Driving Responsible AI Adoption: Insights from PwC's AI Program Leader

Driving Responsible AI Adoption: Insights from PwC's AI Program Leader

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why AI for Good?
  3. The Role of PwC in the AI for Good Global Summit
  4. Responsible AI and the Importance of Trust
  5. The Downside of AI: Job Automation and Replacement
  6. Opportunities Amidst the Risks: Driving Labor Demands
  7. The Nuances of AI and Employment
  8. Addressing the Polarized Narrative on AI
  9. Educating the Public Responsibly
  10. Promoting Responsible Adoption of AI: A Business Perspective

👉 Introduction

Welcome back to the AI for Good Global Summit here in Geneva, hosted at the ITU headquarters. In this Second edition, we are joined by Rob McCargo, the AI program leader for PwC, a key sponsor of this event. This article will delve deep into the significance of AI for good and PwC's commitment to responsible AI. Let's explore why the AI for Good Global Summit is back for a second year and the tangible progress being made.

👉 Why AI for Good?

The first edition of the AI for Good Global Summit sparked fascinating conversations among 500 stakeholders from around the world. The goal of the second edition is to move beyond conversations and initiate tangible actions and commitments. The potential of AI to address societal challenges is immense, but it is crucial to ensure that the technology is developed and harnessed responsibly.

👉 The Role of PwC in the AI for Good Global Summit

As an organization with 240,000 employees globally, PwC recognizes the profound implications AI holds for businesses. Over the past year, PwC has collaborated with numerous organizations to understand the risks, opportunities, and regulatory landscape surrounding AI. Building trust is at the heart of responsible AI, and PwC has been actively working on their approach to developing responsible AI.

👉 Responsible AI and the Importance of Trust

Responsible AI goes beyond viewing AI as a mere software technology. It requires embedding AI into corporate strategy, taking into account regulations like GDPR, and winning the hearts and minds of employees. Trust is paramount to the successful realization of the opportunities discussed during the summit. PwC's methodology focuses on accelerating innovation while building trust and minimizing the risks and unintended consequences of AI adoption.

👉 The Downside of AI: Job Automation and Replacement

PwC's research on job automation suggests that by 2030, up to 30% of existing jobs could be susceptible to automation. However, this headline figure requires nuance and context. The impact of AI on jobs varies across countries, educational attainment levels, and industry sectors. While there is a potential downside, it is vital to consider the broader picture and explore the opportunities that arise from effectively managing AI's impact on employment.

👉 Opportunities Amidst the Risks: Driving Labor Demands

While job automation poses challenges, there is a potential to drive labor demands and create entirely new job categories. To seize these opportunities, companies need to develop strategies that empower their workforce through lifelong learning. Collaboration with governments to design effective policies, regulations, and standards is crucial for managing AI's impact responsibly. It is through strategic preparation that organizations can protect their employees and foster innovation.

👉 The Nuances of AI and Employment

Drawing on the examples of countries like Japan and Germany, where AI and robotics are highly prevalent, it becomes evident that AI alone is not a threat to jobs. Misguided narratives have polarized the public discourse, making it crucial to provide a balanced perspective. This summit aims to inform the public responsibly, educating them about the need for a measured approach that harnesses the benefits of AI while mitigating risks.

👉 Addressing the Polarized Narrative on AI

Jumping to conclusions based on extreme figures or overhyping the technology can hinder the understanding and acceptance of AI. The AI for Good Global Summit aims to drive a balanced narrative that recognizes the potential upsides of AI while being cautious about the risks. By adopting a calm, sober, and considered approach, stakeholders can collaborate effectively to Shape the future of AI for good.

👉 Educating the Public Responsibly

Educating the public is pivotal in fostering trust and dispelling misconceptions about AI. Responsible AI adoption involves empowering individuals with accurate information and promoting an understanding of AI's potential impact. This summit serves as a platform to engage the public, ensuring that the discourse surrounding AI development remains grounded and inclusive.

👉 Promoting Responsible Adoption of AI: A Business Perspective

For PwC, responsible AI adoption aligns with their core values as a responsible and sustainable business. PwC understands that the SDGs and sustainability cannot be divorced from profitable and responsible business practices. Therefore, they actively advocate for the responsible adoption of AI and strive to integrate it seamlessly into their approach to delivering value to their clients and society.


  1. The AI for Good Global Summit aims to move beyond conversations and focus on tangible actions and commitments.
  2. Responsible AI demands a strategic approach that builds trust, avoids risks, and considers unintended consequences.
  3. Job automation is a challenge, but it also presents opportunities to drive labor demands and create new job categories.
  4. Misguided narratives on AI's impact on employment require balanced perspectives to educate the public responsibly.
  5. PwC advocates for responsible AI adoption to Align with their commitment to sustainability and profitable business practices.


Q: What is the goal of the AI for Good Global Summit? A: The goal of the summit is to initiate tangible actions and commitments, moving beyond conversations and driving progress in the responsible adoption of AI for societal challenges.

Q: How does PwC approach responsible AI? A: PwC views responsible AI as a strategic consideration, extending beyond software technology. They focus on embedding AI into corporate strategy, ensuring regulatory compliance, and building trust while mitigating risks and unintended consequences.

Q: What are the potential impacts of AI on employment? A: PwC's research suggests that up to 30% of existing jobs could be susceptible to automation by 2030. However, job automation also presents opportunities to drive labor demands and create new job categories with the right strategies and policy frameworks in place.

Q: How does the AI for Good Global Summit address the polarized narrative on AI? A: The summit aims to provide a balanced perspective, avoiding extremes and overhyping while maintaining a measured approach to driving the narrative on AI. Educating the public responsibly is crucial to dispel misconceptions and foster trust.

Q: How does PwC promote responsible adoption of AI? A: PwC integrates responsible AI adoption into their core values as a sustainable and responsible business. They actively work on advancing their approach to delivering value to their clients and society while ensuring the responsible integration of AI.


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