider structure demonstrates that conditioning on the effect (C) can make the causes (A and B) independent.

Understanding these causal graph structures is crucial in causal discovery as they provide valuable insights into the relationships between variables and help uncover the underlying causal mechanisms.

Three Families of Causal Discovery Methods

There are three main families of causal discovery methods: constraint-based methods, score-based methods, and functional methods. Each family utilizes different approaches to uncover causal relationships from observational data.

  1. Constraint-Based Methods: Constraint-based methods leverage the independence structures present in the data to build a causal graph. These methods identify conditional independencies between variables and exploit colliders and non-colliders to infer the causal relationships. A classic example of a constraint-based method is the PC algorithm.

  2. Score-Based Methods: Score-based methods generate multiple graphs and compare their fit to the data using an evaluation metric such as the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). These methods search for the optimal graph that best explains the observed data. The GES (Greedy Equivalence Search) algorithm is an example of a score-based method.

  3. Functional Methods: Functional methods rely on the statistical properties of variables and noise distributions to determine causal relationships. These methods assume that a causal model can be represented by a functional form, where each variable is a function of its parents and some noise. The Lingam algorithm, which stands for Linear Non-Gaussian Additive Model, is a classic example of a functional method.

By combining these different families of methods, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of causal relationships in complex systems.

Implementing Causal Discovery in Python

Now, let's put theory into practice and learn how to implement causal discovery algorithms in Python. We will start with the PC algorithm, a popular constraint-based method, and then explore the GES algorithm, a score-based method, and the Lingam algorithm, a functional method. We will compare and evaluate their performance on different types of data sets to understand their strengths and limitations.

To implement these algorithms, we will be using the G-Castle library, which provides a comprehensive set of tools for causal discovery. We will also utilize other libraries such as NumPy and NetworkX for data generation and graph visualization.

Comparing Results on Different Data Sets

To evaluate the effectiveness of each algorithm, we will generate synthetic data sets with different characteristics, such as linear, non-linear, Gaussian, and non-Gaussian distributions. We will then Apply the PC, GES, and Lingam algorithms to these data sets and analyze their performance.

The results Show that the choice of algorithm depends on the data set's characteristics. The PC algorithm performs well on simple linear Gaussian data sets, while GES and Lingam algorithms are more suitable for complex non-linear or non-Gaussian data sets. The Golem algorithm, a non-linear algorithm based on Lingam, also shows promising results for certain data sets.

Applications of Causal Discovery

Causal discovery methods find applications in various scientific fields, enabling researchers to uncover causal relationships and gain insights into complex systems. Here are some areas where causal discovery is extensively used:

  1. Biology and Genetics: Causal discovery methods help identify gene regulatory networks, uncover molecular interactions, and understand the genetic basis of complex diseases.

  2. Social Sciences and Economics: In fields such as economics and sociology, causal discovery aids in understanding the causal effects of policies, interventions, and social factors.

  3. Neuroscience: Causal discovery methods play a crucial role in deciphering brain connectivity, understanding neuronal interactions, and mapping neural circuits.

  4. Chemistry and other scientific fields: Causal discovery can assist in understanding chemical reactions, uncovering dependencies between molecules, and optimizing experimental designs.

The integration of causal discovery with machine learning models further enhances the analysis of complex systems and enables the development of more accurate predictive models.

Estimating Effect Sizes and Confidence in Causation

In addition to discovering causal relationships, researchers often need to estimate effect sizes and determine the confidence of causation. While causal discovery methods focus on uncovering the causal graph, causal inference techniques aid in estimating the strength and significance of causal effects. These techniques allow researchers to quantify the impact of interventions and make informed decisions based on causal relationships.

Methods such as average treatment effects, conditional average treatment effects, double machine learning, and Bayesian inference help estimate effect sizes and provide measures of confidence in causation. These techniques enable researchers and policymakers to evaluate the efficacy of interventions, design evidence-based policies, and make informed decisions to maximize desired outcomes.


In conclusion, causal discovery is a fascinating field that allows us to uncover causal relationships from observational data. By leveraging various methods and techniques, researchers can understand the underlying causal mechanisms and make informed predictions and interventions. The integration of causal discovery with machine learning models further enhances our understanding of complex systems and enables the development of more accurate predictive models. With its applications in biology, social sciences, neuroscience, and other scientific fields, causal discovery continues to play a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge.


Q: Are there methods that allow for inputting prior beliefs into the causal discovery algorithms?

A: Yes, some advanced causal discovery methods support the incorporation of prior knowledge. By utilizing Bayesian inference, researchers can input prior beliefs and adjust their strength to guide the algorithms' output. These methods allow researchers to combine domain expertise with statistical analysis to obtain more accurate causal graphs.

Q: How large should the data sets be for effective causal discovery?

A: The size of the data sets used for causal discovery can impact the accuracy and reliability of the results. In general, larger data sets provide more information and lead to better estimates of causal relationships. However, there is no fixed rule for the minimum data set size. It depends on the complexity of the relationships, the number of variables, and the specific algorithm used. Researchers should strive to Collect as much data as possible while considering the computational limitations and costs associated with data collection.

Q: Can causal discovery methods be used alongside machine learning models?

A: Absolutely! Causal discovery and machine learning can be complementary. Causal discovery methods help uncover the causal structure of a system, providing insights into cause-effect relationships. Once the causal graph is determined, researchers can incorporate it into a machine learning model to improve predictions and interventions. Causal trees, causal forests, and double machine learning are examples of methods that integrate causal discovery with machine learning models.

Q: Can causal discovery methods estimate effect sizes and provide confidence in causation?

A: Yes, while causal discovery methods focus on uncovering the causal structure, causal inference techniques are used to estimate effect sizes and determine confidence in causation. These techniques apply statistical methods to calculate average treatment effects, conditional average treatment effects, and other measures. By quantifying the strength and statistical significance of causal effects, researchers can make more informed decisions based on causal relationships.

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