Efficiently Store and Archive AI Conversations in High Level

Efficiently Store and Archive AI Conversations in High Level

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up a Custom Field
  3. Using Zappychat Workflows
  4. Logging Inbound and Outbound Messages
  5. Retaining Conversation History
  6. Updating Contact Field
  7. Adding User's Message
  8. Adding AI's Response
  9. Sending Internal Notifications
  10. Conclusion

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Many people often wonder how to store the entirety of a conversation at high levels. This can be helpful when you want to send the conversation to a client or a sales representative after an appointment is booked, or if you simply want to store the conversation for reference. In this article, I will show you how to set up and use a custom field to store conversations. Additionally, I will explain how to incorporate this feature into your workflows in Zappychat, as well as how to use it outside of Zappychat's workflow.

Setting Up a Custom Field

The first step is to create a custom field in your settings. Head over to the settings section and click on "Custom Fields". Here, you can add a new field. Select the "Multi-line" option since conversations can be lengthy. Name the field "Conversation" for convenience. For organizational purposes, you can place it in the "Bookingbot" folder. The short code for filling in this field will be "contact.conversation". We will use this in our workflows to add to the conversation as it progresses.

Using Zappychat Workflows

If you are using Zappychat workflows, you can make a quick update to Workflow 1 and Workflow 2 to log the conversations. Additionally, update Workflow 3 to send the conversation to the intended recipient, whether it is a sales representative or the client.

Logging Inbound and Outbound Messages

In the "Send Message to Robot" workflow, add a step to update the contact field. Choose the newly created conversation field and use the following format: "contact.conversation". This will add the contents of the field back into itself and overwrite any existing content, but it will also allow you to add new lines to the conversation. To specify that the message is from the user, you can add "User" followed by a colon before the message body.

Retaining Conversation History

To ensure that all inbound and outbound messages are logged while retaining the previous conversation history, we need to update the contact field in the "Send Message to Robot" workflow. Use "contact.conversation" and add "AI:" before the AI's response. If you are not using Zappychat, make sure to use the appropriate field where the AI response is stored.

Updating Contact Field

In the "Stop Robot Appointment Booked" workflow, which is triggered when an appointment is booked, you can send an internal notification. Use the field "Contact Name" to notify the user, and include a copy of the conversation by using "contact.conversation". This will send the entirety of the conversation to the desired user.


Setting up and utilizing a custom field to store conversations can be a valuable tool in your communication workflow. By logging inbound and outbound messages and retaining the conversation history, you can easily keep track of important interactions. Whether you are using Zappychat or another platform, implementing this feature can enhance your overall communication process and improve the efficiency of your conversations.


  • Learn how to store conversations at high levels
  • Set up a custom field to store conversations
  • Incorporate conversation logging into Zappychat workflows
  • Retain history of inbound and outbound messages
  • Easily update the contact field with user's messages
  • Add AI's responses to the conversation log
  • Send internal notifications with the full conversation
  • Improve communication workflows and efficiency


Q: Can I use this conversation storage feature with other chat platforms besides Zappychat? A: Yes, you can adapt the concepts described in this article to log conversations with other chat platforms by using the appropriate contact fields.

Q: Is it possible to access and retrieve the stored conversations later? A: Absolutely! Once the conversations are stored in the custom field, you can access and retrieve them whenever needed, making it easy to review past interactions.

Q: Does this method work for both inbound and outbound messages? A: Yes, this method logs both inbound and outbound messages, ensuring that the entire conversation is stored and accessible.

Q: Can I customize the format of the conversation log? A: Yes, you can customize the format of the conversation log to suit your needs. You can add additional information or modify the structure of the conversation as desired.

Q: What are the benefits of storing conversations at high levels? A: Storing conversations at high levels allows for easy reference, efficient communication with clients or sales representatives, and the ability to review the conversation history for future analysis or training purposes.

Q: Are there any limitations or drawbacks to consider when using this conversation storage method? A: One limitation is the length of the conversation that can be stored in the custom field. If the conversation exceeds the character limit of the field, it may need to be truncated or split into multiple fields. Additionally, it's important to ensure the privacy and security of the stored conversations.

Q: Can I use this conversation storage feature for multiple chats simultaneously? A: Yes, you can use this feature for multiple chats simultaneously. Each conversation will be stored separately in the custom field, allowing you to easily access and manage them.

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