Enhancing Collaboration: The Chatty Network and ChatOps

Enhancing Collaboration: The Chatty Network and ChatOps

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chat Ops?
  3. Benefits of Chat Ops
  4. Setting up the Chat Ops Gateway
  5. Using Bots to Retrieve Network Information
  6. Integrating Webex Teams and Chat Ops
  7. Configuring ngrok for Secure Access
  8. Creating a Webex Teams Chat Bot
  9. Accessing the Webex Teams API
  10. Working with Web Hooks
  11. Interacting with the Meraki API
  12. Building the Chat Ops Script
  13. Running and Testing the Chat Ops System



In this article, we will explore the concept of Chat Ops and how it can be used to streamline network operations. Chat Ops refers to using chat programs to Gather operational data from our network or perform simple changes without the need for manual intervention. By leveraging bots and APIs, we can retrieve network information and receive real-time updates directly in our chat window, making troubleshooting and network management more efficient.

What is Chat Ops?

Chat Ops is a methodology that involves using chat programs as a central hub for operations and workflows. By integrating chat platforms like Webex Teams with network infrastructure, we can automate processes, retrieve data, and execute commands directly through chat conversations. This enables network administrators to have real-time access to network information and perform actions without needing to log in to individual devices or applications.

Benefits of Chat Ops

Chat Ops offers several benefits for network operations:

  1. Streamlined Communication: Chat Ops centralizes communication and collaboration, enabling teams to work together more effectively and efficiently.

  2. Real-Time Updates: By integrating bots and APIs, network administrators can receive real-time updates and notifications about network events and changes.

  3. Easy Access to Network Information: Chat Ops eliminates the need for manual logins and commands by providing a chat interface to retrieve network data and perform actions.

  4. Automation and Standardization: Chat Ops allows for the automation of routine tasks, reducing human error and promoting standardization across the network.

  5. Enhanced Troubleshooting: With Chat Ops, network administrators can quickly retrieve network information and troubleshoot issues in real-time, leading to faster resolutions.

Setting up the Chat Ops Gateway

To implement Chat Ops, we need to set up the Chat Ops gateway, which acts as an intermediary between the chat platform and the network infrastructure. The Chat Ops gateway is built using Python and utilizes frameworks such as Flask to handle web services and API requests.

To establish the Chat Ops gateway, we need to configure various components, including:

  1. Python Flask for web services.
  2. Tokens for communication with Webex Teams.
  3. Integration with other components like Meraki for additional network information.

Once the Chat Ops gateway is set up, it becomes the central point for handling chat commands and retrieving network information.

Using Bots to Retrieve Network Information

To Interact with the network and retrieve information, we can leverage bots in our Chat Ops system. Bots are automated programs that can execute predefined scripts and commands Based on user input in the chat platform.

By utilizing APIs provided by networking devices and platforms like Meraki, we can Create bots that can retrieve real-time network data directly in the chat window. Bots can Collect information such as interface status, routing tables, device versions, and more, making it easier to troubleshoot and monitor the network.

Integrating Webex Teams and Chat Ops

One of the key components of Chat Ops is integrating the chat platform, such as Webex Teams, with the Chat Ops gateway. This integration allows for seamless communication between users and the Chat Ops system.

By creating a Webex Teams bot and configuring webhooks, we can establish a connection between the chat platform and the Chat Ops gateway. Webhooks act as a notification mechanism, notifying the Chat Ops system when specific events occur, such as incoming messages or new rooms.

This integration ensures that commands and actions performed in Webex Teams are captured by the Chat Ops gateway, allowing for a streamlined and interactive user experience.

Configuring ngrok for Secure Access

To enable secure access to the Chat Ops gateway from the internet, we can utilize a tool called ngrok. Ngrok acts as a secure tunneling service, allowing external traffic to be forwarded to our local Chat Ops gateway without the need for port forwarding or exposing our network to potential vulnerabilities.

By configuring ngrok and setting up appropriate access controls, we can ensure that the Chat Ops gateway is securely accessible from anywhere, enabling remote network management and troubleshooting.

Creating a Webex Teams Chat Bot

To interact with the Chat Ops system, we need to create a Webex Teams chat bot. A chat bot is an automated program that can respond to user commands and provide Relevant information or perform actions based on those commands.

By creating a chat bot in the Webex Teams developer portal, we obtain an access token that enables our bot to communicate with the Webex Teams API. This token is used to authenticate the bot and authorize access to chat rooms and messages.

Once the chat bot is created and configured, it becomes an integral part of the Chat Ops system, facilitating communication and executing commands on behalf of users.

Accessing the Webex Teams API

To interact with the Webex Teams API and perform various operations in our Chat Ops system, we need to understand the API endpoints and available resources.

The Webex Teams API provides a comprehensive set of resources, including messages, rooms, memberships, attachments, and more. By leveraging these resources, we can retrieve message history, send messages, manage memberships, and perform other actions within the chat platform.

Understanding the Webex Teams API allows us to build powerful and interactive Chat Ops systems that can automate tasks, retrieve data, and provide real-time updates in the chat interface.

Working with Web Hooks

Web hooks play a crucial role in the Chat Ops system as they enable real-time event notifications and trigger actions based on specific events. Web hooks allow the Chat Ops gateway to receive notifications when a message is created, updated, or deleted in the chat platform.

By configuring web hooks in Webex Teams and directing them to the Chat Ops gateway via ngrok, we can ensure that messages and commands entered in the chat platform are captured and processed by our Chat Ops system. Web hooks facilitate seamless communication between the chat platform and the Chat Ops gateway, enabling real-time updates and responses.

Interacting with the Meraki API

In addition to retrieving network information from devices and platforms like Webex Teams, we can also integrate the Chat Ops system with the Meraki API.

The Meraki API allows us to access and manage Meraki devices, retrieve network information, configure settings, and perform various tasks programmatically. By leveraging the Meraki API, we can enhance our Chat Ops system with additional network data, such as wireless network configurations, device details, traffic analytics, and more.

Integrating the Meraki API into our Chat Ops system adds another layer of functionality and enables comprehensive network management and troubleshooting directly from the chat platform.

Building the Chat Ops Script

With all the necessary components in place, we can now build the Chat Ops script that ties everything together. The Chat Ops script is responsible for receiving messages from Webex Teams, parsing the commands, executing the corresponding actions, and sending back the results.

In the Chat Ops script, we define the functions and logic for handling various commands, including retrieving network information, executing commands on network devices, interacting with APIs, and formatting the responses to be sent back to Webex Teams.

The script utilizes libraries and modules like Flask, requests, netmiko, and restconf to handle web services, API requests, and network device interactions. It instantiates classes for Webex Teams communication, Meraki API access, NETCONF connections, and RESTCONF connections. These classes provide the necessary methods and functions to interact with the respective platforms and retrieve network information.

Running and Testing the Chat Ops System

Once the Chat Ops script is built, we can run it and test the functionality of our Chat Ops system. By starting the Flask server and connecting ngrok to our local environment, we can establish the communication between Webex Teams, ngrok, and the Chat Ops script.

To test the system, we can send commands and messages to the chat bot in Webex Teams, triggering specific actions in the Chat Ops script. We can verify if the script successfully retrieves network information, executes commands on network devices, and sends back the results to Webex Teams.

Testing the Chat Ops system ensures that all the components are working properly and allows us to identify any issues or errors that need to be addressed before deploying it in a production environment.

In conclusion, Chat Ops revolutionizes network operations by providing a seamless and efficient way to retrieve network information, perform actions, and facilitate collaboration within a chat platform. By leveraging bots, APIs, and integrations, Chat Ops enhances the speed and accuracy of network management and troubleshooting processes. With the ability to automate routine tasks and access real-time updates, network administrators can streamline their workflows and focus on critical tasks for better network performance and reliability.

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