Enhance Enterprise AI Applications with Amazon Kendra

Enhance Enterprise AI Applications with Amazon Kendra

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Challenges in Enterprise Generative AI Applications
  3. Retrieval Augmented Generation Approach
  4. Introduction to Amazon Kendra
  5. Features of Amazon Kendra
  6. Architecture of the RAG Approach
  7. Demonstration of Generative AI Application with Amazon Kendra
  8. Comparing Side Effects of Different Medicines
  9. Understanding Contextual Queries
  10. Limitations and Future Developments
  11. Conclusion


Generative AI powered by Large Language Models is revolutionizing the technology industry. Enterprises are increasingly interested in creating generative AI applications to improve their operations and provide enhanced user experiences. However, there are several challenges in developing these applications, including concerns around enterprise security, minimizing hallucinations, fact-checking, and token limits. In this article, we will explore these challenges and discuss how the retrieval augmented generation (RAG) approach can address them. We will also introduce Amazon Kendra, a highly accurate machine learning-powered intelligent search service that can serve as the retriever for enterprise content in RAG applications. So, let's dive in and explore the world of enterprise generative AI applications and how Amazon Kendra can enhance their accuracy and performance.

Challenges in Enterprise Generative AI Applications

Developing generative AI applications for the enterprise comes with its own set of challenges. One of the primary concerns is enterprise security. Enterprises need their applications to be secure and ensure that sensitive information is not leaked. Large language models have a tendency to hallucinate, which can lead to inaccurate or inappropriate responses. Thus, there is a need for techniques to minimize hallucinations in generative AI models.

Another challenge is the training data used for large language models. These models are trained on vast amounts of data, but the source of this data may not always be authoritative. On the other HAND, enterprise applications need to run on trusted and authoritative enterprise data. Fact-checking becomes crucial to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the generated responses.

Token limits also pose a challenge in enterprise generative AI applications. These limits define the maximum amount of data that can be sent to the large language models. However, enterprise data is often spread across different data silos, such as SharePoint, Confluence, Wikis, and various other sources. It is essential to restrict generative AI applications to trusted enterprise data and ensure they can access and connect with data from all these silos.

Retrieval Augmented Generation Approach

To address the challenges faced in enterprise generative AI applications, the retrieval augmented generation (RAG) approach can be employed. This approach involves retrieving the most Relevant information from enterprise content based on a user's request. This information is then bundled as context with the user's request and sent to the large language model. The model generates a response based on this context, resulting in more accurate and contextually relevant outputs.

Amazon Kendra, a highly accurate machine learning-powered intelligent search service, is recommended as the retriever for enterprise content in RAG applications. Kendra has the ability to semantically understand user requests and find the most relevant content based on these requests. It supports natural language queries and provides Instant answers using an extractive mechanism. Kendra also ranks documents based on their relevance to the user's query and offers secure token-based access control.

Introduction to Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra is a powerful tool for enhancing the accuracy and performance of generative AI applications in the enterprise. It is based on a natural language understanding core and supports natural language queries. Kendra can provide Instant Answers by extracting information from indexed documents instead of generating new information.

Security is a top priority with Amazon Kendra. All data is encrypted in transit and at rest, offering robust protection for sensitive enterprise information. Kendra also provides token-based access control and access control lists to ensure that only authorized users can access the retrieved information.

As a fully managed service, Kendra eliminates the need for enterprises to manage clusters or handle patches and updates. It offers built-in connectors for a wide range of industry-standard data sources such as Amazon S3, Microsoft SharePoint, Atlassian, and Confluence. With Kendra, enterprises can index their own enterprise data and leverage the power of large language models, such as Anthropic Claude, hosted on Amazon Bedrock at AWS.

Features of Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra offers several key features that make it an ideal choice for powering generative AI applications in the enterprise:

  1. Semantic Understanding: Kendra can semantically understand user queries and retrieve content that is most relevant to their requests.

  2. Instant Answers: The extractive mechanism used by Kendra allows it to provide instant answers by surfacing relevant information from indexed documents.

  3. Relevance Ranking: Kendra ranks documents based on their relevance to the user's query, ensuring that the most pertinent information is presented first.

  4. Security: All data in Amazon Kendra is encrypted in transit and at rest. It also provides token-based access control and access control lists to ensure secure access to the retrieved information.

  5. Fully Managed Service: With Amazon Kendra, enterprises can focus on building their applications without the need to manage infrastructure or perform manual updates.

  6. Built-in Connectors: Kendra offers built-in connectors for a wide range of industry-standard data sources, allowing enterprises to easily index their own data.

Architecture of the RAG Approach

The retrieval augmented generation approach involves a specific architecture to ensure accurate and contextually relevant responses from the large language model. When a user makes a request, it is translated into a query to Amazon Kendra to retrieve the most relevant information. This retrieved information is then sent to the large language model as part of the Prompt's context. Based on this context, the large language model generates a response, which is then sent back to the user.

This architecture ensures that the large language model receives precise and contextually relevant information, resulting in accurate and targeted responses. By leveraging Amazon Kendra as the retriever, enterprises can enhance the performance of their generative AI applications and achieve more reliable outcomes.

Demonstration of Generative AI Application with Amazon Kendra

Now, let's dive into a demonstration of a generative AI application using Amazon Kendra. To simulate a typical enterprise environment, a set of Wikipedia pages related to different medicines has been indexed in Kendra. The goal is to ask questions and receive responses that are conversational AI-style, limited to the indexed content.

For example, let's ask the question, "What's the treatment for a headache?" The application retrieves the relevant information from the index and sends it to the large language model, in this case, Anthropic Claude. The response suggests that paracetamol and aspirin are recommended as first-line treatments for tension headaches and migraines. The response also provides additional information and references the Wikipedia pages as the source.

Similarly, queries about side effects and comparisons with other medicines can be made. This demonstration showcases the ability of generative AI applications to understand contextual queries and generate responses based on the retrieved information.

Comparing Side Effects of Different Medicines

In the demonstration, we can see that the generative AI application understands the context even when the query is not explicitly stating which medicine's side effects are being asked. For example, asking, "What are the side effects?" prompts the application to respond with the side effects of paracetamol and aspirin, even though the medicines' names were not Mentioned in the query.

Furthermore, the application can handle comparative queries. When asked to compare the side effects of ibuprofen with those of paracetamol and aspirin, the application provides a response based on the retrieved information from Amazon Kendra's indexed content. This demonstrates the ability of generative AI applications to understand and respond to contextual queries accurately.

Understanding Contextual Queries

Generative AI applications have the capability to understand and retain the context of a conversation. In the demonstration, when asked, "Who should take them?", the application responds with information about who should take paracetamol, aspirin, or ibuprofen based on the documents in Amazon Kendra's index. The application maintains context and provides appropriate responses, even when the query does not explicitly mention the subjects being referred to.

This ability to understand and retain context makes generative AI applications more conversational and user-friendly. Users can have natural conversations and receive responses that are contextually relevant, enhancing the overall user experience.

Limitations and Future Developments

While generative AI applications powered by retrieval augmented generation approach and Amazon Kendra offer significant enhancements in accuracy and performance, there are still limitations to be aware of. One limitation is the dependence on the availability and quality of the indexed content. If the content is incomplete or lacks relevance, it can affect the accuracy of the generated responses.

Additionally, relying solely on retrieved information can restrict the application's ability to generate entirely new and innovative answers. The generated responses are constrained by the retrieved content, limiting the creativity of the application.

In the future, advancements in large language models and improvements in content indexing techniques may address these limitations. More intelligent data retrieval and improved algorithms for blending retrieved and generated information could result in even higher accuracy and more innovative responses from generative AI applications.


Generative AI applications powered by large language models are transforming the enterprise landscape. However, challenges such as security, minimizing hallucinations, fact-checking, and token limits need to be addressed. The retrieval augmented generation (RAG) approach, with Amazon Kendra as the intelligent search service, provides a solution to these challenges.

With Amazon Kendra, enterprises can leverage its semantic understanding, instant answer extraction, relevance ranking, and secure access control features to enhance the accuracy and performance of their generative AI applications. By incorporating the RAG approach and harnessing the power of large language models, enterprises can develop innovative and contextually relevant AI applications.

In conclusion, Amazon Kendra offers a powerful and secure solution for enterprise generative AI applications. It streamlines the retrieval of relevant information and ensures accurate responses from large language models, ultimately improving user experiences and driving business success.


  • Generative AI applications powered by large language models are disrupting the technology industry.
  • Challenges in enterprise generative AI applications include security, minimizing hallucinations, fact-checking, and token limits.
  • The retrieval augmented generation (RAG) approach addresses these challenges by retrieving relevant information and using it as context for large language models.
  • Amazon Kendra, a highly accurate machine learning-powered intelligent search service, is recommended as the retriever for enterprise content in RAG applications.
  • Kendra's features include semantic understanding, instant answers, relevance ranking, and secure access control.
  • The architecture of the RAG approach involves retrieving information from Kendra and sending it to the large language model to generate contextually relevant responses.
  • A demonstration showcases the capabilities of a generative AI application using Amazon Kendra with indexed Wikipedia pages.
  • The application understands contextual queries, compares side effects of different medicines, and provides contextually relevant responses.
  • Limitations include the dependence on indexed content quality and the restriction of responses to retrieved information.
  • Future developments may overcome these limitations and lead to more accurate and innovative generative AI applications.


Q: How does the retrieval augmented generation (RAG) approach work? A: The RAG approach involves retrieving relevant information from enterprise content using a retriever like Amazon Kendra. This retrieved information is then used as context for large language models, enabling them to generate more accurate and contextually relevant responses.

Q: What is Amazon Kendra? A: Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate machine learning-powered intelligent search service. It supports natural language queries, provides instant answers using extractive mechanisms, and ranks documents based on relevance. Kendra offers secure access control and integrates with various data sources.

Q: Can generative AI applications understand contextual queries? A: Yes, generative AI applications can understand and retain context in conversations. They can provide responses based on the context even when the query does not explicitly mention the subjects being referred to.

Q: What are the limitations of generative AI applications? A: Generative AI applications are limited by the availability and quality of indexed content. They also generate responses based on retrieved information, which may restrict their ability to provide entirely new and innovative answers.

Q: How can Amazon Kendra enhance the accuracy of generative AI applications? A: Amazon Kendra enhances accuracy by providing semantic understanding, instant answer extraction, relevance ranking, and secure access control. It retrieves the most relevant information and serves as a reliable source for generative AI applications.


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