Discover the Secrets of Pokémon Breeding!
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Contestant Introductions
- Round One: Can These Pokemon Breed?
- Lickitung and Flaaffy
- Octillery and Tentacruel
- Huntail and Audino
- Drapion and Cofagrigus
- Hitmonlee and Hariyama
- Magmar and Cacturne
- Metagross and Bronzong
- Aerodactyl and Charizard
- Delcatty and Pachirisu
- Rillaboom and Ferrothorn
- Round Two: More Breeding Questions
- Riolu and Buneary
- Greninja and Dragonite
- Torchic and Slaking
- Exeggutor and Sliggoo
- Blissey and Alcremie
- Magcargo and Boldore
- Kangaskhan and Aggron
- Polteageist and Dusclops
- Archeops and Starmie
- Crobat and Decidueye
- Round Three: The Undiscovered Egg Group
- Introduction
- List of Pokemon in the Undiscovered Egg Group
- Conclusion
In this episode of Candy's Pokemon Breed, our two contestants, Wolfie and John, will test their knowledge of Pokemon breeding. The contestants will be presented with pairs of Pokemon, and they will have to determine whether the Pokemon can breed together or not. Each correct answer will earn them points, and the contestant with the most points at the end will win a plushie of Mighty, the Show's mascot. Let's dive into the exciting world of Pokemon matchmaking!
Contestant Introductions
Let's meet our contestants for today's episode of Candy's Pokemon Breed. First up, we have Wolfie, also known as Wolfy VGC. Wolfie is a world champion in Pokemon battling and is an expert in having Pokemon battle against each other. However, his knowledge of having Pokemon join together might be put to the test today. Next, we have John, also known as PM7. John has collaborated with the show's host, Candy, on many Pokemon videos over the years. His expertise in Pokemon matchmaking will be valuable in this competition.
Round One: Can These Pokemon Breed?
In the first round, the contestants will be presented with pairs of Pokemon, and they will have to determine whether these Pokemon can breed together or not. Each correct answer will earn them one point. Let's see how well our contestants fare in this round.
1. Lickitung and Flaaffy
The first pair is Lickitung and Flaaffy. Wolfie thinks they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is yes, they can breed. Both Lickitung and Flaaffy belong to the Monster Egg Group.
2. Octillery and Tentacruel
The Second pair is Octillery and Tentacruel. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Octillery is in the Water 1 and Water 2 Egg Groups, while Tentacruel is in the Water 3 Egg Group.
3. Huntail and Audino
Huntail and Audino are the next pair. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Huntail is in the Water 1 and Water 2 Egg Groups, while Audino is in the Fairy and Field Egg Groups.
4. Drapion and Cofagrigus
The fourth pair is Drapion and Cofagrigus. Wolfie thinks they can breed, while John is unsure. The correct answer is yes, they can breed. Both Drapion and Cofagrigus belong to the Bug Egg Group.
5. Hitmonlee and Hariyama
Hitmonlee and Hariyama are up next. Wolfie thinks they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Hitmonlee is in the Human-Like Egg Group, while Hariyama is in the Field and Human-Like Egg Groups.
6. Magmar and Cacturne
Magmar and Cacturne are the next pair. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Magmar is in the Human-Like Egg Group, while Cacturne is in the Grass Egg Group.
7. Metagross and Bronzong
Metagross and Bronzong are up next. Wolfie thinks they can breed, while John is unsure. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Metagross is in the Mineral and Amorphous Egg Groups, while Bronzong is in the Mineral Egg Group.
8. Aerodactyl and Charizard
Aerodactyl and Charizard are the next pair. Wolfie thinks they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Aerodactyl is in the Flying Egg Group, while Charizard is in the Flying and Monster Egg Groups.
9. Delcatty and Pachirisu
Delcatty and Pachirisu are up next. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Delcatty is in the Field Egg Group, while Pachirisu is in the Field and Fairy Egg Groups.
10. Rillaboom and Ferrothorn
The final pair for this round is Rillaboom and Ferrothorn. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Rillaboom is in the Field and Grass Egg Groups, while Ferrothorn is in the Grass Egg Group.
At the end of round one, Wolfie has a total of 7 points, while John has 6 points. It's a close competition so far. But don't fret, there are more points to be earned in the upcoming rounds.
Round Two: More Breeding Questions
In the second round, the contestants will face more breeding-related questions. Each correct answer will earn them two points. Let's see if they can keep up their Momentum.
1. Riolu and Buneary
The first pair is Riolu and Buneary. Wolfie says they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Riolu is a baby Pokemon, and baby Pokemon cannot breed.
2. Greninja and Dragonite
The second pair is Greninja and Dragonite. Wolfie says they can breed, while John believes they cannot. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Greninja is in the Water 1 Egg Group, while Dragonite is in the Dragon and Water 2 Egg Groups.
3. Torchic and Slaking
Torchic and Slaking are up next. Wolfie says they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Torchic is in the Field Egg Group, while Slaking is in the Field and Human-Like Egg Groups.
4. Exeggutor and Sliggoo
The fourth pair is Exeggutor and Sliggoo. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Exeggutor is in the Grass Egg Group, while Sliggoo is in the Dragon Egg Group.
5. Blissey and Alcremie
Blissey and Alcremie are up next. Wolfie says they can breed, while John believes they cannot. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Blissey is in the Fairy and Amorphous Egg Groups, while Alcremie is in the Fairy Egg Group.
6. Magcargo and Boldore
Magcargo and Boldore are the next pair. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Magcargo is in the Amorphous Egg Group, while Boldore is in the Mineral Egg Group.
7. Kangaskhan and Aggron
Kangaskhan and Aggron are up next. Wolfie says they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is yes, they can breed. Both Kangaskhan and Aggron belong to the Monster Egg Group.
8. Polteageist and Dusclops
Polteageist and Dusclops are the next pair. Both contestants agree that they cannot breed. They are correct. Polteageist is in the Amorphous Egg Group, while Dusclops is in the Amorphous and Mineral Egg Groups.
9. Archeops and Starmie
Archeops and Starmie are up next. Wolfie says they can breed, while John disagrees. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Archeops is in the Flying and Water 3 Egg Groups, while Starmie is in the Water 3 Egg Group.
10. Crobat and Decidueye
The final pair for this round is Crobat and Decidueye. Wolfie says they can breed, while John believes they cannot. The correct answer is no, they cannot breed. Crobat is in the Flying Egg Group, while Decidueye is in the Flying and Grass Egg Groups.
At the end of round two, Wolfie has earned an additional 14 points, bringing his total to 21 points. John has earned 4 points, bringing his total to 10 points. The competition is heating up as we head into the final round.
Round Three: The Undiscovered Egg Group
In the final round, the contestants will face a single question with the potential for a maximum of 30 points. They will have to name 10 Pokemon that belong to the Undiscovered Egg Group, which consists of Pokemon that cannot breed under any circumstances. Only legendary and baby Pokemon are typically part of this group, but there are a few exceptions. Let's see how our contestants fare.
The correct list of Pokemon in the Undiscovered Egg Group is as follows:
- Cosplay Pikachu
- Cap Pikachu
- Nidorina and Nidoqueen
- Toxtricity (Low Key Form)
- Indeeedee (All Forms)
- Mr. Mime (Galarian Form)
- Volcanion
- Cosmoem
- Solgaleo and Lunala
- Zacian and Zamazenta
Wolfie correctly named Minior, Ditto, and Unknown. These are variations of existing species that cannot breed. John named Rotom, Zen Mode Darmanitan, and Porygon, none of which belong to the Undiscovered Egg Group.
At the end of the game, Wolfie emerged as the winner with a total of 31 points. John scored a total of 13 points. Congratulations to Wolfie for his impressive knowledge of Pokemon breeding!
In this episode of Candy's Pokemon Breed, Wolfie showcased his expertise in Pokemon breeding and emerged as the champion. Throughout the game, the contestants faced various challenges and demonstrated their knowledge of different Pokemon egg groups. The world of Pokemon breeding is vast and intricate, requiring a deep understanding of each species' characteristics. Thank You to both Wolfie and John for participating, and congratulations again to Wolfie on his victory!
- Wolfie demonstrates his expertise as a world champion in Pokemon battling.
- John brings his collaborative experience with Candy into the competition.
- The contestants tackle challenging questions about Pokemon breeding.
- Wolfie takes the lead in round one with 7 points.
- Round two sees both contestants earning points for their correct answers.
- The final round offers a chance to earn a maximum of 30 points.
- Wolfie emerges as the champion with a total of 31 points.
- The Undiscovered Egg Group proves to be a challenge for both contestants.
Q: Can all Pokemon breed?
A: No, not all Pokemon can breed. Some are part of the Undiscovered Egg Group and cannot breed under any circumstances.
Q: Are genderless Pokemon able to breed?
A: Genderless Pokemon can only breed with Ditto. They cannot breed with other Pokemon that have specific gender requirements.
Q: What is the importance of egg groups in Pokemon breeding?
A: Egg groups determine which Pokemon can breed together. Pokemon within the same egg group can produce offspring, while those in different egg groups cannot.