Enhance Gameplay with Scoring, Collisions, and More!

Enhance Gameplay with Scoring, Collisions, and More!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Updating the enemy velocity
  3. Creating the score timer
  4. Displaying the score on the UI
  5. Implementing collision detection
  6. Tracking and displaying lives
  7. Resetting the Game
  8. Handling game over
  9. Further improvements and next steps
  10. Conclusion


In this episode, we will continue working on our game development project. We will make several updates and additions to enhance the gameplay experience. Our main focus will be on updating the enemy velocity, creating a score timer, implementing collision detection, tracking and displaying lives, and resetting the game. Additionally, we will discuss the concept of game over and provide a brief overview of potential improvements and next steps. So, let's jump right in and get started!

Updating the enemy velocity

To improve the gameplay, we noticed that the enemy was moving too slowly. To fix this, we need to update its velocity. By setting the velocity of the enemy to a higher value, such as 2 or -2, we can ensure that the enemy moves at a speed that allows the player to jump over it successfully. This adjustment will enhance the challenges and dynamics of the game.

Creating the score timer

Next, we will create a score timer to track the player's progress. By implementing a timer using the setTimeout function, we can increment the score for every Second that passes in the game. To do this, we will define a new function called score and set a global variable, onScore, to zero. Inside the score function, we will increment the value of onScore by one for every millisecond or second that elapses.

Displaying the score on the UI

Once we have implemented the score timer, we can proceed to display the score on the game's user interface (UI). We will create a new function called ui and use the fillText method to display the score on the screen. By setting the text to "Score: " plus the value of onScore, we can dynamically update the score on the UI. We will also adjust the positioning of the score text to ensure it is slightly off to the left and at an appropriate Height.

Implementing collision detection

To make the game more challenging and interactive, we need to implement collision detection. This will allow us to detect when the player character collides with the enemy. Inside the game loop, we will add an if statement to check for collisions between the character and the enemy. We will compare the x and y positions of both entities to determine if a collision has occurred. If a collision is detected, we will reduce the player's remaining lives by one.

Tracking and displaying lives

In addition to the score, we want to keep track of the player's lives and display them on the UI. We will create a variable, lives, and initialize it with a value of three. Whenever a collision occurs, we will decrement the value of lives by one. To display the current number of lives, we will update the UI by adding a new section that shows the text "Lives: " followed by the value of lives.

Resetting the game

To ensure a smooth gameplay experience, we need to reset the game's state when necessary. When the player starts a new game or restarts after losing, we want to reset all the game values, including the player's score, remaining lives, character and enemy positions, and velocity. We will create a reset function that sets all these values to their initial states. This function can be called whenever a new game is started or when the player loses all their lives.

Handling game over

In the event that the player loses all their lives, we need to handle the game over Scenario. To do this, we will add an if statement to check if the value of lives is less than or equal to zero. If this condition is met, we will set a new variable, newScore, to the current score. We will then update the starting UI to display the text "Your previous score is " followed by the value of newScore. This will provide the player with feedback on their performance in the previous game.

Further improvements and next steps

With the core gameplay mechanics implemented, there are still several areas where we can make further improvements. For example, we can enhance the UI by adding graphical elements such as sprites for the player character and the enemy. We can also implement artificial intelligence (AI) to make the game more challenging by adding additional enemies or obstacles. Additionally, we can incorporate sound effects and background Music to enhance the overall gaming experience.


In this episode, we covered several important aspects of game development, including updating enemy velocity, creating a score timer, implementing collision detection, tracking and displaying lives, resetting the game, and handling game over scenarios. The game is now more engaging and challenging, providing a rewarding experience for players. In the next episode, we will explore further improvements and next steps to enhance the overall gameplay mechanics. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!


  • Updated the enemy velocity to improve gameplay dynamics and challenges
  • Implemented a score timer to track the player's progress
  • Displayed the score dynamically on the game's user interface
  • Implemented collision detection to enhance interactivity
  • Tracked and displayed the player's lives on the UI
  • Implemented a game reset function to ensure a smooth gameplay experience
  • Handled game over scenarios, providing feedback on the player's performance
  • Discussed further improvements and next steps to enhance the game
  • The game is now more engaging, challenging, and rewarding for players


  1. Q: How can I make the game more challenging? A: One way to make the game more challenging is by increasing the speed of the enemy over time. You can gradually increase the velocity of the enemy as the player progresses in the game, making it harder for them to avoid collisions.

  2. Q: Can I add more obstacles in the game? A: Yes, you can add more obstacles to make the gameplay more diverse and interesting. You can create additional enemy objects or introduce environmental hazards that the player needs to avoid.

  3. Q: How can I enhance the game's graphics and visuals? A: To enhance the game's graphics, you can add sprites for the player character, the enemy, and other elements in the game. Sprites are graphical images or animations that bring the game to life and make it visually appealing.

  4. Q: Can I add sound effects and background music to the game? A: Absolutely! Adding sound effects and background music can greatly enhance the overall gaming experience. You can incorporate sounds for jumping, colliding, scoring, and background music to create a more immersive and enjoyable gameplay.

  5. Q: What are some next steps I can take to improve the game? A: There are several next steps you can consider to improve the game. Some ideas include implementing power-ups or bonuses, adding different levels or stages with varying difficulty, and optimizing the game's performance and responsiveness. Be creative and experiment with new ideas to make the game even more entertaining for players.


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