Effortlessly Paraphrase Text Using Google Sheets and Think AI

Effortlessly Paraphrase Text Using Google Sheets and Think AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Think AI?
  3. How to Register for a Think AI Account
  4. Creating a Google Sheet for Paraphrasing
  5. Writing the Paraphrasing Function
  6. Understanding Think AI API Parameters
  7. Setting the Change Level for Paraphrasing
  8. Fetching the Response from the Server
  9. Displaying the Paraphrased Text in Google Sheet
  10. Conclusion


In this tutorial, I will guide You through the process of paraphrasing text using Google Sheets and the Think AI API. Think AI is a production-ready NLP toolkit wrapped into a REST API, which enables you to perform various NLP tasks such as summarization, paraphrasing, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and much more. With Think AI, you can effortlessly paraphrase text without the need for training different models. Let's get started by creating a Think AI account and setting up the necessary tools.

What is Think AI?

Think AI is a powerful NLP toolkit that offers a wide range of natural language processing capabilities through a REST API. It allows you to perform tasks such as summarization, paraphrasing, named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis without the need for extensive training or complex model configurations. With Think AI, you can easily integrate cutting-edge natural language processing capabilities into your applications or workflows.

How to Register for a Think AI Account

To get started with Think AI, you'll need to register for an account. Follow these steps to Create your account:

  1. Go to team.ai/register and sign up for an account.
  2. Once registered, you will gain access to your API keys, which are required for using the Think AI API.
  3. Free plans are available, which are suitable for this tutorial.

Creating a Google Sheet for Paraphrasing

  1. Open Google Sheets and create a new blank document.
  2. Give the document a name of your choice.
  3. Enlarge the document size for easier readability.
  4. Copy the content that you want to paraphrase from your desired source (e.g., a web article).

Writing the Paraphrasing Function

  1. Click on "Tools" in the menu bar and select "Script editor" to open the Script Editor in Google Sheets.
  2. In the Script Editor, write the function called "thinkpad" to perform the paraphrasing task.

Understanding Think AI API Parameters

Before writing the function, let's understand the Think AI API parameters that we'll be using:

  1. Endpoint: The endpoint of the Think AI API. For paraphrasing, it will be the rewriting endpoint.
  2. API Key: The API key provided by Think AI, which authenticates your requests.
  3. Username: Your Think AI account username.
  4. Text: The text that you want to paraphrase.
  5. Change Level (Optional): Sets the entropy or level of change for the paraphrased text. It has three levels: 10 (lowest), 20 (medium), and 30 (highest).

Setting the Change Level for Paraphrasing

In our function, we'll set the change level to 30 to ensure a relatively high level of variation in the paraphrased text. You can adjust this value Based on your preference.

Fetching the Response from the Server

After setting the necessary parameters, we'll use the fetch function to send a POST request to the Think AI API endpoint. The response from the server will contain the original text and the paraphrased text.

Displaying the Paraphrased Text in Google Sheet

To display the paraphrased text in Google Sheets, we'll return the paraphrased content from the function and assign it to a cell in the sheet. This will allow you to easily view and manipulate the paraphrased text.


Paraphrasing text using Think AI and Google Sheets is a straightforward process that enables you to efficiently generate new and unique content. By leveraging the power of Think AI's NLP capabilities, you can save time and effort in creating paraphrased content. Start exploring the possibilities of Think AI in your NLP workflows today.


Q: Can I use Think AI without registering for an account? A: No, registration is required to obtain the necessary API keys for using Think AI.

Q: Is Think AI suitable for commercial use? A: Yes, Think AI offers plans that cater to both personal and commercial use.

Q: Can I adjust the level of paraphrasing in Think AI? A: Yes, you can set the change level parameter to control the level of variation in the paraphrased text.

Q: Does Think AI support languages other than English? A: Yes, Think AI supports multiple languages and offers language-specific models and functionality.

Q: Can I integrate Think AI with other applications or platforms? A: Yes, Think AI provides a REST API that allows seamless integration with various applications and platforms.

Q: Is Think AI's paraphrasing feature suitable for long Texts or articles? A: Yes, Think AI can handle the paraphrasing of both short and long texts, making it suitable for various use cases.

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