Enhancing Plagiarism Detection with AI: Exploring Turnitin on Brightspace

Enhancing Plagiarism Detection with AI: Exploring Turnitin on Brightspace

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In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), discussions about its future, potential dangers, and impact on various aspects of our lives have become commonplace. Concerns have been raised about whether AI will eventually dominate the world like Skynet or be misused for nefarious purposes. One area where AI has already made an impact is in education, particularly in the detection of plagiarism. Learning Management Systems, such as Brightspace, have integrated software like Turnitin to tackle the problem of plagiarism. This Tutorial aims to explore how Turnitin, with its additional AI detection software, can be used to detect AI-generated plagiarism.

The Problem of Plagiarism

Plagiarism has been a persistent issue for educators since the advent of writing assignments. In the past, students had to manually copy information from books they found in libraries to plagiarize content. However, with the internet and the digital age, the act of plagiarism has become much easier. Learning Management Systems have recognized this problem and have integrated plagiarism detection software to ensure academic integrity.

Plagiarism Detection Software

Turnitin and AI

Brightspace's plagiarism detection tool, Turnitin, has been successfully used by educators for some time. However, the rise of artificial intelligence has brought new challenges to the detection of plagiarism. To stay ahead, Turnitin has adapted by implementing additional AI detection software.

Adding an Assignment with Turnitin

To utilize Turnitin's capabilities, let's create an assignment in Brightspace where students can submit their Papers. Start by navigating to the Course tools and selecting "Assignments." Create a new assignment with a Meaningful title and set the point value. In the instructions area, clearly state that students should submit their papers. Scroll down to the evaluation and feedback section and find the Turnitin integration settings. Enable the similarity report and allow learners to see their similarity scores. Make sure to save the settings and then add the assignment to the content section of the course.

Testing Turnitin's Capabilities

Now that we have set up the assignment with Turnitin, let's test its capabilities. Switch to the learner view and upload a document for evaluation. It's important to note that the document we upload will contain sections copied from a source, sections generated by an AI system, and sections of original text.

Interpreting the Turnitin Similarity Report

Once the document is submitted, we can view the Turnitin similarity report. The report highlights sections that it has identified as plagiarized. In the example we showcased earlier, the report correctly highlighted the section copied from a source and identified it as plagiarized. However, it missed identifying the AI-generated section as plagiarized.

Detecting AI-Generated Plagiarism

While Turnitin's AI detection software has made progress, it still has limitations. It may not accurately detect sections of text generated by AI systems. In the example we tested, the AI identification highlighted only a small part of the AI-generated text. This highlights the need for caution when relying solely on AI detection to accuse students of using AI-generated content.

The Imperfect Nature of AI Detection

It's important to acknowledge that AI detection software is not Flawless. It can make mistakes by incorrectly identifying non-plagiarized text as AI-generated, and it may miss sections that are actually AI-generated. However, despite these imperfections, it is still valuable to use AI detection software, as it contributes to the development of improved capabilities over time.


Plagiarism poses a significant challenge in the world of education. To combat this issue, Learning Management Systems have integrated powerful plagiarism detection software like Turnitin. While AI-based detection has brought advancements, it is vital to exercise caution and not solely rely on AI identification to accuse students of using AI-generated content. By consistently using and refining AI detection tools, we can improve their accuracy and effectiveness in the future.


  • Plagiarism has become a significant concern in education, and AI plays a role in its detection.
  • Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection software that has incorporated additional AI detection capabilities.
  • By enabling Turnitin integration, educators can detect plagiarism and provide feedback to students.
  • However, the imperfect nature of AI detection should be considered, as it may produce false positives or miss AI-generated content.
  • Despite its limitations, AI detection software continues to improve and is an essential tool for promoting academic integrity.


Q: Can Turnitin accurately detect AI-generated plagiarism? A: Turnitin's AI detection software has its limitations and may not accurately identify all AI-generated content. It is still a valuable tool but should be used with caution.

Q: Does Turnitin highlight all instances of plagiarism in a document? A: Turnitin is designed to identify and highlight sections that match other sources. However, it may miss certain instances of plagiarism, especially those generated by AI systems.

Q: What should educators do if Turnitin falsely identifies non-plagiarized text as AI-generated? A: Educators should carefully review the similarity report and consider additional evidence before accusing students of using AI-generated content. It is important to approach accusations with caution and fairness.

Q: Will AI detection software become more accurate in the future? A: The continuous use and development of AI detection software will likely result in improved accuracy over time. As AI technology advances, so too will its capabilities in detecting AI-generated plagiarism.

Q: How can plagiarism detection software benefit students and educators? A: Plagiarism detection software helps maintain academic integrity by identifying instances of plagiarism. This allows educators to provide feedback and encourage students to develop their own original work.

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