Enhancing Ultrasound Competency Assessment with AI

Enhancing Ultrasound Competency Assessment with AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Need for Ultrasound Competency Assessment
  3. Defining Ultrasound Competency
  4. Validating Assessment Metrics
  5. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Ultrasound Competency Assessment
  6. The Sonosim Ecosystem
  7. Applying AI to Optimal Window Tagging
  8. Assessing Declarative Knowledge
  9. Evaluating Procedural Knowledge
  10. Automating Assessment with AI
  11. Future Innovations in Automated Assessment
  12. Conclusion


Welcome to the Sonosim webinar on applying artificial intelligence (AI) towards competency assessment in ultrasound. In this webinar, we will review lessons learned over the last decade of research and provide a brief overview of the field of AI as it relates to ultrasound psychomotor skill assessment. Our expert panelists will examine the pros and cons of various approaches and discuss the technical merits and system requirements of Sonosim's AI approach to ultrasound competency assessment. We will also provide a preview of our upcoming 2021 launch of the AI competency assessment executed within Sonosim Performance Tracker. After the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to access a complimentary trial of Sonosim's courses and mobile app.

The Need for Ultrasound Competency Assessment

The first step in understanding the importance of ultrasound competency assessment is recognizing the training requirements and elements necessary for successful ultrasound education. These elements include an ultrasound machine, an instructor, a student, a patient, teaching moments, the ability to repeat tasks, assessment resources, and the knowledge of when to provide refresher training and how quickly skills may decay. Ultrasound competency assessment plays a crucial role in determining the proficiency of students and clinicians and ensuring patient safety.

Defining Ultrasound Competency

To assess ultrasound competency, it is essential to define the criteria and metrics used for evaluation. This includes assessing declarative knowledge, which refers to the understanding of ultrasound indications and machine optimization. It also involves evaluating procedural competency, which encompasses skills such as performing a systematic examination, obtaining accurate images, interpreting the images, and documenting the findings. The metrics used for ultrasound competency assessment have been validated through research and aim to measure a learner's ability to apply ultrasound knowledge in a clinical setting.

Validating Assessment Metrics

Sonosim has been actively involved in research related to ultrasound competency assessment for over a decade. Through studies and validation processes, Sonosim has identified and validated assessment metrics that correlate with ultrasound competency. These metrics have been used to assess both psychomotor skills and procedural knowledge. By validating these metrics, Sonosim ensures that their assessment tools accurately measure a learner's ultrasound proficiency.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Ultrasound Competency Assessment

Artificial intelligence plays a vital role in improving ultrasound competency assessment. By harnessing AI technology, Sonosim aims to enhance the way ultrasound competency is assessed. AI can provide objective and consistent assessment results, reduce the time and resources required for assessment, and provide personalized feedback to learners. Sonosim's AI approach focuses on expert systems and deep learning techniques to accurately assess ultrasound competency.

The Sonosim Ecosystem

Sonosim has developed an ecosystem that incorporates various tools and modules to facilitate ultrasound education and competency assessment. This ecosystem includes over 70 courses, delivered through a cloud-based platform optimized for mobile devices. The courses cover a wide range of ultrasound applications and provide declarative knowledge. The Sonosim simulator allows learners to practice their psychomotor skills by scanning real cases using a specialized probe. The Performance Tracker tool offers visualization and analytics capabilities to assess learner progress. In addition, Sonosim has developed modules specifically dedicated to ultrasound-guided procedures, providing learners with hands-on experience in performing various procedures under ultrasound guidance.

Applying AI to Optimal Window Tagging

One area where AI is being applied within the Sonosim ecosystem is in the automated assessment of optimal window tagging. This assessment focuses on the learner's ability to acquire high-quality ultrasound images. Sonosim's AI system analyzes learner-captured images and provides immediate feedback on the image quality and optimal tagging. This helps learners improve their scanning skills and ensures they acquire images that meet the standards of expert sonographers.

Assessing Declarative Knowledge

Sonosim's current assessment tools allow for the evaluation of declarative knowledge in ultrasound. Learners are presented with in-Course assessment questions and mastery tests that assess their understanding of the course material. Immediate feedback is provided to learners, highlighting correct and incorrect answers. This allows learners to gauge their knowledge retention and identify areas for improvement.

Evaluating Procedural Knowledge

Procedural knowledge in ultrasound is evaluated through the use of Sonosim's ultrasound-guided procedure modules. Learners gain the necessary theoretical knowledge before practicing the procedures in a simulated environment. Sonosim's AI system assesses the learner's performance during the procedure and provides feedback on any mistakes made. This feedback helps learners understand and rectify their errors, improving their procedural skills.

Automating Assessment with AI

Sonosim is developing an AI-powered automated assessment feature that will streamline the grading process for instructors. This feature will automatically assess learner-captured images based on predetermined criteria, such as image orientation and scan plane. It will provide grades of acceptable, sub-optimal, or unacceptable for each image. Instructors can review the grades and provide personalized feedback to learners. This automated assessment saves instructors time while still allowing for personalized assessment and feedback.

Future Innovations in Automated Assessment

Sonosim aims to expand its automated assessment capabilities beyond image acquisition. Future innovations include assessing image interpretation and the integration of ultrasound findings into medical decision-making. By leveraging AI technology, Sonosim will continue to enhance its automated assessment tools, providing instructors with comprehensive and accurate evaluation of learner competency.


In conclusion, AI has become an essential tool in ultrasound competency assessment. Sonosim's use of expert systems and deep learning techniques allows for accurate and efficient assessment of ultrasound knowledge and skills. With the integration of AI into the Sonosim ecosystem, learners can receive personalized feedback and instructors can efficiently assess learner competency. The future of automated assessment in ultrasound holds great promise, as Sonosim continues to innovate and enhance its AI-powered tools.


  • Sonosim's AI-powered assessment tools improve the efficiency and accuracy of ultrasound competency evaluation.
  • Automated assessment saves instructors time while still providing personalized feedback to learners.
  • Sonosim's expert systems and deep learning techniques ensure reliable and validated assessment metrics.
  • The Sonosim ecosystem offers a comprehensive solution for ultrasound education and competency assessment.
  • Future innovations will expand automated assessment capabilities, including image interpretation and integration into medical decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does Sonosim's AI-powered assessment system ensure accuracy and validity?

A: Sonosim's AI-powered assessment system is designed based on validated assessment metrics and expert knowledge. The system undergoes rigorous testing and validation to ensure accurate evaluation of learner competency. Additionally, the system provides explainable decisions, allowing instructors to understand the reasoning behind the assessment results.

Q: Can Sonosim's AI system adapt to different ultrasound applications and specialties?

A: Yes, Sonosim's AI system is designed to adapt to various ultrasound applications and specialties. The assessment criteria can be customized to Align with specific requirements and standards for each specialty. This flexibility ensures that the assessment accurately evaluates the learner's competency in their chosen field.

Q: How does Sonosim's automated assessment feature benefit learners and instructors?

A: Sonosim's automated assessment feature benefits learners by providing immediate feedback on their performance, allowing them to identify areas for improvement. For instructors, it saves time and provides objective grading, ensuring consistency and fairness in the assessment process. Instructors can also provide personalized feedback to learners, supporting their individual learning needs.

Q: Does Sonosim's AI system integrate with other ultrasound education platforms and tools?

A: Sonosim's AI system is designed to work seamlessly within the Sonosim ecosystem. However, Sonosim is committed to interoperability and is actively exploring ways to integrate with other ultrasound education platforms and tools. This will allow users to leverage the benefits of Sonosim's AI-powered assessment system alongside their existing educational resources.

Q: How does Sonosim ensure the privacy and security of user data in its AI-powered assessment system?

A: Sonosim takes user data privacy and security seriously. All data collected and processed by the AI-powered assessment system is handled in accordance with industry best practices and Relevant data protection regulations. User data is anonymized and encrypted to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Sonosim is committed to maintaining the highest standards of data security and privacy protection.


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