Discover the Ultimate Graphic Design Inspiration Online

Discover the Ultimate Graphic Design Inspiration Online

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Awards: A Niche Website for Designers
    1. Nominees and Exploring Submissions
    2. The Best Designs on Awards
    3. The Judging Process
  3. Design Inspiration: A Social Media-like Platform
    1. Browsing Through Design Ideas
    2. Searching by Color
    3. Collections and Stock Photos
  4. Logo Inspirations: Exploring Existing Designs
    1. Searching for Specific Logo Ideas
    2. Different Styles of Logos
    3. Additional Resources on Logo Inspirations
  5. Conclusion
  6. Reshot: A Source for Free Stock Imagery

3 Websites for Design Inspiration

Designers are constantly looking for fresh sources of inspiration to boost their creativity. In this article, we will explore three websites that provide a wealth of design inspiration from across the internet. These platforms offer a wide range of design ideas, examples, and resources to help designers unleash their creative potential. Whether You're looking for a niche platform to showcase your work, a social media-like platform for browsing design ideas, or a source for existing logo designs, these websites have got you covered.

1. Awards: A Niche Website for Designers

Awards is a unique and intriguing website that serves as a platform for designers to showcase their work and be judged by a panel of experts. Upon visiting the website, you'll find a collection of nominees who have submitted their designs to be evaluated and voted on. Exploring these submissions can be a Journey of inspiration, as you'll come across stunning web development skills, mind-blowing graphics, and captivating design styles.

Nominees and Exploring Submissions

Clicking on a nominee will take you to their website, where you can Delve deeper into their work and witness their exceptional design skills. The landing pages, concepts, typography, and logos showcased on Awards are prime examples of outstanding design that is sure to inspire anyone.

The Best Designs on Awards

Awards also highlights the best of the best through their "Websites of the Day" section. These are the crème de la crème of the submissions on the website. By exploring these examples, you can discover new styles, concepts, and quirky additions that are bound to Shape the future of web development.

The Judging Process

Awards is not just a platform for designers; it is also a well-established community of judges who evaluate and score the submitted websites. The process is rigorous, with numerous judges meticulously examining each submission to ensure only top-quality designs receive recognition. This commitment to quality sets Awards apart as a reliable source of inspiration for designers.

2. Design Inspiration: A Social Media-like Platform

Design Inspiration offers a different approach to finding design inspiration. It resembles a social media platform, specifically tailored to cater to designers' needs. As you scroll through the website, you'll encounter a vast array of design additions, layouts, and examples to spark your imagination.

Browsing Through Design Ideas

The website's layout allows for endless browsing, providing you with a constant stream of design inspiration until you find what you're looking for. Additionally, you can perform searches Based on specific colors, enabling you to refine your search and find designs that Align with your desired color palette.

Collections and Stock Photos

Design Inspiration also offers collections, where you can focus on specific design aspects such as typography. By immersing yourself in these collections, you can familiarize yourself with the latest trends, effective design techniques, and professional design on a daily basis.

3. Logo Inspirations: Exploring Existing Designs

Logo Inspirations is a valuable resource for designers seeking inspiration specifically for logo designs. The website features a vast collection of existing logo designs that can Ignite your creative spark and guide your next project.

Searching for Specific Logo Ideas

You can search for logo designs based on specific keywords. For example, typing in "bird" will yield search results showcasing a multitude of logo designs related to birds. This allows you to explore different styles and Gather ideas for your own logo design projects.

Different Styles of Logos

Logo Inspirations presents a variety of logo styles, ranging from traditional and serious to simple and minimalist. By studying these designs, you can gain insights into how various styles can be utilized to convey different messages and brand identities.

Additional Resources on Logo Inspirations

In addition to logo designs, Logo Inspirations offers a blog and an education section on their website. These sections provide valuable insights, tips, and tutorials to further enhance your logo design skills and knowledge. The website also features useful tools that can assist you in your logo design process.

In conclusion, these three websites, Awards, Design Inspiration, and Logo Inspirations, offer diverse sources of design inspiration for designers of all levels. Whether you're seeking recognition for your work, browsing through design ideas, or exploring existing logos, these platforms are valuable resources to boost your creativity and keep up with the latest design trends.

Reshot: A Source for Free Stock Imagery

In addition to these design inspiration websites, Reshot is an authenticated, free-to-use stock image site that offers much more than just imagery. With high-quality, high-resolution images available for commercial use, Reshot provides designers with a wide range of visuals to enhance their projects. The website also offers access to videos, music, sound effects, and templates for editing software like Premiere Pro. Reshot is a go-to resource for designers in need of authentic, diverse, and free stock imagery.


  • Awards: A niche website for designers to upload and showcase their work before being judged by a panel of experts.
  • Design Inspiration: A social media-like platform with a plethora of design ideas and examples to browse through.
  • Logo Inspirations: A website dedicated to exploring existing logo designs for inspiration.
  • Reshot: An authenticated stock image site that offers free, high-quality visuals for commercial use.


Q: Are the designs on Awards and Design Inspiration only limited to web design? A: No, the designs showcased on these websites cover a wide range of design disciplines, including web design, graphic design, typography, and more.

Q: Can I use the images from Reshot for commercial projects without any copyright issues? A: Yes, all images on Reshot are free to use for commercial projects without worrying about copyright infringements.

Q: Can I submit my work to Awards for judging? A: Absolutely! Awards welcomes submissions from designers who want their work to be evaluated and critiqued by a panel of experts. However, competition can be strong, so be prepared to showcase your best work.

Q: Are the logos on Logo Inspirations customizable or ready for use? A: The logos on Logo Inspirations serve as a source of inspiration and reference for designers. You can use them as a starting point for your own logo design projects, but customization would be necessary to create a unique logo for your brand.

Q: Does Design Inspiration allow users to Create collections of their favorite designs? A: Yes, Design Inspiration enables users to create and curate their collections of design ideas, making it convenient to have all your favorite designs in one place.

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