Embrace the Power of Synthetic Media for Personal Identity

Embrace the Power of Synthetic Media for Personal Identity

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Who is Ryan Steelberg?
  3. Background of Veritone
  4. The Intersection of Advertising, Broadcasting, and Customer Experience
  5. Baritone as a Publicly Traded Company
  6. Leading Edge Components of AI
  7. Synthetic Media as an Extension of Identity
  8. Understanding IP Ownership
  9. The Importance of Statutory Law vs Common Law
  10. IP Integrity and Legacy Content
  11. Licensing Business and IP Rights
  12. Deep Fakes and Misappropriation in the Digital World
  13. Localization and Personalization in Advertising
  14. Accessibility in Voice Technology
  15. Use Cases and Applications of Synthetic Voice
  16. Protecting Voice Models and IP Rights
  17. Examples of Synthetic Voice in the Industry
  18. Synthetic Voice in Podcasting and Localization
  19. Real-time Synthetic Voice in Sports and Weather
  20. Responsible AI and Ethical Considerations
  21. Using Synthetic Voice for Good
  22. The Role of the Open Voice Network
  23. Conclusion


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, synthetic media has emerged as a powerful tool, revolutionizing the way we perceive and use voice technology. Companies like Veritone, led by President and Founder Ryan Steelberg, are at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to push the boundaries of what is possible. This article delves into the world of synthetic media, exploring its implications for identity, IP ownership, and the entertainment industry. We will discuss the challenges faced by content Creators and rights holders, as well as the opportunities opened up by advancements in AI. With a focus on the ethical considerations surrounding synthetic voice, we will also explore its potential for positive impact and accessibility. Join us as we unravel the fascinating world of synthetic media and its role in shaping the future of communication.

Who is Ryan Steelberg?

Ryan Steelberg is a highly regarded figure in the fields of advertising, broadcasting, and customer experience. As the President and Co-Founder of Veritone, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. With years of experience working at the intersection of these industries, Steelberg has a unique perspective on the power and potential of synthetic media. In this article, we will Delve into his insights and vision for the future, as he shares his thoughts on the role of synthetic voice in shaping our digital identities.

Background of Veritone

Veritone is a publicly traded Enterprise AI company that provides cutting-edge solutions to a wide range of industries, including media, entertainment, and law enforcement. With a diverse range of clients and a focus on AI and machine learning, Veritone is at the forefront of innovation in the field of synthetic media. As we explore the world of synthetic voice, we will take a closer look at Veritone's role as a leader in this space, and the impact their technology is having on the industry.

The Intersection of Advertising, Broadcasting, and Customer Experience

One of the key areas where Veritone excels is at the intersection of advertising, broadcasting, and customer experience. Steelberg's background in these fields gives him a unique perspective on the power and potential of synthetic media. In this section, we will explore the close relationship between advertising and voice technology, and how Veritone is leveraging this connection to provide innovative solutions for their clients.

Baritone as a Publicly Traded Company

Veritone's subsidiary Baritone is the largest media agency for audio, focusing on performance-Based advertising and podcasting. In this section, we will dive into the reasons why Baritone stands out in the industry and how they are leveraging synthetic voice technology to streamline their operations. From localization and personalization to production cost reduction, Baritone is at the forefront of innovation in the world of advertising.

Leading Edge Components of AI

Veritone's expertise in AI extends beyond just synthetic media. As an enterprise AI company, they provide comprehensive solutions across a wide range of industries. In this section, we will explore the leading-edge components of AI that Veritone specializes in, and how these components are driving innovation and impacting the world of synthetic voice.

Synthetic Media as an Extension of Identity

As synthetic media continues to evolve, it is increasingly viewed as an extension of one's identity. This raises important questions about IP ownership and the legal implications surrounding synthetic voice. In this section, we will delve into the concept of digital identity and how statutory law and common law view ownership of one's voice in the digital realm. Alongside the potential for misuse and deep fakes, we will explore the responsibility and obligations of legitimate companies in protecting individuals' digital identities.

Understanding IP Ownership

Intellectual Property (IP) ownership is a critical aspect of the digital world. In this section, we will explore the nuances of IP ownership as it relates to voice and digital identity. Using California as an example, with its progressive laws on protecting individuals' identities, we will discuss the importance of safeguarding IP rights. From registering name and likeness attributes to the challenges posed by common law jurisdictions, we will delve into the legal landscape surrounding IP ownership in the digital age.

The Importance of Statutory Law vs Common Law

In the Context of IP ownership, it is crucial to understand the distinction between statutory law and common law. While California boasts progressive laws protecting individuals' identities, other regions rely more heavily on common law doctrines. In this section, we will explore the differences between statutory and common law, discussing their impact on the evaluation of IP rights and publicity rights. Understanding this legal landscape is essential for anyone operating in the digital realm.

IP Integrity and Legacy Content

For content creators and rights holders, maintaining IP integrity is of paramount importance. This is particularly evident in the media and entertainment industry, where the licensing business plays a crucial role. In this section, we will explore the challenges faced by content licensors and the steps they take to protect their IP rights. Using examples from Veritone's work with CBS News and other major media entities, we will highlight the importance of preserving legacy content in an era of synthetic media.

Licensing Business and IP Rights

Veritone's involvement in the licensing business extends beyond content organization and distribution. As a protector of IP rights, they play a vital role in ensuring the integrity and monetization of licensed content. In this section, we will delve into Veritone's role as a licensing partner for major media entities, examining the challenges they face and the strategies they employ to safeguard IP rights. From remastering old footage to creating synthetic versions of iconic voices, we will explore the innovative ways Veritone is shaping the licensing business.

Deep Fakes and Misappropriation in the Digital World

The rise of synthetic media has brought with it concerns about deep fakes and misappropriation of voices and identities. In this section, we will discuss the ongoing challenge of deep fakes, particularly in the context of high-profile celebrities. Exploring the impact of deep fakes on elections and public Perception, we will delve into the measures being taken to combat this issue. From evaluating the integrity of voice models to tackling malicious actors, we will shed light on the steps being taken to protect individuals' digital identities.

Localization and Personalization in Advertising

One of the major applications of synthetic voice technology is localization and personalization in advertising. In this section, we will explore the immense potential of synthetic voice for adapting advertisements to different languages and cultures. From automating the localization process to tailoring ads to specific regions, synthetic voice offers a cost-effective and efficient solution. We will discuss the impact of localization on the advertising industry and how Veritone is leading the way in this field.

Accessibility in Voice Technology

Accessibility is a key consideration in the development of voice technology. In this section, we will explore how synthetic voice can enhance accessibility for individuals with speech impairments or language barriers. From prosthetic voices for those who have lost their ability to speak to multilingual solutions for wider audience reach, synthetic voice technology has the power to make communication more inclusive. We will discuss the advancements in this field and the ethical considerations surrounding accessibility in voice technology.

Use Cases and Applications of Synthetic Voice

The versatility of synthetic voice opens up a wide range of use cases and applications. In this section, we will explore the various industries and sectors that can benefit from synthetic voice technology. From entertainment and advertising to education and healthcare, synthetic voice offers innovative solutions for communication, content creation, and more. We will delve into specific use cases and discuss the potential impact of synthetic voice in each industry.

Protecting Voice Models and IP Rights

As synthetic voice technology evolves, safeguarding voice models and maintaining IP rights becomes paramount. In this section, we will discuss the challenges faced in protecting voice models from misuse and unauthorized access. We will explore the importance of consent and authorization in the creation and use of synthetic voices. Delving into Veritone's approach to protecting voice models and their commitment to asserting IP integrity, we will shed light on the complexities of this evolving landscape.

Examples of Synthetic Voice in the Industry

In this section, we will showcase a few examples of synthetic voice in action. From radio advertisements to weather reports and podcasting, we will discuss real-world applications of synthetic voice technology. Through these examples, we aim to highlight the potential of synthetic voice in enhancing the user experience and streamlining content creation processes. Join us as we explore the possibilities of synthetic voice in various industries.

Synthetic Voice in Podcasting and Localization

The booming Podcast industry presents unique opportunities for synthetic voice technology. In this section, we will delve into how synthetic voice can enhance localization efforts in podcasting. From translating podcasts into multiple languages to offering personalized experiences for listeners, synthetic voice opens up new avenues for content creators and reaches wider audiences. We will examine how Veritone and other industry players are leveraging synthetic voice to revolutionize the podcasting landscape.

Real-time Synthetic Voice in Sports and Weather

The world of sports and weather reporting can benefit greatly from real-time synthetic voice technology. In this section, we will explore the advancements in providing live play-by-play content and dynamic weather reports using synthetic voices. From enhancing the fan experience to enabling more efficient content production, real-time synthetic voice has the potential to transform the way we Consume sports and weather information. Join us as we dive into the exciting applications of this technology in the sports and weather sectors.

Responsible AI and Ethical Considerations

With great power comes great responsibility. In the realm of synthetic media and voice technology, ethical considerations are of utmost importance. In this section, we will explore the challenges and responsibilities associated with AI-driven voice technology. From ensuring consent and privacy to mitigating the risks of misusing technology, responsible AI practices are crucial for maintaining trust and integrity. We will delve into the measures being taken by industry leaders to promote responsible AI and address ethical concerns.

Using Synthetic Voice for Good

Amidst the concerns surrounding synthetic media, there is immense potential for positive impact. In this section, we will explore the altruistic applications of synthetic voice technology. From giving voices back to those who have lost them to preserving oral histories and enabling cross-cultural communication, synthetic voice has the power to transform lives. We will discuss the ways in which companies like Veritone are using synthetic voice for good and driving positive change.

The Role of the Open Voice Network

The Open Voice Network plays a crucial role in establishing standards and best practices for voice technology. In this section, we will delve into the efforts of the Open Voice Network in protecting user rights and promoting responsible AI. From advocating for user privacy and data protection to fostering collaboration among industry stakeholders, the Open Voice Network is shaping the future of voice technology. We will discuss their initiatives and their impact on the evolution of synthetic voice.


As technology continues to advance, so does the world of synthetic media. From voice assistants to deep fakes and everything in between, synthetic voice is transforming the way we communicate and Interact with technology. In this article, we have explored the fascinating world of synthetic voice, its impact on identity and IP ownership, and its potential for positive change. We have dived into the applications of synthetic voice in various industries, discussed ethical considerations and responsible AI practices, and highlighted the role of industry leaders like Veritone and the Open Voice Network. As we move forward, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and responsibility, harnessing the power of synthetic voice for the greater good. The future of communication lies in our hands, and it is up to us to Shape it responsibly and ethically.


  • Synthetic media is revolutionizing the way we use voice technology, with applications in advertising, broadcasting, and customer experience.
  • Veritone, led by Ryan Steelberg, is at the forefront of synthetic media innovation, leveraging AI to push the boundaries of what is possible.
  • IP ownership and the legal implications of synthetic voice are key considerations in the digital realm, with statutory law and common law playing important roles.
  • Localization and personalization in advertising, accessibility, and real-time applications in sports and weather are just a few examples of the versatility of synthetic voice technology.
  • Responsible AI and ethical considerations are crucial in the development and use of synthetic voice, with organizations like the Open Voice Network working towards promoting best practices and protecting user rights.


Q: What is synthetic media? A: Synthetic media refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create or manipulate media content, including voice, images, and videos.

Q: How is synthetic voice used in advertising? A: Synthetic voice is used in advertising for localization and personalization, allowing content to be easily adapted to different languages and cultures.

Q: What are the ethical considerations surrounding synthetic media? A: Ethical considerations surrounding synthetic media include concerns about deep fakes, privacy, and consent. It is essential to ensure responsible AI practices and protect individuals' digital identities.

Q: How can synthetic voice enhance accessibility? A: Synthetic voice can enhance accessibility by providing prosthetic voices for those who have lost their ability to speak and by offering multilingual solutions for individuals with language barriers.

Q: What is the role of the Open Voice Network? A: The Open Voice Network is an organization that advocates for user privacy, data protection, and responsible AI practices in the voice technology industry. They work towards establishing standards and best practices for the industry.

Q: How is Veritone protecting voice models and IP rights? A: Veritone is committed to protecting voice models and IP rights by requiring consent and authorization for the creation and use of synthetic voices. They employ processes and technologies to ensure the integrity of voice models and assert IP integrity.

Q: What are the challenges and opportunities in the realm of synthetic voice? A: Challenges in the realm of synthetic voice include concerns about deep fakes and misuse of voice technology. However, there are also immense opportunities for innovation, accessibility, and positive impact.

Q: How is synthetic voice being used in podcasting? A: Synthetic voice is being used in podcasting for localization efforts, allowing podcasts to be translated into multiple languages and reaching wider audiences.

Q: What are some real-world applications of synthetic voice technology? A: Real-world applications of synthetic voice technology include radio advertisements, weather reports, play-by-play content in sports, and podcast localization.

Q: What are the responsible AI practices in synthetic media? A: Responsible AI practices in synthetic media include ensuring consent, protecting user privacy, and being transparent about the use of synthetic voices. There is a need to strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations.

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