Efficient Task Management: Integrate Linear & Google Calendar with Reclaim.ai

Efficient Task Management: Integrate Linear & Google Calendar with Reclaim.ai

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Reclaim.ai
  3. Benefits of Using the Linear Integration
  4. Setting Up the Integration
    • Connecting to Linear
    • Configuring Integration Settings
  5. Best Practices for Organizing Issues in Linear
  6. Syncing Issues to Calendar
  7. Managing Tasks in Reclaim
  8. Flexibility and Control in Scheduling
  9. Future Integrations with Reclaim
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the Linear integration offered by Reclaim.ai and how it can benefit you in managing your tasks and projects efficiently. Reclaim.ai is a productivity tool that aims to help individuals and teams reclaim their time and focus on important work. The Linear integration is one of many Task Management and Project Management integrations available with Reclaim.ai. By automatically blocking time on your calendar for your Linear issues, you can ensure that you have dedicated time to work on them and stay organized.

About Reclaim.ai

Reclaim.ai is a productivity tool designed to optimize your time and help you focus on what matters most. With a range of integrations, including Linear, Asana, Jira, Trello, and more, Reclaim.ai offers a comprehensive solution for managing your tasks and projects effectively. By syncing tasks with your calendar and providing automated scheduling, Reclaim.ai ensures that you have the time you need to complete your work and stay on track.

Benefits of Using the Linear Integration

The Linear integration offered by Reclaim.ai provides several benefits for users. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Efficient Time Blocking: By automatically blocking time on your calendar for Linear issues, you can ensure that you have dedicated time to work on them without any scheduling conflicts.

  2. Improved Organization: Reclaim.ai helps you stay organized by syncing your Linear issues to your calendar, allowing you to have a clear overview of your tasks and deadlines.

  3. Enhanced Productivity: With tasks and deadlines integrated into your calendar, you can prioritize your work effectively and focus on important tasks, leading to improved productivity.

  4. Flexibility and Control: Reclaim.ai gives you the flexibility to manage your tasks and schedule according to your needs. You can modify task details, move them on your calendar, and customize settings to fit your workflow.

  5. Future Integrations: Reclaim.ai is continuously expanding its range of integrations, offering more options for managing tasks from various platforms. Stay tuned for upcoming integrations to enhance your task management capabilities.

Setting Up the Integration

To get started with the Linear integration, you need to connect your Linear account to Reclaim.ai and configure the integration settings. Follow these steps to set up the integration:

  1. Connecting to Linear: In your Reclaim.ai settings page, navigate to the Integrations section. Click on the "Connect Linear" button, which will redirect you to the Linear login page. Log in to your Linear account to establish the connection.

  2. Configuring Integration Settings: Once connected, you can select the teams for which you want the integration to be enabled. By default, Reclaim.ai pulls in all the teams associated with your Linear account. However, you have the option to deselect specific teams if needed. Additionally, you can choose how Reclaim.ai syncs the issues by tagging them with a label called "reclaim" or by automatically syncing estimated issues with due dates or cycles.

Best Practices for Organizing Issues in Linear

To make the most of the Linear integration and ensure effective time blocking, here are some best practices for organizing your issues in Linear:

  1. Enable Estimates: Enable estimates in your Linear team settings. This allows Reclaim.ai to calculate the duration for each task and allocate the appropriate amount of time on your calendar.

  2. Utilize Cycles: If your team follows agile development practices, enable cycles in Linear. Cycles provide a timeframe for your tasks and enable you to easily add issues to specific cycles. The cycle end dates can be used as due dates for syncing with Reclaim.ai.

  3. Prioritize and Assign Issues: Assign priority levels to your issues, such as urgent, high, medium, or low. Reclaim.ai considers the priority of tasks while scheduling them, ensuring that urgent tasks are scheduled promptly.

  4. Add Estimates and Labels: For each issue, add estimates using your preferred estimation type (such as t-shirt sizing) offered in Linear. Additionally, add the "reclaim" label to issues that need to be Synced with Reclaim.ai.

Syncing Issues to Calendar

Once the integration is set up and your issues are organized in Linear, Reclaim.ai will automatically sync the selected issues to your calendar. The synced issues will appear as events on your calendar, with allocated time blocks and task details. This allows you to have a visual representation of your tasks and deadlines, making it easier to plan and manage your time effectively.

Managing Tasks in Reclaim

Reclaim.ai provides a user-friendly interface for managing your tasks, both from within Reclaim.ai and directly from Linear. You can view and manage all the synced tasks in Reclaim.ai, making it convenient to track progress, mark tasks as done, or make any necessary updates. Reclaim.ai's two-way syncing ensures that changes made in either platform are reflected in both.

Flexibility and Control in Scheduling

Reclaim.ai offers flexibility and control when it comes to scheduling your tasks. You have various options to manage your calendar events, such as deleting past tasks, moving tasks around on your calendar, or rescheduling events. This flexibility allows you to adapt your schedule to changes or unforeseen circumstances while still maintaining focus on your important work.

Future Integrations with Reclaim

The Linear integration is just one of many integrations that Reclaim.ai has in its roadmap. In the coming months, Reclaim.ai plans to introduce integrations with platforms like Asana, Jira, Trello, Slack, and Google Tasks. These integrations will further enhance the capabilities of Reclaim.ai, providing users with a comprehensive solution for managing tasks and projects from multiple platforms.


The Linear integration offered by Reclaim.ai is a powerful tool for effective task management and improved productivity. By automatically blocking time on your calendar for your Linear issues, Reclaim.ai ensures that you have dedicated time to work on your tasks. With features like flexible scheduling, task management, and future integrations, Reclaim.ai empowers individuals and teams to reclaim their time and stay focused on their important work.


  • Reclaim.ai offers a Linear integration for efficient time blocking and task management.
  • Syncing Linear issues with your calendar helps you stay organized and prioritize tasks.
  • The integration provides flexibility and control in scheduling tasks to optimize your productivity.
  • Reclaim.ai has plans for future integrations with popular task and project management platforms.


Q: Can I customize the settings for the Linear integration in Reclaim.ai? A: Yes, Reclaim.ai allows you to configure the integration settings, such as selecting the teams to enable the integration for and choosing the sync options for your issues.

Q: Are there any limitations on the types of issues that can be synced with Reclaim.ai from Linear? A: Reclaim.ai requires issues to have estimates and either a due date or a cycle associated with them. This ensures that tasks are properly scheduled on your calendar.

Q: Can I mark tasks as done in Reclaim.ai or do I need to do it in Linear? A: You can mark tasks as done from within Reclaim.ai or directly in Linear. Changes made in either platform will be synced, reflecting the status of tasks accurately.

Q: Are there any additional integrations planned for Reclaim.ai in the future? A: Yes, Reclaim.ai has a roadmap for future integrations with platforms such as Asana, Jira, Trello, Slack, and Google Tasks. Stay updated to benefit from these upcoming integrations.

Q: How does Reclaim.ai prioritize tasks when scheduling them on the calendar? A: Reclaim.ai considers the priority levels assigned to tasks in Linear. Urgent and high-priority tasks are scheduled more rigidly, while medium and low-priority tasks offer more flexibility in their scheduling.


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