Easy Installation Guide for OpenAI Gym on Linux, Windows, and Mac

Easy Installation Guide for OpenAI Gym on Linux, Windows, and Mac

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation of Gym 2.1 Installing Gym on Windows 2.2 Installing Gym on Linux 2.3 Installing Gym on Mac
  3. Setting up a Conda Virtual Environment
  4. Activating the Conda Environment
  5. Installing Gym using Conda 5.1 Using Conda-forge Channel 5.2 Installing Gym Package
  6. Conclusion

Installation Guide for Gym - Your Gateway to Reinforcement Learning

Introduction: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has become an increasingly popular field of study in the world of artificial intelligence. To embark on a technical journey into RL, it is crucial to start with learning the Gym API – an open-source Python library for developing and comparing RL algorithms. In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing Gym on your system, step by step.

Installation of Gym

2.1 Installing Gym on Windows: Installing Gym on Windows can be a bit challenging due to the lack of official instructions and compatibility issues. However, there is an alternative way to install Gym using Conda, which is hassle-free and works uniformly across different operating systems. To begin, you need to install the latest version of Visual C++ Build Tools and Miniconda. Our guide will take you through the process, ensuring a smooth installation experience.

2.2 Installing Gym on Linux: For Linux users, the installation process for Gym is relatively simpler compared to Windows. You only need to install Miniconda, which is the system requirement for Gym. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to set up Miniconda on your Linux system, making the installation process effortless.

2.3 Installing Gym on Mac: Similar to Linux, Mac users also need to install Miniconda to access Gym. The installation process for Mac is straightforward, and we will walk you through each step, ensuring a seamless installation experience.

Setting up a Conda Virtual Environment

Before installing Gym, it is recommended to set up a Conda virtual environment dedicated to your Reinforcement Learning course. This environment will ensure the smooth functioning of Gym and prevent any conflicts with other packages. We will guide you on how to Create a Conda virtual environment named "rl_course" specifically designed for Reinforcement Learning.

Activating the Conda Environment

After creating the Conda virtual environment, it is essential to activate it to start installing Gym. We will provide You with the necessary instructions to activate the "rl_course" environment, ensuring a smooth transition to the next step.

Installing Gym using Conda

5.1 Using Conda-forge Channel: We will guide you on how to use the Conda-forge channel, a community-led collection of high-quality packages, to ensure a successful Gym installation. The Conda-forge channel provides the latest versions and reliable installations for Gym.

5.2 Installing Gym Package: With the Conda environment active and the Conda-forge channel set, you can proceed to install the Gym package. This step involves using the package name "gym" and allowing Conda to handle the installation seamlessly. We will guide you through this process, ensuring you have Gym installed and ready to use.


In conclusion, the installation of Gym is crucial to start your Journey into Reinforcement Learning successfully. Following our step-by-step guide, you will be able to install Gym on Windows, Linux, or Mac using Conda as a hassle-free and reliable method. Make sure to set up a Conda virtual environment and activate it before installing Gym for a smooth experience. Once installed, you can start utilizing the Gym package in your RL algorithms with ease.


  • Gym is an open-source Python library for developing and comparing RL algorithms.
  • Installing Gym on Windows can be challenging, but Conda provides a reliable solution.
  • Linux and Mac installations of Gym are relatively simpler with the use of Miniconda.
  • Setting up a Conda virtual environment dedicated to RL is recommended.
  • Activating the Conda environment is crucial before installing Gym.
  • The Conda-forge channel ensures reliable installations of Gym.
  • With Gym installed, you can start implementing RL algorithms with ease.


Q: Is Gym compatible with all operating systems? A: Gym is officially supported on Linux and Mac. While Windows is not officially supported, we provide a seamless installation method using Conda.

Q: Can I install Gym without using Conda? A: Yes, there are other installation methods available, but using Conda ensures a uniform and hassle-free installation experience.

Q: Do I need to install any system libraries before installing Gym? A: The installation process using Conda takes care of all the necessary system libraries, making it easier for you to get started.

Q: Can I use Gym with Python versions other than 3.6 to 3.9? A: Currently, Gym supports Python versions 3.6 to 3.9. It is recommended to use the highest compatible version for optimal compatibility.

Q: Can I use Gym for Reinforcement Learning research and projects? A: Absolutely! Gym is widely used for research and development in the field of Reinforcement Learning and provides a versatile environment for building and testing RL algorithms.

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