Discovering the Joy of Research with an Inclusive Community

Discovering the Joy of Research with an Inclusive Community

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Beginning of the Project
  3. The First Research Project
  4. Creating "For AI"
  5. The Joy of Research
  6. The Importance of Tooling
  7. The Exploration Mindset
  8. Utilizing Connections within the Group
  9. The Value of a Diverse Community
  10. Scaling Opportunities and Paying It Forward

The Journey of a Passionate Researcher 😃


Being part of a passionate community can be a life-changing experience. The excitement of exploring new ideas, the joy of collaboration, and the sense of belonging are all factors that drive individuals to pursue their interests and make a difference. In this article, we will delve into the journey of a researcher who discovered their passion for machine learning and found a supportive community in a foreign computer science slack group.

The Beginning of the Project

The story begins with a simple idea and a desire to start a project in machine translation. The individual extended an invitation to anyone interested, and a group of around 12 to 15 people joined the endeavor. In their first meeting, the group was given a small task and put through a "Hunger Games" trial, where they had to complete a tensorflow Tutorial. This presented a challenge, as some members had never even written a line of code using tensorflow before. Despite this, the individual, driven by Curiosity and interest, stayed up all night working on the challenge.

The First Research Project

The dedication paid off when the group's first paper was accepted into the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). It was not just accepted as a poster; it was among the top 20 best Papers at the conference. This achievement was both surprising and inspiring for a group of undergraduates who had initially felt like outsiders in the field. The feeling of imposter syndrome melted away as they found themselves in the poster hall, answering questions and sharing their knowledge with renowned researchers.

Creating "For AI"

Buoyed by their success, the group decided to continue their research journey together. Realizing the value of inclusivity and mentorship, they established "For AI" with the aim of inviting more people, especially undergraduates and those with limited research experience, to collaborate. The early memories of this vibrant community were formed in a small WeWork room, where members would work on various research projects. During that time, they also encountered the challenges of debugging new technologies like Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). Despite the difficulties, the experience of learning and conducting research as undergraduates was incredibly enriching.

The Joy of Research

For the individual, this was their introduction to the world of research. With no prior experience or inclination towards academia, the journey felt fresh and exciting. The dedication and commitment of fellow members, who balanced full-time jobs with their research pursuits, served as a constant motivation. Investing in the right tools and embracing a mindset of continuous learning became crucial in their development as a researcher. They realized that mistakes and experiments were stepping stones towards growth and success.

The Importance of Tooling

One of the best pieces of advice the individual received and now passes on to others is to invest in their workbench. Having the necessary tools and resources, both physical and digital, enhances the speed and efficacy of learning. As a researcher, having the capability to easily make mistakes, identify the causes, and repeat experiments fosters faster progress and improvement. Tooling creates a supportive environment where one can iterate, explore, and discover new possibilities.

The Exploration Mindset

Optimizing for a single goal may seem tempting, but the individual believes in the power of exploration and embracing failure. Research is often an iterative process, where initial attempts may not yield the desired results. However, each failure is an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine one's approach. The breadth of experiences gained through exploration and the resilience developed by overcoming obstacles are invaluable assets for any researcher.

Utilizing Connections within the Group

One of the defining characteristics of the community they found in "For AI" was the absence of ego. Members were genuinely interested in each other's progress and learning. The camaraderie and support within the group propelled their individual growth. Many members attribute their current positions in the research industry to projects and connections made within this community. The advice for both existing members and newcomers is to take full advantage of the connections available. Through collaboration and mentorship, everyone can thrive and achieve their goals.

The Value of a Diverse Community

"For AI" was unique in its composition, comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. The community's strength stemmed from the collective curiosity and shared passion for research. The welcoming atmosphere created a sense of belonging, where everyone's contributions were valued. This environment fostered collaboration and offered opportunities that might not have been accessible otherwise. The individual hopes to see this inclusive culture expand, providing more people with the chance to succeed and contribute.

Scaling Opportunities and Paying It Forward

Having personally experienced the transformative power of community support, the individual is grateful for the opportunities they were given. Acknowledging the privilege that came from being part of "For AI," they strive to pay it forward. By scaling access to opportunities, particularly for those who lack resources or come from non-traditional backgrounds, they hope to empower others to pursue their dreams with determination and hard work. This desire to create a better future for aspiring researchers remains a driving force behind their continued commitment to the field.

Highlights 🌟

  • The journey of a researcher discovering their passion for machine learning in a foreign slack group.
  • Overcoming challenges and staying committed through dedication and curiosity.
  • The thrill of having their first research paper accepted at a prestigious conference.
  • Establishing "For AI" to create a welcoming and inclusive research community.
  • The joy and importance of continuous learning and tooling in research.
  • Embracing exploration and failure as essential aspects of the research process.
  • The power of connections and collaboration within the group.
  • Celebrating the diversity within the community and the value it brings.
  • Scaling opportunities to provide access and support to aspiring researchers.
  • Paying it forward and creating a better future for the research community.


Q: How can I join "For AI"? A: "For AI" is an open community that welcomes individuals interested in research, regardless of their background or experience. You can visit their website at to find more information about joining and getting involved.

Q: Can I participate in "For AI" if I am not in academia? A: Absolutely! "For AI" values diversity and encourages participation from individuals outside of academia. Whether you are a student, a working professional, or simply passionate about research, you are more than welcome to join the community and contribute to its growth.

Q: What kind of research projects does "For AI" focus on? A: "For AI" is a community that encompasses various research areas within the field of artificial intelligence. Members have worked on projects ranging from natural language processing to computer vision and reinforcement learning. The community encourages collaboration and the exploration of diverse research interests.

Q: What kind of support does "For AI" provide to its members? A: In addition to creating a supportive and inclusive environment, "For AI" offers mentorship opportunities, resources for learning, and a platform to collaborate on research projects. Members can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the community, fostering personal and professional growth.

Q: How does "For AI" contribute to the research industry? A: "For AI" plays a vital role in democratizing research by providing opportunities and support to individuals who may not have had access otherwise. By cultivating a diverse and inclusive community, "For AI" helps bridge the gap between academia and aspiring researchers, creating a more inclusive and vibrant research landscape.

Q: Can I become a mentor or contribute to "For AI" initiatives? A: Absolutely! "For AI" is always looking for mentors and individuals who are willing to contribute to the community's growth. If you have expertise in a specific research area or are passionate about supporting aspiring researchers, you can reach out to "For AI" through their website to explore mentorship opportunities or other initiatives.

Q: Are there any membership fees to join "For AI"? A: No, joining "For AI" is completely free. The community aims to provide equal opportunities to all individuals interested in research, regardless of their financial background.

Q: How can I stay updated with the latest activities and events organized by "For AI"? A: "For AI" regularly updates their website and social media platforms with information about upcoming events, workshops, and research projects. Following their social media accounts and subscribing to their newsletter are great ways to stay connected and receive the latest updates.

Q: Can "For AI" help me with my research career beyond the community? A: While "For AI" primarily focuses on creating a supportive community within its own network, many members have found valuable connections and opportunities through the community that have extended beyond its borders. The network and mentorship available in "For AI" can potentially provide pathways to further research opportunities and career advancement.

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