Enhance Your Game's Enemy AI with the Deathmatch AI Kit

Enhance Your Game's Enemy AI with the Deathmatch AI Kit

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Deathmatch AI Kit Overview
  3. Setting up a Deathmatch Game
  4. Setting up a Character with the Deathmatch AI Kit
  5. Adding AI Logic to the Character
  6. Configuring Waypoints for the Character
  7. testing the AI Agent
  8. Common Issues and Troubleshooting
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources

Introduction 👋

In the world of game development, creating realistic and challenging enemy AI is crucial for creating immersive and engaging gameplay experiences. One popular asset that aids in this process is the Deathmatch AI Kit. This kit provides a comprehensive set of tools, including behavior trees and behavior tree tasks, designed to help developers eliminate enemy targets effectively.

In this article, we will explore the Deathmatch AI Kit in detail, discussing how to set up a deathmatch game and how to configure AI agents with the kit. We will also cover the process of adding AI logic to characters and setting up waypoints for their movement. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to use the Deathmatch AI Kit to enhance enemy AI in your games.

Deathmatch AI Kit Overview 🎮

The Deathmatch AI Kit is an add-on asset that requires several other assets, such as Behavior Designer, the Behavior Designer Movement Pack, and either the Ultimate Character Controller or the Third Person Controller. Once these assets are imported, you can start using the Deathmatch AI Kit to create sophisticated enemy AI.

The kit includes a demo scene that showcases a Deathmatch gameplay setup. However, you can also utilize the kit solely for its comprehensive behavior tree, bypassing the deathmatch game mode altogether. In this article, we will explore both methods, allowing you to choose the approach that best suits your needs.

Setting up a Deathmatch Game 🎮

To set up a Deathmatch game using the Deathmatch AI Kit, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, import the required assets, including Behavior Designer, the Behavior Designer Movement Pack, and the Ultimate Character Controller integration for Behavior Designer. These assets can be found on the official website.

Once the assets are imported, open a new scene in your project and add a directional light and a plane. Then, access the Deathmatch AI Kit Setup Manager from the Tools menu and click on the "Setup Project" option. This will modify the layers and inputs necessary for a Deathmatch gameplay.

Next, click on the "Setup Scene" option in the setup manager, which will add three game objects to the scene: the Game object, the Startup component, and the Waypoints. The Game object contains essential Singletons from the Ultimate Character Controller, while the Startup component specifies the settings for the Deathmatch game, such as the number of players and camera settings. The Waypoints determine where the agents should move within the scene.

Once the scene setup is complete, you can hit the play button and witness the chaos of a Deathmatch game in action. The demo scene will demonstrate the functionality of the Deathmatch AI Kit, including spawning characters and engaging in combat.

Setting up a Character with the Deathmatch AI Kit 🤖

While the Deathmatch AI Kit includes a demo scene, the main focus is to enhance the AI logic of characters in your own game. In this section, we will discuss how to set up a character with the Deathmatch AI Kit for enemy AI purposes.

Start by creating a new scene in your project and importing the required assets. Then, add your character model to the scene and make sure to enable the AI agent and the NavMesh agent in the character manager. Additionally, ensure that the character uses the same item collection as specified in the Deathmatch AI Kit.

Next, enable the character's inventory component and add a default loadout for the preferred weapon. In this example, we will use an assault rifle. Adjust the minimum and maximum usage units according to your game's mechanics.

After configuring the weapon loadout, you can proceed to add the AI logic to the character using the Deathmatch AI Kit's Agent Manager. Drag and drop the agent into the scene and disable the team assignment for now.

Build the character using the character manager, and you should now have a character with basic AI functionality. However, before testing the AI, we need to set up waypoints to define the character's movement.

Configuring Waypoints for the Character 🛣️

Waypoints are crucial for defining the movement Patterns of AI agents. To configure waypoints for your character, create empty game objects in the scene to act as waypoints. Position them strategically to guide the character's movement.

With the waypoints in place, navigate to the character's behavior tree and specify the waypoints array. Add the respective waypoints to the array, ensuring that you populate it correctly.

Now, when you hit play, the character will follow the designated waypoints and engage in combat when an enemy target is within sight. The waypoints provide a sense of purpose and strategy to the character's behavior, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

Testing the AI Agent 🎯

To test the AI agent, hit play and observe its behavior. You will Notice that the agent follows the behavior tree defined in its character manager. The behavior tree consists of various tasks, such as searching for a target, determining the correct weapon, and engaging in combat.

The agent will dynamically react to its environment and attempt to evade grenades and other hazards. It will also determine when to go into cover and when to attack the player. This comprehensive AI logic provides a challenging and realistic enemy AI experience.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting ❗

While using the Deathmatch AI Kit, you may encounter some common issues. One such issue involves the warning message about the assault rifle not finding the first person base objects. This warning occurs when attempting to equip weapons designed for first-person perspectives on characters that do not support it. This warning is harmless in most cases and can be ignored.

Another issue you may encounter is the "unable to find a spawn point with grouping index negative one" error. This error occurs when the character's respawn settings are not configured correctly. Ensure that the character respawns at the start location to avoid this error.

If you face any other difficulties or errors, refer to the official resources provided by the Deathmatch AI Kit developers for further guidance.

Conclusion 🏁

Implementing advanced enemy AI in your games has never been easier with the Deathmatch AI Kit. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create engaging and challenging enemy AI that enhances the overall gameplay experience.

Whether you are looking to create a deathmatch game or enhance the AI logic of your characters, the Deathmatch AI Kit offers a comprehensive solution. Its behavior trees and behavior tree tasks allow for dynamic and intelligent character behavior, providing a realistic and immersive experience for players.

So, why settle for mediocre enemy AI when you have the Deathmatch AI Kit at your disposal? Start exploring its features and unleash the full potential of your game's enemy AI today!

Resources 📚

Highlights ✨

  • Enhance your game's enemy AI with the Deathmatch AI Kit
  • Set up a deathmatch game with ease using the kit's demo scene
  • Configure AI agents and their behavior trees for dynamic enemy AI behavior
  • Utilize waypoints to guide the movement of AI characters
  • Create challenging and realistic combat scenarios for players to enjoy
  • Troubleshoot common issues for a seamless integration of the Deathmatch AI Kit
  • Unleash the full potential of your game's enemy AI with comprehensive behavior trees


Q: Can I use the Deathmatch AI Kit for other game modes besides deathmatch? A: Yes, the Deathmatch AI Kit's behavior trees can be applied to various game modes. The demo scene showcases a deathmatch gameplay setup, but the behavior tree logic can be utilized independently to enhance enemy AI in any game mode.

Q: Can I customize the AI behavior in the Deathmatch AI Kit? A: Absolutely! The Deathmatch AI Kit offers a comprehensive set of behavior tree tasks that can be customized to create unique enemy AI behavior. You can adjust waypoints, combat strategies, and other parameters to achieve the desired gameplay experience.

Q: Does the Deathmatch AI Kit support multiplayer functionality? A: The Deathmatch AI Kit itself does not include native multiplayer support. However, you can integrate it with existing multiplayer frameworks or develop your own multiplayer functionality to incorporate the kit's AI logic into a multiplayer game.

Q: Can I use the Deathmatch AI Kit with other character controllers besides the Ultimate Character Controller and Third Person Controller? A: While the Deathmatch AI Kit is primarily designed to work with the Ultimate Character Controller and Third Person Controller, it can potentially be adapted to work with other character controllers. However, additional customization and integration may be required.

Q: Is the Deathmatch AI Kit compatible with different game development engines? A: The Deathmatch AI Kit is designed to work with popular game development engines such as Unity. Depending on the engine, certain adjustments may be necessary for integration. Additionally, some features and functionalities may vary across different engines.

Disclaimer: This article is based on the Deathmatch AI Kit version 1.0. Please refer to the official resources and documentation provided by the Deathmatch AI Kit developers for the most up-to-date information.

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