Efficient AI Tools for Writing and Math Feedback

Efficient AI Tools for Writing and Math Feedback

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. AI Tools for Providing Feedback to Students
    1. Chat GPT 4.0
    2. Magic School
    3. Almanac AI
  3. Using Chat GPT 4.0 for Feedback Generation
    1. Uploading Rubric and Student's Work
    2. Analyzing the Information
    3. Generating Feedback in Table Format
    4. Enhancing the Feedback
  4. Utilizing Chat GPT 4.0 for Math Feedback
    1. Providing Math Feedback
    2. Tutoring Capabilities
  5. Generating Feedback with Almanac AI
    1. Uploading Files or URLs
    2. Selecting Criteria and Grade Level
    3. Exporting Feedback in Table Format
  6. Exploring Magic School for Feedback Generation
    1. Accessing Magic School Feedback Tool
    2. Entering Student's Text and Criteria
    3. Prompts for Specific Feedback
  7. Pros and Cons of AI Feedback Tools
  8. Conclusion

AI Tools for Providing Feedback to Students

In today's digital age, teachers are constantly searching for innovative ways to provide Timely and effective feedback to their students. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), there are now several AI tools available that can generate feedback quickly and easily. This article will explore three such tools: Chat GPT 4.0, Magic School, and Almanac AI. Each tool has unique features and functionalities that cater to different aspects of feedback generation. By understanding how these tools work and their pros and cons, teachers can make informed decisions about which tool best suits their needs.

Using Chat GPT 4.0 for Feedback Generation

Uploading Rubric and Student's Work

Chat GPT 4.0 is a powerful AI Tool that allows teachers to generate feedback on their students' work. To get started, teachers need to upload the rubric that they want the feedback to be linked to. This can be easily done by selecting the rubric file and attaching it to the chat. Moreover, Chat GPT 4.0's multimodal capabilities enable it to analyze handwritten work and even photographs of students' work. This feature is especially beneficial for teachers working with younger students or those who predominantly produce handwritten work.

Analyzing the Information

Once the rubric and student's work are uploaded, Chat GPT 4.0 analyzes the different aspects outlined in the rubric. Initially, the feedback may seem vague, but teachers can Prompt the AI to provide more specific feedback. By asking for specific feedback on spelling errors, grammar errors, or other areas, teachers can obtain detailed examples and suggestions for improvement. The tool's ability to analyze math problems also makes it versatile for providing feedback on mathematical concepts and errors.

Generating Feedback in Table Format

After receiving feedback from various aspects of the rubric, teachers can prompt Chat GPT 4.0 to turn the information into a table format. This makes the feedback easier to read, share, and discuss with students. The table structure typically includes three columns: criteria title, feedback related to the criteria, and specific errors with suggestions for improvement. This well-structured feedback table is particularly useful for guiding students in identifying areas of improvement and implementing corrections.

Utilizing Chat GPT 4.0 for Math Feedback

Providing Math Feedback

In addition to generating feedback on written work, Chat GPT 4.0 can also provide valuable feedback on math problems. While it may not excel in complex mathematical concepts, the tool works well for simple problems such as addition, subtraction, and basic multiplication and division. Teachers can Present math problems with deliberate errors and prompt the tool to give step-by-step feedback on the correct steps and error identification. Overall, Chat GPT 4.0 can serve as a helpful math tutoring tool, especially for students who require additional support and guidance.

Tutoring Capabilities

With its multimodal capabilities and interactive interface, Chat GPT 4.0 can be used as a virtual tutor. Students over 13 years old can use these tools with parental permission. By providing continuous feedback throughout the writing process, students can benefit from the tool's quick and easy-to-understand explanations. The ability to interact with images, files, and voices makes Chat GPT 4.0 a versatile tool for personalized tutoring and guidance.

Generating Feedback with Almanac AI

Almanac AI is an AI tool designed to help teachers create courses, units of work, and lesson plans. It also offers a feedback generation tool that requires teachers to either copy and paste the students' work or upload a file. Additionally, Almanac AI can provide feedback on a website URL. After providing the student's grade level, a brief description of the assessment, and the rubric criteria, Almanac AI generates feedback in a visually appealing and organized table format.

Uploading Files or URLs

Unlike Chat GPT 4.0, Almanac AI does not support analyzing handwritten work or photographs. However, it allows teachers to upload files, copy and paste text, or provide a website URL for feedback generation. This flexibility enables teachers to work with various types of student work and ensures that feedback can be generated regardless of the format.

Selecting Criteria and Grade Level

Once the student work is uploaded or entered, teachers need to provide specific rubric criteria they wish to evaluate. This could include aspects like spelling, grammar, character development, or setting, depending on the type of assessment. Furthermore, teachers need to select the appropriate grade level to ensure the feedback is aligned with the students' abilities and expectations.

Exporting Feedback in Table Format

Almanac AI generates the feedback in a table format, making it clear and organized for teachers and students. The feedback consists of general comments on different sections of the text, followed by specific feedback linked back to the rubric criteria. Teachers can easily export this feedback as Google Docs or WORD documents, allowing for printing or sharing via platforms like Google Classroom. This feature saves time and provides teachers with a convenient way to distribute feedback to their students.

Exploring Magic School for Feedback Generation

Accessing Magic School Feedback Tool

Magic School is another AI tool that offers various resources for teachers. To access the feedback tool, teachers can use the search feature on the Magic School platform. By typing in "feedback," the tool will be displayed, allowing teachers to proceed with generating feedback for their students.

Entering Student's Text and Criteria

Using Magic School's feedback tool, teachers can copy and paste the student's text into the provided space. Unlike Almanac AI, Magic School does not support file uploads or URL analysis. After entering the text, teachers need to select the student's grade level and provide a brief description of the assessment. Furthermore, teachers can include the specific rubric criteria they want the feedback to address.

Prompts for Specific Feedback

Similar to Chat GPT 4.0 and Almanac AI, Magic School generates feedback that highlights the strengths and areas for improvement in the student's work. However, Magic School offers prompts to obtain more specific feedback. Teachers can use these prompts or create their own to guide the feedback generation process. This flexibility allows for tailored feedback based on the teacher's preferences and the specific needs of each student.

Pros and Cons of AI Feedback Tools

  • Chat GPT 4.0:

    • Pros: Multimodal capabilities for analyzing handwritten work and photographs, supports math feedback, versatile as a tutoring tool.
    • Cons: Subscription-based, initial feedback may be vague, better suited for simpler math problems.
  • Almanac AI:

    • Pros: Generates feedback in a visually appealing and organized table format, allows file uploads, supports feedback on website URLs.
    • Cons: Limited support for handwritten work and photographs, subscription required for unlimited access.
  • Magic School:

    • Pros: Offers a range of resources, generates feedback with prompts for higher specificity.
    • Cons: Does not support file uploads or URL analysis, limited to copy and paste of text.

Overall, AI feedback tools provide valuable assistance to teachers in generating feedback for their students. However, each tool has its own strengths and limitations, depending on the specific requirements of teachers and the type of feedback needed. Teachers are encouraged to explore these tools and consider their pros and cons before incorporating them into their teaching practice.


The advancement of AI technology has revolutionized the way teachers provide feedback to their students. Tools like Chat GPT 4.0, Almanac AI, and Magic School offer unique features and functionalities to streamline the feedback generation process. Whether it's analyzing written work or providing math feedback, these tools can significantly enhance the feedback experience for teachers and students alike. By harnessing the power of AI, teachers can provide more timely, accurate, and effective feedback, ultimately fostering student growth and development.


  • AI tools like Chat GPT 4.0, Almanac AI, and Magic School provide efficient feedback generation for teachers.
  • Chat GPT 4.0 offers multimodal capabilities, allowing analysis of handwritten work and photographs.
  • Almanac AI focuses on creating courses and generating feedback in a visually appealing table format.
  • Magic School provides teachers with various resources and prompts for specific feedback.
  • Each AI tool has its own pros and cons, and teachers should consider their individual needs before selecting a tool.

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