Enhancing Design Exploration with Human-AI Collaboration

Enhancing Design Exploration with Human-AI Collaboration

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Engineering Design Process
    1. Design Requirements
    2. Baseline Design Selection
    3. Iterative Design Process
  3. Shape Optimization in Design
    1. Objective of Shape Optimization
    2. Parameterization of Design
    3. Design Space Evaluation
    4. Optimization with Generative Models
  4. Generative Models in Design
    1. Overview of Generative Models
    2. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
    3. Variational Autoencoders
    4. Diffusion Models
    5. Transformers
  5. Limitations of Traditional Parametric Models
    1. Low-Dimensionality
    2. Lack of Diversity and Validity of Design Alternatives
  6. Promise of Generative Design Spaces
    1. Enhanced Design Possibilities
    2. Real-World Design Scenarios
  7. Efficient Exploration of Generative Design Spaces
    1. Complex Design Problems
    2. Ship Hull Design Case Study
    3. Three Design Exploration Modes
      • Random Exploration Mode
      • Semi-automated Exploration Mode
      • Automated Exploration Mode
  8. User Study on Design Exploration Modes
    1. Study Design and Participants
    2. Design History and Time Spent
    3. Design Diversity and Performance Trade-off
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQs


In the field of engineering design, the process of creating innovative and effective designs has always been a complex and time-consuming task. Designers and engineers face the challenge of meeting various design requirements while ensuring optimal performance. Traditionally, this process has heavily relied on the expertise of designers and engineers, making it highly dependent on human input and potentially limiting the exploration of design alternatives.

However, recent advancements in shape optimization and generative models have opened up new possibilities for automating and enhancing the design process. Shape optimization involves the use of design parameters to explore and refine a baseline design, with the objective of improving its performance. Generative models, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders, diffusion models, and Transformers, have shown great potential in creating rich and valid design spaces for innovative shapes.

While generative design spaces offer unparalleled possibilities, their integration into real design scenarios and their optimal use raise questions. This article aims to explore the efficient ways of exploring generative design spaces and evaluate their effectiveness in generating diverse, Novel, and high-performing design solutions. The exploration will be conducted through a user study, focusing on a ship hull design case study.

The Engineering Design Process

Before diving into the exploration of generative design spaces, it's essential to understand the typical engineering design process. This process begins with the identification of design requirements from customers, designers, and engineers. These requirements serve as the foundation for further design exploration.

Design Requirements

Design requirements act as guidelines for designers and engineers, outlining the specific objectives and constraints that need to be met in the design process. These requirements may include technical specifications, performance expectations, and functional considerations. The clearer and more comprehensive the design requirements, the more effectively the subsequent design steps can be executed.

Baseline Design Selection

Once the design requirements are established, designers and engineers explore existing databases and design libraries to select a suitable baseline design. The baseline design serves as the starting point for further design iterations and evaluations. It provides a foundation that can be modified and optimized to meet the new design requirements.

Iterative Design Process

The design process is iterative in nature, meaning designers and engineers continuously make slight changes to the baseline design and evaluate its performance against the design requirements. This iterative approach allows for optimization and refinement of the design, ensuring that it meets the desired objectives.

Throughout this process, designers and engineers may employ different optimization techniques to improve specific design aspects, such as reducing drag or resistance in the case of ship hull design. These techniques involve parameterizing the baseline design with a set of design parameters, resulting in a design space that can be explored for alternative design variations.

Shape Optimization in Design

Shape optimization plays a crucial role in the design process, aiming to improve the performance of a design by optimizing its shape. In the context of generative design spaces, shape optimization involves exploring the design space resulting from generative models to create innovative and optimized designs.

Objective of Shape Optimization

The objective of shape optimization is to reduce drag or resistance in the case of ship hull design, leading to improved performance. By refining the shape of a design, designers and engineers can achieve better efficiency and meet the desired performance objectives.

Parameterization of Design

To seamlessly explore different design variations, the baseline design is parameterized using a set of design parameters. These parameters define the key features and characteristics of the design, allowing for easy manipulation and evaluation. The parameterization process results in a design space that can be connected with the physical model for performance evaluation.

Design Space Evaluation

The design space resulting from the parameterization of the baseline design is connected with an optimizer. The optimizer explores the design space to search for optimal designs that meet the design requirements and minimize drag or resistance. This exploration is guided by performance metrics and objectives.

Optimization with Generative Models

Generative models have revolutionized the optimization process by providing rich and valid design spaces for exploration. These models, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders, diffusion models, and Transformers, offer new opportunities for creating diverse and innovative shapes.

Overview of Generative Models

Generative models employ different approaches to generate new data that's similar to the training data. GANs, for example, use a Game theoretic approach with a generator and discriminator. The generator aims to produce realistic data, while the discriminator tries to distinguish between real and generated data. These two components are trained simultaneously, competing against each other to improve the quality of the generated data.

Variational autoencoders and diffusion models excel in capturing sequential dependencies in data. They allow for the generation of new data points by modeling the probability distribution of the training data. This enables the generation of novel and valid design alternatives beyond the training dataset.

Transformers, on the other HAND, rely on the attention mechanism to process inputs. This mechanism allows the model to focus on different parts of the input sequence, facilitating better understanding and generation of diverse designs.

The design spaces resulting from these generative models are not only low-dimensional, which expedites the shape optimization process, but they also have the potential to produce novel and valid design alternatives.

Limitations of Traditional Parametric Models

Traditional parametric models, although widely used in engineering design, have several limitations that hinder the creation of innovative designs. These limitations are mainly associated with their low-dimensionality and their inability to generate diverse and valid design alternatives.


The design spaces resulting from traditional parametric models are often low-dimensional. This restricts the exploration of design alternatives, potentially limiting the ability to discover novel and optimized designs. The lack of dimensionality poses a challenge in generating shapes that go beyond existing designs.

Lack of Diversity and Validity of Design Alternatives

Another limitation of traditional parametric models is the lack of diversity and validity in the design alternatives they generate. Since these models are pre-coded to parameterize key features of the baseline design, they may not be able to produce a diverse and valid set of design alternatives. This lack of diversity and validity hampers the quality and innovativeness of the solutions produced.

Promise of Generative Design Spaces

Generative design spaces hold immense promise in revolutionizing the design process and unlocking new possibilities. These spaces have the potential to overcome the limitations of traditional parametric models and facilitate the creation of innovative and optimized designs.

Enhanced Design Possibilities

Generative design spaces offer unparalleled design possibilities by providing a wider exploration range compared to traditional parametric spaces. The rich and diverse nature of generative models allows for the creation of novel and unique shapes that may have not been previously considered. This opens up avenues for groundbreaking designs that meet performance objectives while introducing creative elements.

Real-World Design Scenarios

While generative design spaces promise innovative solutions, their integration into real-world design scenarios is crucial. It is essential to explore how these spaces can be optimally utilized without overwhelming designers and engineers, while still expediting the design process.

In order to understand the effectiveness of generative design spaces, a study was conducted to explore the most efficient ways of exploring these spaces for ship hull design. The study involved the creation of generative design spaces using a custom GAN model trained on a large dataset of ship designs. Three design exploration modes were developed, varying in degrees of autonomy and user involvement.

Efficient Exploration of Generative Design Spaces

Efficient exploration of generative design spaces requires the development of robust design exploration modes. These modes should strike a balance between user involvement and optimization, resulting in the generation of diverse, novel, and high-performing designs.

Complex Design Problems

To investigate the most efficient ways of exploring generative design spaces, a complex design problem was formulated. The ship hull design was chosen as the case study, given its broader role in the parametric modeling approach. The rich 20-dimensional generative design space resulting from the ship hull GAN model allowed for extreme design variations across various ship types.

Ship Hull Design Case Study

To train the ship hull GAN model, 17 different types of ships, including tankers, containers, bulk carriers, tugboats, and crew vessels, were selected. These ships were either physically existing or widely recognized in the maritime community for validation purposes. Systematic variations were introduced by parameterizing each design, resulting in approximately 50,000 design data points. This data was then used to train the ship hull GAN model.

Three Design Exploration Modes

To explore how designers perceive and utilize generative design spaces, three design exploration modes were developed. These modes varied in autonomy and user involvement, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of their effectiveness.

Random Exploration Mode

The random exploration mode replicated the typical random design exploration approach. In this mode, users independently explored the design space based on their intuition and expertise. Designers manually navigated the generative design space, searching for novel and better-performing designs. Performance evaluations were provided for each design to facilitate comparisons and informed decisions.

Semi-automated Exploration Mode

The semi-automated exploration mode introduced collaboration between the designer and the optimizer. The exploration process aimed to guide designers towards user-centered and optimized areas of the design space. Designers and the optimizer worked together in navigating the generative design space, informed by both user intuition and performance metrics. The design space was continuously refined based on user preferences, leading to the final preferred designs.

Automated Exploration Mode

The automated exploration mode focused on fully automated design exploration. The optimizer played the primary role in navigating the generative design space while considering performance objectives. This mode aimed to reach the global optima by adhering to design constraints and minimizing a specific weight function. The exploration occurred with minimal user involvement, allowing the optimizer to drive the design space exploration.

User Study on Design Exploration Modes

To evaluate the effectiveness of the three design exploration modes, a user study was conducted. The study involved Recruiting 20 participants with a background in naval architecture and several years of experience in ship design. The participants were tasked with exploring generative design spaces for ship hull design and selecting designs that were both novel and optimized.

Study Design and Participants

The study followed the protocol set by the University of California's institutional review board and engaged participants with diverse design backgrounds. The 20 participants were final-year undergraduate students with experience in ship design. The average age of the participants was 25, with a gender distribution of 30% male and 70% female.

Design History and Time Spent

By analyzing the design history and time spent by participants in each design exploration mode, valuable insights were gained. The participants spent the least amount of time in the random exploration mode, despite achieving a higher level of diversity in their design choices. On average, participants spent more time in the semi-automated and fully automated exploration modes, indicating a slightly longer but more informed exploration process.

Design Diversity and Performance Trade-off

The distribution of the total number of designs explored in each exploration mode revealed interesting Patterns. The random exploration mode showcased the highest level of design diversity, followed by the semi-automated and fully automated exploration modes. The automated exploration mode had significantly lower diversity, indicating that designs were heavily influenced by performance without much focus on diversity.

However, the performance of designs resulting from the semi-automated exploration mode, on average, outperformed those from the automated exploration mode, which placed high importance on performance. The random exploration mode resulted in designs that were diverse but lacked good performance.

In conclusion, participants were able to find better-performing and diverse designs in the semi-automated exploration mode while exploring fewer designs compared to the automated and random exploration modes. The semi-automated exploration mode struck a balance between novelty and performance, making it an effective approach for design exploration.


Generative design spaces, facilitated by advanced generative models, have the potential to revolutionize the engineering design process. These design spaces offer enhanced possibilities for innovation and optimization, providing designers with a wider exploration range and creating novel and high-performing designs.

By efficiently exploring generative design spaces, designers can discover diverse and optimized designs while reducing the time and effort involved. The study conducted on ship hull design explored various design exploration modes, highlighting the effectiveness of semi-automated exploration in producing better-performing and diverse designs.

As generative design spaces continue to evolve, it is important to integrate them into real design scenarios carefully. Understanding the effectiveness of different design exploration modes and considering factors like performance and design appearance will enhance the utilization of generative design spaces and further speed up the design process.


Q: What is shape optimization in the engineering design process? A: Shape optimization is a crucial step in the engineering design process where designers aim to improve the performance of a design by optimizing its shape. This process involves parameterizing the baseline design, exploring the design space, and refining the shape to meet design requirements and objectives.

Q: How do generative models enhance the design process? A: Generative models offer rich and diverse design spaces, enabling designers to explore innovative and optimized designs. These models, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders, generate design alternatives beyond traditional parametric models, bringing about unparalleled design possibilities.

Q: What are the limitations of traditional parametric models in design? A: Traditional parametric models are often low-dimensional and lack the ability to generate diverse and valid design alternatives. Their limited dimensionality restricts the exploration of new designs, while the lack of diversity hampers the creation of innovative and optimal solutions.

Q: How effective are generative design spaces in real design scenarios? A: Generative design spaces hold great potential in real design scenarios, as they offer a wider exploration range and the ability to create novel and optimized designs. However, their effective use and integration require further exploration, considering the balance between user involvement and optimization objectives.

Q: What was the outcome of the user study on design exploration modes? A: The user study showed that the semi-automated exploration mode resulted in better-performing and diverse designs compared to the fully automated and random exploration modes. Participants were able to explore fewer designs while achieving a balance between novelty and performance in the semi-automated mode.

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