Effortlessly Stitching Multiple Data Sets in 3D

Effortlessly Stitching Multiple Data Sets in 3D

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Loading 3D Volumes
  3. Adjusting the Alignment 3.1 Manual Course Alignment 3.2 Fine Alignment
  4. Performing the Stitching
  5. Configuring the Merged Datasets 5.1 Choosing the Datasets 5.2 Setting the Merge Parameters
  6. Viewing the Merged Data
  7. Evaluating the Stitching Quality
  8. Conclusion


In this Dragonfly for training video, we will explore a new tool in Dragonfly that allows You to perform 3D stitching of multiple 3D datasets. The tool proves to be immensely useful when working with datasets collected by synchrotron micro tomography, such as the one we will be using in this tutorial.

Loading 3D Volumes

The initial step involves loading the 3D volumes into Dragonfly. In our case, the data consists of a 3D mosaic or array of multiple tiles. Each tile is indexed, with the first tile being labeled as 0 0 and the Second tile as 0 1. The datasets, however, lack proper origin, which means we must manually adjust their positions.

Adjusting the Alignment

3.1 Manual Course Alignment

To Align the datasets, we need to ensure that they are positioned correctly. Since the first dataset should be in the 0 0 position, we need to move the second dataset in the plus direction on the z-axis. By using the probe tool, we can observe the exact positions of each dataset and adjust them accordingly.

3.2 Fine Alignment

After performing the manual course alignment, we proceed to fine alignment. Dragonfly offers an automatic registration method that allows us to evaluate the alignment between the datasets. By creating a visual Shape, such as a box, we can restrict the area used for fine registration. We then select the appropriate registration function and interpolation method to optimize the fit between the datasets.

Performing the Stitching

Now that the datasets are properly aligned, we can proceed with the stitching process. Dragonfly provides a merged datasets tool that enables us to choose which datasets we want to merge. By selecting the datasets and configuring the merging parameters, we can control the size and blending of the final merged dataset.

Configuring the Merged Datasets

5.1 Choosing the Datasets

In the merged datasets tool, we have the option to select the specific datasets we want to merge. This allows us to merge a subset of the total volume or include additional datasets if needed.

5.2 Setting the Merge Parameters

To achieve the desired stitching result, we can configure various merge parameters. These include selecting the blending function, specifying the interpolation method, choosing the resolution, voxel size, or matrix Dimensions, and determining the output size of the merged dataset.

Viewing the Merged Data

Once the stitching process is complete, we can view the merged data. By hiding the source channels and displaying the merged dataset, we can observe the seamless integration of the individual datasets. If desired, we can also investigate where the contributing datasets end to assess the quality of the stitching.

Evaluating the Stitching Quality

To evaluate the stitching quality, it is crucial to examine the merged data thoroughly. Dragonfly provides tools to zoom in and inspect the results. With careful analysis, we can identify any potential artifacts or anomalies and make necessary adjustments.


In conclusion, Dragonfly's 3D stitching tool proves to be a valuable asset in seamlessly integrating individual datasets into a single, merged dataset. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, users can effectively align and merge 3D volumes, opening up new possibilities for analyzing and visualizing complex datasets.


  • Dragonfly offers a powerful 3D stitching tool for integrating multiple 3D datasets.
  • Manual course alignment and fine alignment are crucial steps in achieving accurate stitching results.
  • The merged datasets tool in Dragonfly allows users to control the merging process and customize parameters.
  • Observing and evaluating the stitching quality is essential to ensure accurate and seamless integration.
  • Dragonfly's 3D stitching tool enhances the analysis and visualization of complex datasets.


Q: Can Dragonfly stitch together 3D volumes collected by synchrotron micro tomography? A: Yes, Dragonfly provides a tool specifically designed for stitching multiple 3D datasets, including those collected by synchrotron micro tomography.

Q: How do I align the datasets in Dragonfly? A: Dragonfly offers both manual course alignment and fine alignment options. The manual course alignment allows you to manually adjust the positions of the datasets, while the fine alignment employs automatic registration methods for precise alignment.

Q: Can I control the merging process and parameters in Dragonfly? A: Yes, Dragonfly provides options to choose the datasets for merging and configure various parameters such as blending function, interpolation method, resolution, voxel size, and output size.

Q: How can I evaluate the quality of the stitching in Dragonfly? A: Dragonfly offers tools to view and inspect the merged data. By carefully analyzing the results, users can identify any artifacts or anomalies and make necessary adjustments.

Q: What are the advantages of using Dragonfly's 3D stitching tool? A: Dragonfly's 3D stitching tool provides a seamless integration of multiple 3D datasets, enhancing the analysis and visualization of complex datasets. The tool offers flexibility, control over parameters, and precise alignment for accurate stitching results.

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