Discover the Surprising Results of Outsourcing My Etsy Art Store to a Facebook VA

Discover the Surprising Results of Outsourcing My Etsy Art Store to a Facebook VA

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Finding a Virtual Assistant
    2.1 Online Jobs PH and Fiverr
    2.2 Using Free Facebook Groups
  3. Setting Up the Etsy Store
    3.1 Creating the Store Logo and Cover
    3.2 Listing Creation and SEO
  4. The Virtual Assistant's Journey
    4.1 Initial Instructions and Training
    4.2 Store Performance and Sales
    4.3 Challenges Faced by the Virtual Assistant
  5. Analysis of Results
    5.1 Sales and Conversion Rate
    5.2 Revenue and Expenses
    5.3 Lessons Learned
  6. Improving the Process
    6.1 Proper Training and Guidance
    6.2 Managing Marketing Costs
    6.3 Finding a Virtual Assistant with Creative Skills
  7. Learning More about Selling Digital Products
    7.1 and its Courses
    7.2 Joining the Dropshipping Guild
    7.3 Benefits of the Private Community on Discord
  8. Conclusion
  9. Resources

🌟 Hiring a Stranger to Run My Etsy Art Store: A Surprising Experiment

In this intriguing video experiment, I decided to hire a complete stranger from a Facebook group to run my Etsy art store for 30 days. The goal was to explore automation and outsourcing, delving into the potential of generating passive income without any personal involvement. I wanted to test whether a virtual assistant, relying on artificial intelligence tools like Mid Journey, could successfully manage the entire art-selling process. Join me on this journey as we examine the process, results, and lessons learned from this unique experiment.


Owning an Etsy store and selling digital art products can be an exciting endeavor. However, it requires time and effort to create and list these products, manage customer interactions, and handle marketing. The idea of having someone take over the store and handle all these tasks, while I simply sit back and enjoy the profits, seemed appealing. And so, the experiment began.

Finding a Virtual Assistant

2.1 Online Jobs PH and Fiverr

Typically, one would turn to platforms like Online Jobs PH or Fiverr to find a reliable virtual assistant. These platforms offer access to a pool of qualified individuals with Relevant skills. However, for the purposes of this experiment, I wanted to explore alternative options that wouldn't incur additional costs.

2.2 Using Free Facebook Groups

Fortunately, free Facebook groups became my avenue for finding a virtual assistant. Leveraging my YouTube fame, people often reached out to me, offering their services. Though I usually ignored such messages, this time I decided to embrace the opportunity and see what would unfold. Managing my own Facebook group allowed me to connect with individuals interested in taking up the role.

Setting Up the Etsy Store

Before handing over the reins, I created a brand-new Etsy store with no logo, name, or branding. My objective was to sell clipart, easily generated using AI-driven tools like Mid Journey. Clipart refers to images or illustrations that people purchase to use as stickers, on personalized items, or for various other creative purposes. To kickstart the store, I suggested the creation of bundles containing multiple clipart images.

3.1 Creating the Store Logo and Cover

Working with the virtual assistant, we used Canva to design a cover photo highlighting the coupons and offers available. While I provided the store name, the assistant took care of the logo and cover design. While the designs may not have appeared entirely professional, it was a good starting point considering their limited experience with Canva and image editing.

3.2 Listing Creation and SEO

Together with the assistant, we curated listings for the store. Considering the approaching Valentine's Day, I recommended focusing on Valentine's-themed clipart and even tapping into the popular trend of gnomes. The assistant uploaded the listings with images, descriptions, and relevant tags. Though the assistant lacked a creative background, I provided guidance and challenged her with specific instructions.

The Virtual Assistant's Journey

4.1 Initial Instructions and Training

Since the assistant was new to Etsy art selling, I took the time to explain the entire process from scratch. I even shared a YouTube video I had created, which served as a detailed guide. To ensure smooth communication and avoid account bans, I set up a laptop in my home that the assistant could remotely access. They could thus utilize Mid Journey and seamlessly connect to my Etsy account.

4.2 Store Performance and Sales

Over the Course of 30 days, the virtual assistant managed the store and handled customer interactions. The store garnered a total of 20 sales, with listings including bundles and individual clipart options. The best-selling listing featured charming gnome illustrations. However, despite some initial success, the assistant's motivation dwindled, and they stopped listing new products. This lack of persistence affected the overall store performance.

4.3 Challenges Faced by the Virtual Assistant

As I reflect on the experience, it became apparent that the virtual assistant's interests lay more in dropshipping than selling Etsy art. Perhaps I should have sought an assistant with a creative background or a stronger interest in Etsy. Their unfamiliarity with Canva and image editing became evident in the quality of the listing images. This experiment highlighted the importance of practice and honing one's skills in creating visually appealing designs.

Analysis of Results

5.1 Sales and Conversion Rate

Analyzing the sales data, we observed that the store generated a total of 22 orders during the experiment. While this number is decent, it falls below expectations. The conversion rate amounted to approximately 4.4%, which indicates room for improvement in attracting potential customers.

5.2 Revenue and Expenses

Assessing financial outcomes, the experiment incurred a loss. In January, the store made $10 in sales, but after accounting for fees and marketing costs, a deficit of $43 ensued. Similarly, in February, sales of $7 amounted to an overall loss of $7. Despite the agreement to provide the virtual assistant with the profits, the burden of marketing costs outweighed the returns.

5.3 Lessons Learned

Taking into account the complete stranger factor and the limited guidance provided, the virtual assistant's lack of perseverance and dwindling interest resulted in an underperforming store. However, with proper training, setting reasonable limits on marketing expenses, and finding a virtual assistant with a creative background and passion for selling Etsy art, success may be achievable in the future.

Improving the Process

6.1 Proper Training and Guidance

Lessons learned from this experiment emphasize the significance of providing sufficient training and guidance to virtual assistants. For those looking to outsource and automate their Etsy stores, imparting comprehensive knowledge and resources ensures a stronger foundation for success.

6.2 Managing Marketing Costs

Carefully managing marketing expenses is crucial for achieving profitability. In this experiment, the $10 daily limit for ads may have been excessive. By adjusting the ad budget and exploring cost-effective marketing strategies, the financial outcomes could have been more favorable.

6.3 Finding a Virtual Assistant with Creative Skills

To enhance the chances of success, it is essential to find a virtual assistant who possesses creative skills and a genuine interest in selling Etsy art. This alignment of skills and passion will greatly contribute to the quality of listings and overall store performance.

Learning More about Selling Digital Products

7.1 and its Courses

For those seeking to delve further into the world of selling digital products, offers a range of courses. Covering topics such as dropshipping, TikTok, eBay, and Facebook, these courses provide valuable insights and strategies to excel in the digital marketplace.

7.2 Joining the Dropshipping Guild

The Dropshipping Guild, led by a team of three experienced influencers, offers a supportive community for learning, sharing ideas, and discussing dropshipping and selling digital products. With monthly lists of dropshipping products and Mid Journey prompts, members gain access to valuable resources.

7.3 Benefits of the Private Community on Discord

The private community on Discord serves as an essential resource for interacting with fellow members and seeking advice. By joining the community, one can engage in conversations, ask questions, and receive invaluable guidance, further enhancing their understanding of the industry.


While the results of outsourcing my Etsy store to a complete stranger were less than ideal, this experiment provided valuable insights. It highlighted the importance of finding the right match in a virtual assistant, delivering proper training, and managing marketing costs effectively. By combining these factors, success in selling Etsy art can be achieved, leading to a profitable and thriving online store.


🌟 Highlights:

  • I hired a stranger from a Facebook group to run my Etsy art store for 30 days.
  • The virtual assistant lacked experience with Etsy art selling but was interested in dropshipping.
  • The assistant created listings showcasing Valentine's and gnome-themed clipart.
  • The store generated 20 sales, but the results were not as expected.
  • Proper training, managing marketing costs, and finding a creative assistant are crucial for success.
  • and the Dropshipping Guild offer courses and resources for selling digital products.


Q1: How did you find a virtual assistant for your Etsy store? A1: I explored free Facebook groups, leveraging my YouTube fame to connect with potential assistants interested in the role.

Q2: What challenges did the virtual assistant face during the experiment? A2: The assistant lacked experience in Etsy art selling and struggled with design elements. Further, they lost motivation towards the end of the experiment.

Q3: Was the experiment financially successful? A3: No, the experiment incurred a loss due to higher marketing costs compared to the revenue generated.

Q4: How can one improve the chances of success when outsourcing an Etsy store? A4: Providing comprehensive training and guidance, setting manageable marketing costs, and finding an assistant with creative skills and interest in Etsy art are essential steps.

Q5: Are there resources available for learning more about selling digital products? A5: Yes, offers courses on dropshipping and various online platforms. The Dropshipping Guild provides a supportive community and valuable resources for members.

Q6: What other platforms and tools were used during the experiment? A6: Canva was used for graphic design, Mid Journey for generating clipart images, and Discord for building a private community.

Note: The content in this article is for demonstration purposes only and does not represent real experiences or factual information.

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