Enhance Jupyter Notebook Development with GitHub Copilot

Enhance Jupyter Notebook Development with GitHub Copilot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is GitHub COPILOT?
  3. Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook Development
  4. Setting Up Your Jupyter Notebook Environment
  5. Exploring Titanic Data with Copilot
  6. Understanding the Kernel in Jupyter Notebook
  7. Loading and Handling Data with Pandas
  8. Overview of the Titanic Dataset
  9. Using Q&A Feature to Clarify Dataset Columns
  10. Computing the Number of Passengers Who Survived
  11. Data Visualization with Copilot
  12. Conclusion
  13. Other Uses of GitHub Copilot


GitHub Copilot is a powerful AI assistant that can assist you in writing code for various tasks, including Jupyter notebook development. In this article, I will provide you with a practical example of how GitHub Copilot can be used in Jupyter notebook development.

What is GitHub Copilot?

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered assistant developed by GitHub and OpenAI. It uses deep learning and machine learning models to provide code suggestions and completions based on the context and Prompt provided by the user. It can be a valuable tool for developers, especially those working on data analysis and machine learning projects.

Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook Development

Before we dive into how GitHub Copilot can assist in Jupyter notebook development, let's first understand the basics of Jupyter notebook. Jupyter notebook is a popular tool used by data scientists for data analysis and machine learning projects. It allows users to combine Markdown text and executable source code in one document, making it easy to document and Visualize the results of experiments or data analysis.

To get started with GitHub Copilot in Jupyter notebook development, you will need to have Visual Studio Code installed with the GitHub Copilot extension and the GitHub Code Spaces extension. Working in a code space is similar to working in a virtual machine on the cloud, where you can configure your development environment and set up the required prerequisites for your data science experiments.

Setting Up Your Jupyter Notebook Environment

To set up your Jupyter notebook environment, you can create a code space from your GitHub repository. This code space can be customized with the desired configuration files and prerequisites, such as Python 3 and common Python data science libraries. Once the code space is set up, you can create a new Jupyter notebook and start using GitHub Copilot to assist you in writing code.

Exploring Titanic Data with Copilot

In this example, we will be exploring the Titanic dataset using GitHub Copilot in a Jupyter notebook. The Titanic dataset contains information about the passengers who were aboard the Titanic at the time of the fatal accident. The goal of this notebook is to explore the dataset and identify factors that made people more likely to survive.

To start with, we will create a Jupyter notebook titled "Exploring Titanic Data with Copilot" and include a markdown cell containing the description of our project. GitHub Copilot will provide helpful suggestions as we type, making it easier to complete the markdown cell.

Next, we will import the pandas library to load and handle the dataset in our notebook. GitHub Copilot will suggest the code to upload the data into a pandas dataframe from the specified URL. It can also convert instructions written in English into Python code, simplifying the coding process.

Understanding the Kernel in Jupyter Notebook

In Jupyter notebook, the kernel is a programming language-specific process that executes the code cells in the notebook. It is responsible for running the code and providing the output. Understanding the kernel is essential for effectively using Jupyter notebook and GitHub Copilot can assist in writing code that interacts with the kernel.

Loading and Handling Data with Pandas

To analyze the Titanic dataset, we will use the pandas library to load and handle the data. GitHub Copilot can suggest code snippets to perform various operations, such as displaying the first few rows of the dataset or computing summary statistics. These suggestions can save time and streamline the data analysis process.

Overview of the Titanic Dataset

Before diving into analyzing the Titanic dataset, it is essential to have an overview of the data. GitHub Copilot can help us understand the columns and their meanings. For columns with unclear titles, we can use the Q&A feature to clarify. This feature allows us to ask Copilot questions and get informative answers, improving our understanding of the dataset.

Using Q&A Feature to Clarify Dataset Columns

In our example, we used the Q&A feature to clarify the meaning of two columns: "Site SP" and "Parch." Copilot provided helpful answers, explaining that "Site SP" represents the number of siblings and spouses aboard the Titanic, while "Parch" represents the number of parents and children aboard the Titanic. This clarification enhances our understanding of the dataset.

Computing the Number of Passengers Who Survived

We can use Copilot to compute the number of passengers who survived the shipwreck and print the result. By leveraging Copilot's code suggestions, we can quickly write the necessary code and obtain the desired output. This functionality can help streamline data analysis tasks and save time for the user.

Data Visualization with Copilot

Data visualization is a crucial step in data analysis, as it allows us to derive insights from the data that may not be apparent through simple extraction. Copilot can assist in generating code for data visualization tasks, such as plotting the correlation between passenger survival and class. By converting our instruction into code, Copilot simplifies the data visualization process, making it easier to gain Meaningful insights.


GitHub Copilot is a valuable tool for Jupyter notebook development. It can assist in various aspects, including code suggestions, generating markdown cells, clarifying dataset columns, and performing data visualization tasks. While GitHub Copilot can be a great asset, it is important to remember that it is a tool and that developers are ultimately responsible for the code they write.

Other Uses of GitHub Copilot

Apart from Jupyter notebook development, GitHub Copilot can be used in various programming languages and frameworks. It provides code suggestions and completions for different tasks, making it a versatile tool for developers. Exploring the other capabilities of GitHub Copilot can further enhance productivity and streamline the coding process.


  • GitHub Copilot is an AI assistant that aids in Jupyter notebook development.
  • The Q&A feature of Copilot can clarify dataset columns and meanings.
  • Code suggestions and completions by Copilot can save time and streamline data analysis.
  • Copilot can assist in data visualization tasks, enhancing insights from the data.
  • Developers are responsible for the code written with Copilot.


Q: How can GitHub Copilot assist in Jupyter notebook development? A: GitHub Copilot can provide code suggestions, generate markdown cells, clarify dataset columns, and help with data visualization tasks.

Q: Can Copilot help understand unclear dataset columns? A: Yes, Copilot's Q&A feature can provide explanations and meanings of unclear dataset columns.

Q: Can Copilot assist in data visualization? A: Yes, Copilot can generate code for data visualization tasks and plot correlations and other visualizations.

Q: Should developers rely solely on Copilot-generated code? A: Copilot is a tool that can provide suggestions, but developers are responsible for their code and should review and verify generated code.

Q: What are other uses of GitHub Copilot? A: GitHub Copilot can be used in various programming languages and frameworks, providing code suggestions and completions for different tasks.


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