Enhance Your Film Website with Alan AI: Part 3!

Enhance Your Film Website with Alan AI: Part 3!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Implementing a Genre Selection
  3. Implementing a Search Function
  4. Easter Eggs: Halloween and Comedy Genres
  5. Easter Egg: "Surprise Me" Feature
  6. Implementing the Featured Movie Section
  7. Conclusion

🎬 Introduction

In this article, we will explore how to enhance our film website by implementing various features using Alan AI. We will start by implementing a genre selection feature, allowing users to switch between different movie genres. Next, we will add a search function that enables users to search for specific movies. We will also include some fun Easter eggs, such as Halloween and comedy genres, triggered by specific user inputs. Finally, we will implement a "Surprise Me" feature that randomly selects a movie genre for the user. To polish off our application, we will add a featured movie section to showcase the latest releases. Let's dive in and bring our film website to life with Alan AI!

🎥 Implementing a Genre Selection

To begin, let's implement the functionality to switch between different movie genres. We will use Alan AI to capture user voice commands and update the genre selection accordingly. First, we need to define our intent for genre selection. We can set our intent as a function with a template STRING, specifying the genre the user wants to switch to.

const intent = [
  "go to",

Next, we will update our React application to handle this intent. We will listen for the command "choose genre" and retrieve the selected genre from the user's response. We will then update the genre selection and display the corresponding movies.

const handleGenreSelection = (genre) => {
  // Update genre selection

  // Display movies of the selected genre
  // ...

const App = () => {
  // ...

  if (command === "choose genre") {
    const genre = // Retrieve genre from user response

  // ...

Now, when the user says "go to" followed by a genre name, the application will update the genre selection and display the corresponding movies. Users can easily switch between genres and explore different movie categories.

🔍 Implementing a Search Function

In addition to genre selection, we want to provide users with the ability to search for specific movies. We will implement a search function that listens for the command "search for" followed by a query. The application will fetch and display the search results for the user.

const intent = [
  "search for",

To handle the search function in our React application, we will listen for the "search movie" command and retrieve the search query from the user's response. We will then fetch the search results and display them to the user.

const handleMovieSearch = (query) => {
  // Fetch search results based on query
  // ...

  // Display search results
  // ...

const App = () => {
  // ...

  if (command === "search movie") {
    const query = // Retrieve search query from user response

  // ...

Now, users can simply say "search for" followed by a movie title, and the application will fetch and display the search results. This search function provides a convenient way for users to find specific movies they are interested in.

🎃 Easter Eggs: Halloween and Comedy Genres

Let's add some fun Easter eggs to our film website! We will create special commands that trigger specific genres, such as Halloween and comedy. When users say certain phrases like "It's Halloween" or "I want to get scared," the application will switch to the corresponding genre and display related movies.

To implement the Halloween genre Easter egg, we will create a new intent with the phrase "It's Halloween." When this command is triggered, we will update the genre selection to horror and display horror movies to set the Halloween mood.

const intents = [
  // ...
  "It's Halloween"

We will also create an Easter egg for the comedy genre. When users say phrases like "Give me something funny" or "I want to laugh," the application will switch to the comedy genre and display comedy movies.

const intents = [
  // ...
  "Give me something funny",
  "I want to laugh"

Now, when users say these specific phrases, the application will switch to the corresponding genre and display the related movies. This adds an element of surprise and entertainment for users, making their movie exploration more enjoyable.

🎉 Easter Egg: "Surprise Me" Feature

Let's implement a "Surprise Me" feature that randomly selects a movie genre for users. When users say "surprise me," the application will choose a random genre and display movies from that genre. This feature adds an element of discovery and excitement to the movie-watching experience.

To implement the "Surprise Me" Easter egg, we will create a new intent with the phrase "surprise me." When this command is triggered, we will randomly select a genre from our list of genres and update the genre selection.

const intents = [
  // ...
  "surprise me"

Then, we will fetch and display movies from the selected genre, creating a surprise element for users.

Now, when users say "surprise me," the application will randomly choose a genre and display the corresponding movies. This feature encourages users to explore different genres and discover new movies they may not have considered before.

🌟 Implementing the Featured Movie Section

To enhance our film website's design and provide a more engaging user experience, let's implement a featured movie section. This section showcases the latest movie release or a popular movie selection. We will display a single movie card at the top of our movie GRID.

To implement the featured movie section, we will fetch the featured movie from our movie database and display it prominently on the homepage. This card will capture users' attention and provide a preview of the latest releases or popular movies.

To achieve this, we will create a dedicated component for the featured movie card, styling it to stand out from the rest of the movie cards. We can customize the layout, add a catchy title, and display additional information about the featured movie. This will make the homepage visually appealing and encourage users to explore further.

🎉 Conclusion

In this article, we have explored how to enhance our film website by implementing various features using Alan AI. We started by implementing genre selection, allowing users to switch between different movie genres. We then added a search function, enabling users to search for specific movies. Additionally, we included some fun Easter eggs, such as Halloween and comedy genres, triggered by specific user commands. Finally, we implemented a "Surprise Me" feature that randomly selects a movie genre for users. To polish off our application, we implemented a featured movie section to showcase the latest releases. By adding these features, we have made our film website more interactive, engaging, and enjoyable for users. Now, let's deploy our improved film website to the web and bring the magic of movies to our users!


  • Implemented genre selection feature using Alan AI integration
  • Added search functionality for users to find specific movies
  • Included fun Easter eggs for Halloween and comedy genres
  • Implemented a "Surprise Me" feature for random genre selection
  • Created a featured movie section to showcase the latest releases


Q: How can I switch between different movie genres on the film website? A: Simply say "go to" followed by the desired genre. For example, saying "go to comedy" will display comedy movies.

Q: Can I search for specific movies on the film website? A: Yes! Just say "search for" followed by the movie title you're looking for, and the application will display the search results.

Q: Are there any Hidden Easter eggs in the film website? A: Absolutely! Try saying "It's Halloween" or "Give me something funny" to trigger special genres and enjoy some themed movie suggestions.

Q: Is there a way to discover new movies without specifying a genre? A: Definitely! Just say "surprise me," and the application will randomly select a movie genre for you. Enjoy the element of surprise!

Q: How can I find the latest movie releases on the film website? A: Check out the featured movie section on the homepage. It highlights the latest movie release or a popular movie selection.


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