Easy Guide: Install OpenVPN on Windows

Easy Guide: Install OpenVPN on Windows

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits of Building a VPN Server on Windows
  3. Installing OpenVPN Server on Windows
    1. Manual Installation
    2. Required Features for OpenVPN Server
    3. Configuring OpenVPN Server via Command Line
      • Navigating to Easy RSA Directory
      • Running EasyRSA-Start.bat
      • Initializing OpenVPN Server
      • Creating Necessary Files for OpenVPN Server
    4. Copying Files to OpenVPN Server Configs
    5. Creating a Text File for OpenVPN Server Configuration
    6. Allowing OpenVPN to Pass Through Firewall
    7. Forwarding Port on Router
    8. Assigning Static IP Address to Computer
    9. Using DDNS Service for Dynamic IP Address
    10. Installing DynDNS Client for IP Address Update
    11. Creating Files for OpenVPN Client
    12. Sending Files to OpenVPN Client
    13. Restarting OpenVPN Server Service
  4. Configuring OpenVPN Client
    1. Downloading OpenVPN Client
    2. Copying Files to OpenVPN Client Configs
    3. Creating a Text File for OpenVPN Client Configuration
    4. Checking Connection Results

Building a VPN Server on Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today's digital age, remote work has become increasingly common. To ensure the security and privacy of your communication and data, it is essential to have a reliable Virtual Private Network (VPN) server. This article will guide you through the process of building a VPN server on the Windows operating system using OpenVPN. We will cover the installation, configuration, and setup steps in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.

1. Introduction

With the rise of remote work, the need for secure and private connections has become crucial. Building a VPN server on Windows allows You to Create a secure network environment for you and your co-workers, ensuring that your data and communications are protected from unauthorized access.

2. Benefits of Building a VPN Server on Windows

Before diving into the installation process, let's take a moment to understand the benefits of building a VPN server on Windows:

  • Enhanced Security: A VPN server adds an extra layer of encryption to your network, making it difficult for hackers to intercept your data.
  • Remote Access: With a VPN server, your team can securely access company resources, files, and applications from anywhere in the world.
  • Data Privacy: By routing your internet traffic through a VPN server, you can maintain your online privacy and prevent your ISP from monitoring your activities.
  • Bypassing Geographical Restrictions: A VPN server allows you to bypass restrictions and access content that may be limited to specific regions or countries.

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of building a VPN server, let's proceed with the step-by-step guide to installing OpenVPN server on Windows.

3. Installing OpenVPN Server on Windows

3.1 Manual Installation

When installing OpenVPN on the server, it is recommended to choose the manual installation option rather than the default one. The default installation may skip necessary features required for the OpenVPN server to function properly.

3.2 Required Features for OpenVPN Server

To configure the OpenVPN server, two main features are required: OpenVPN service and OpenSSL. These features can be installed during the manual installation process.

3.3 Configuring OpenVPN Server via Command Line

To configure the OpenVPN server, you need to use the command line interface. However, don't worry, as only a few simple commands are required. Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Easy RSA directory of OpenVPN using the command prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Run the file 'EasyRSA-Start.bat' to initiate the configuration process.
  3. Start configuring OpenVPN with the initialization command.
  4. Create the necessary files for the OpenVPN server. These files include 'ca.crt', 'server.crt', 'server.key', and 'dh.pem'.
    • Note: These files are crucial for the functioning of the OpenVPN server but are beyond the scope of this article's detailed explanation.

3.4 Copying Files to OpenVPN Server Configs

Once you have generated all four necessary files, copy and paste them into the 'config' and 'config auto' folders of the OpenVPN server.

3.5 Creating a Text File for OpenVPN Server Configuration

Next, you will need to create a text file with the required content Mentioned above using Notepad with administrative rights. Ensure that the list of file names in the content matches the names of the files you generated in the previous step.

3.6 Allowing OpenVPN to Pass Through Firewall

To enable OpenVPN to pass through the Windows firewall, you need to allow port 1194 using the UDP protocol. It is essential to configure the correct port and protocol if you named your VPN server differently.

3.7 Forwarding Port on Router

To access the OpenVPN server from external networks, you need to forward port 1194 and the UDP protocol on your router. Adjust the IP address range for the VPN connection if necessary.

3.8 Assigning Static IP Address to Computer

Assigning a static IP address to your computer ensures that the OpenVPN server and client can communicate effectively. Set a static IP address within your local network address range.

3.9 Using DDNS Service for Dynamic IP Address

If your public IP address is dynamic, you can use a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) service to ensure a fixed domain name for your server. Various DDNS services are available, such as No-IP, DynDNS, etc. In this example, we will use DynDNS.

3.10 Installing DynDNS Client for IP Address Update

Install the DynDNS client to automatically update your dynamic public IP address. Create your own domain name or use a pre-existing one for ease of access.

3.11 Creating Files for OpenVPN Client

To establish a connection between the OpenVPN server and client, you need to create three files: 'ca.crt', 'client01.crt', and 'client01.key'. These files can be generated on the OpenVPN server.

3.12 Sending Files to OpenVPN Client

Choose a method to send the three files to the OpenVPN client. Email is a popular option, but you can use any file-sharing method that suits your needs.

3.13 Restarting OpenVPN Server Service

Finally, restart the OpenVPN server service to Apply the configuration changes. This ensures that the server is ready to accept client connections.

4. Configuring OpenVPN Client

With the OpenVPN server configured, it's time to set up the OpenVPN client to establish a secure connection.

4.1 Downloading OpenVPN Client

Download the OpenVPN client from the official OpenVPN homepage. Choose the appropriate version for your operating system and follow the default installation process.

4.2 Copying Files to OpenVPN Client Configs

After installing the OpenVPN client, copy and paste the three files mentioned earlier ('ca.crt', 'client01.crt', and 'client01.key') into the 'config' folder of the OpenVPN client.

4.3 Creating a Text File for OpenVPN Client Configuration

Use Notepad with administrative rights to create a text file with the same content as mentioned above. Enter your domain name or replace it with the static public IP address if applicable. Ensure that the file names match the names of the files copied to the 'config' directory.

4.4 Checking Connection Results

Save the file with the '.ovpn' extension in the configuration directory of OpenVPN. Now, you can check the results and establish a successful connection to the OpenVPN server.

In conclusion, building a VPN server on Windows using OpenVPN requires a systematic approach with careful consideration of various configurations and settings. However, once properly set up, you can enjoy the benefits of a secure and private network for your remote work environment. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you'll soon have a functional VPN server up and running.


  • Building a VPN server on Windows allows for secure remote network access.
  • OpenVPN provides enhanced security, data privacy, and bypassing of geographical restrictions.
  • The manual installation of OpenVPN is recommended for proper configuration.
  • Configuring OpenVPN server and client involves generating necessary files, copying them to appropriate directories, and creating configuration text files.
  • Firewall and router settings, along with the use of DDNS, are essential for external access.
  • OpenVPN client setup includes downloading the client, copying necessary files, creating a configuration text file, and checking the connection.


Q: Can I install OpenVPN server on a different operating system besides Windows? A: Yes, OpenVPN is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and more.

Q: Can I use a different VPN protocol instead of OpenVPN? A: OpenVPN is widely regarded as one of the most secure and versatile VPN protocols. However, if you prefer, you can explore other VPN protocols like IPSec or WireGuard.

Q: How many clients can connect to an OpenVPN server simultaneously? A: The number of simultaneous connections to an OpenVPN server depends on the server's hardware capabilities and the limitations set by the server administrator.

Q: Can I use the same OpenVPN client configuration on multiple devices? A: Yes, once you have created the OpenVPN client configuration file, you can use it on multiple devices without any additional configuration.

Q: Is it possible to access the OpenVPN server from mobile devices? A: Yes, OpenVPN has client applications available for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to securely connect to your VPN server on the go.

Q: Are there any limitations or performance considerations when using a VPN server? A: While VPN servers provide secure connections, it's important to consider the performance impact, especially when dealing with large data transfers or bandwidth-intensive applications. Additionally, the server's hardware capabilities can affect the speed and overall performance of the VPN.

Q: Can I use OpenVPN for personal use, not just for work-related purposes? A: Absolutely! OpenVPN can be used for personal use, allowing you to secure your online activities and maintain privacy while browsing the internet or accessing personal files remotely.

Q: Are there any monthly fees or subscriptions associated with using OpenVPN? A: OpenVPN itself is an open-source software and does not require any monthly fees or subscriptions. However, if you choose to use a commercial VPN service that utilizes OpenVPN, they may have their own pricing plans and subscription models.

Q: Can I customize the encryption settings and security protocols in OpenVPN? A: Yes, OpenVPN provides a range of encryption ciphers and security protocols to choose from. You can customize these settings based on your specific security requirements.

Q: Can I use OpenVPN to connect multiple office locations securely? A: Yes, OpenVPN allows you to create secure connections between multiple office locations, providing a secure network environment for inter-office communication and data transfer.

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