Earn $200 Daily with Binance Trading Bot - Step-by-Step Guide

Earn $200 Daily with Binance Trading Bot - Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents:

  1. 📚 Introduction
  2. 🌟 Setting Up the Binance Trading Bot 2.1 Setting Up on Laptop 2.2 Setting Up on Mobile
  3. ⚙️ Using the Binance Trading Bot 3.1 Selecting the Trading Pair 3.2 Setting Parameters - Auto, Popular, and Manual 3.3 Understanding the Sport Grid Trading Board 3.4 Understanding the Futures Grid Trading Board
  4. 💰 Pros and Cons of Using the Binance Trading Bot
  5. 🔮 Conclusion
  6. 🤔 FAQs

Introduction Welcome to another video where I will guide you on how to set up and use the Binance Trading Bot to make daily profits. In this video, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this trading bot. Before we dive in, let me introduce myself. I'm Feani, a crypto trader, and I create videos on crypto, personal finance, and making money online. If you enjoy this type of content, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and like this video. Let's get started!

Setting Up the Binance Trading Bot To begin using the Binance Trading Bot, you need to set it up on your chosen device. The process differs slightly depending on whether you are using a laptop or a mobile device.

Setting Up on Laptop

  1. Open the Binance platform on your laptop.
  2. Find the "Trade" option and select "Trading Bot" from the drop-down menu.
  3. You will be taken to the Trading Bot page, which offers various automated strategies for easy, fast, and reliable trading.

Setting Up on Mobile If you are using a mobile device, there are multiple ways to access the Binance Trading Bot page.

  1. Tap on the "More" tab and scroll down until you find "Trading Bot." Tap on it to access the page.
  2. Alternatively, return to the home page and tap on "Trade" at the bottom of the screen. Then, tap on "Spot GRID" to access the Binance Trading Bot page. For other trading boards, such as Futures Grid or Auto Invest, tap on the corresponding options.

Using the Binance Trading Bot Now that you have accessed the Binance Trading Bot page, it's time to learn how to use it effectively for your trading endeavors.

Selecting the Trading Pair Begin by selecting the trading pair you wish to trade. For example, if you want to trade ETH/USDT, use the search bar to find and select that pair. Once selected, the entire page will adjust to display information related to the chosen trading pair.

Setting Parameters - Auto, Popular, and Manual To set the parameters for your trading, you have three options: Auto, Popular, and Manual.

Auto: In this mode, the trading bot will automatically set the parameters for you. You only need to select the time period and the investment amount. The trading bot will handle the rest, including the price range, number of grids, and profit per grid.

Popular: The Popular mode allows you to choose from a selection of pre-established trading boards. You can simply copy these boards without making any adjustments.

Manual: This mode gives you complete control over all the details. You can set the price range, number of grids, profit per grid, and investment amount according to your preferences.

Understanding the Sport Grid Trading Board The Sport Grid Trading Board is a type of trading strategy that automates the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies within a specified price range. Profits are made through small price changes within this range. To use the Sport Grid Trading Board:

  1. Select your desired trading pair.
  2. Set parameters such as the time period, price range, number of grids, and investment amount.
  3. Additional optional settings include trailing up, grid trigger, stop trigger, and sell all based on stop.
  4. Once all settings are confirmed, click on "Create" and track your trading board's performance on the same page.

Understanding the Futures Grid Trading Board The Futures Grid Trading Board is another valuable option for traders. To use it:

  1. Select your desired trading pair.
  2. Consider the available options for setting parameters - Auto, Popular, or Manual. Choose Manual for full control.
  3. Set parameters like neutral/long/short direction, leverage, price range, number of grids, and investment amount.
  4. Additional optional settings include margin mode, grid trigger, and stop trigger.
  5. After confirming all details, click on "Create" and monitor your trading board's progress on the tracking section.

Pros and Cons of Using the Binance Trading Bot Pros:

  • Time-saving: The trading bot automates the trading process, saving you time and effort.
  • Accessible: The trading bot is available on both laptops and mobile devices.
  • Options: The Binance Trading Bot offers various trading boards tailored to different trading strategies.


  • Risk: When using automated trading, there is a risk of potential losses. Proper understanding and monitoring are essential.
  • Limitations: The trading bot's effectiveness depends on market conditions and the accuracy of your parameters.

Conclusion In this video, we explored how to set up and use the Binance Trading Bot effectively. We discussed the Sport Grid Trading Board and Futures Grid Trading Board, providing step-by-step instructions. Remember to exercise caution and monitor your trades regularly to mitigate risks and maximize profits.


Q: Can I use the Binance Trading Bot on other cryptocurrency platforms? A: No, the Binance Trading Bot is specifically designed for the Binance platform.

Q: Are there any fees associated with using the Binance Trading Bot? A: Yes, there are fees involved in using the trading bot. Please refer to Binance's fee structure for detailed information.

Q: Is the Binance Trading Bot suitable for beginners? A: While the trading bot offers convenience, it is important to have a basic understanding of trading concepts before using it. Beginners should educate themselves on trading strategies and the market.

Q: Can I adjust the parameters of my trading boards after creating them? A: Yes, you can modify the parameters of your trading boards at any time to suit your changing preferences and market conditions.

Q: Is the Binance Trading Bot guaranteed to make a profit? A: No, trading involves risks, and profitability depends on various factors, including market conditions and the accuracy of your parameters. It is essential to understand the risks involved before using the trading bot.


  • Binance platform: [insert website URL]
  • Binance fee structure: [insert website URL]

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