Discovering My Balkan Ancestry: A Serb's Journey of Self-Discovery

Discovering My Balkan Ancestry: A Serb's Journey of Self-Discovery

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Balkans: A Brief Overview
  3. Serbia: A Country Divided
  4. The DNA Test: Results and Analysis
  5. The Origins of the MA Surname
  6. Migration Patterns in the Balkans
  7. Neanderthal DNA: What It Tells Us
  8. Coming to Terms with Identity
  9. Conclusion

Living Ironically in Europe: My DNA Test Results

When I first started my YouTube Channel, I Never expected to become a lightning rod for ethnic slurs. But that's exactly what happened. People called me a Turk, a Gypsy, and even an Albanian. It was hurtful and frustrating, but I decided to take control of the situation. I took a DNA test to find out exactly where my ancestors came from. And the results were surprising, to say the least.

The Balkans: A Brief Overview

Before we dive into the results of my DNA test, let's take a moment to talk about the Balkans. This region of southeastern Europe has a long and complicated history. It's been invaded, conquered, and divided countless times over the centuries. And that history has left a lasting impact on the people who live there.

The Balkans are home to a diverse array of ethnic groups, including Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Albanians, and many others. These groups have a complex relationship with one another, Shaped by centuries of conflict and cooperation.

Serbia: A Country Divided

Serbia is one of the largest and most important countries in the Balkans. But it's also a country that's deeply divided. The northern part of Serbia, known as Vojvodina, has a different history and culture than the rest of the country. And the eastern part of Serbia, which borders Bulgaria and Romania, has its own unique identity as well.

I was born and raised in the northeastern region of Serbia, known as Northern Banat. This area borders Hungary and Romania, and it's home to a mix of ethnic groups, including Serbs, Hungarians, and Romanians.

The DNA Test: Results and Analysis

So, what did my DNA test reveal? According to the results, I'm 90% Balkan, with the remaining 10% coming from Eastern and Central Europe. Specifically, I'm Bosnian, followed by Croatian, Romanian, and only then Serbian. I also have some Greek and Bulgarian ancestry.

At first, I was surprised by the results. I never expected to have Bosnian ancestry, for example. But as I dug deeper into my family history, things started to make more Sense.

The Origins of the MA Surname

My last name is MA, which is of Croatian origin. Specifically, it's from the Dalmatian region of Croatia. This suggests that my ancestors may have migrated through Bosnia on their way to Serbia. And given the mountainous terrain of Bosnia, it's possible that some of my ancestors decided to stay there.

Migration Patterns in the Balkans

Migration has played a huge role in shaping the Balkans. Over the centuries, people have moved in and out of the region for a variety of reasons. Some were fleeing war or persecution, while others were simply looking for a better life.

In my case, it seems that my ancestors migrated from Croatia to Serbia via Bosnia. And along the way, they intermixed with the local populations. This helps to explain why my DNA test results Show such a mix of different ethnicities.

Neanderthal DNA: What It Tells Us

One interesting aspect of my DNA test results is the amount of Neanderthal DNA I have. According to the test, I have more Neanderthal DNA than 60% of the population. This is likely due to the fact that my ancestors lived in Europe for thousands of years, during which time they intermixed with Neanderthals.

Coming to Terms with Identity

Discovering my ancestry has been a Journey of self-discovery. It's helped me to understand where I come from and why I am the way I am. But it's also been a challenge. Coming to terms with my Bosnian ancestry, for example, has been difficult. But ultimately, I believe that understanding our past is the key to building a better future.


In conclusion, my DNA test results have been eye-opening. They've helped me to understand my ancestry and the complex history of the Balkans. But more than that, they've helped me to come to terms with my identity. I may be Bosnian, Croatian, Romanian, and Serbian all at once, but that doesn't define who I am. I'm a person, with my own unique experiences and perspectives. And that's something to be proud of.


  • The Balkans are a region with a long and complicated history, shaped by centuries of conflict and cooperation.
  • Serbia is a country that's deeply divided, with different regions and ethnic groups having their own unique identities.
  • Migration has played a huge role in shaping the Balkans, with people moving in and out of the region for a variety of reasons.
  • Discovering our ancestry can be a journey of self-discovery, helping us to understand where we come from and why We Are the way we are.


Q: What is the Balkans? A: The Balkans is a region of southeastern Europe that includes countries like Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania.

Q: Why is the Balkans so complicated? A: The Balkans has a long and complicated history, shaped by centuries of conflict and cooperation. It's been invaded, conquered, and divided countless times over the centuries.

Q: What is the MA surname? A: The MA surname is of Croatian origin, specifically from the Dalmatian region of Croatia.

Q: Why is migration so important in the Balkans? A: Migration has played a huge role in shaping the Balkans. Over the centuries, people have moved in and out of the region for a variety of reasons, including war, persecution, and economic opportunity.

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