Epic Minecraft Journey: Surviving 100 Days on a Single Block!

Epic Minecraft Journey: Surviving 100 Days on a Single Block!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Day 1: Starting the Challenge
  3. Day 2: Expanding the Island
  4. Day 3: Goals for the 100 Days
  5. Day 4: Animals and Tree Farm
  6. Day 5: Trapping Donald and First Tree
  7. Day 6: Melon Farm and Mushroom Stew
  8. Day 7: Zombie Surprise and Tree Growth
  9. Day 8: Beds and Tree Chopping
  10. Day 9: Tree Farm Expansion and Seeds
  11. Day 10: Sheep Shearing and Tree Chopping
  12. Day 11: Villager Hut and First Dog
  13. Day 12: Birch Farm and Cow Pen
  14. Day 13: Breakthrough with Diamonds
  15. Day 14: From Tundra to Jungle Dungeon
  16. Day 15: Mining Obsidian and Crafting Books
  17. Day 16: Cobblestone Generator and Naming the Polar Bear
  18. Day 17: Navigating the Nether and Blaze Rods
  19. Day 18: Iron Farm and Exploring the End
  20. Day 19: Enchanting Table and Defeating Ender Dragon
  21. Conclusion

Surviving 100 Days on One Block in Hardcore Minecraft

In this challenge, we embarked on a daring adventure of surviving 100 days on a single block in hardcore Minecraft. Unlike other similar challenges, we approached this with two players and played in hardcore mode, meaning that if either of us died once, it would be game over. This adds an extra layer of tension and excitement to the already challenging task at HAND. So, let's dive into each day's progress and the obstacles we faced on our Quest to survive and thrive in this extreme Minecraft challenge.


Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to explore, Gather resources, and build their own world. Hardcore mode adds an additional level of difficulty - if the player dies, they cannot respawn. In this challenge, we pushed the limits of survival by restricting ourselves to just one block and aiming to last for 100 days. This meant carefully managing our resources, crafting tools, exploring different biomes, and even defeating the notorious Ender Dragon. It was a test of skill, strategy, and endurance.

Day 1: Starting the Challenge

On the first day, we started with just a single block and ventured into the unknown. Our main priority was to figure out how to break the block without falling off, as this would Instantly end our 100-day challenge. After several attempts, we successfully broke the block and expanded our small island. We managed to craft basic tools, gather wood, and even encountered a friendly pig whom we named Donald.

Day 2: Expanding the Island

With the first block broken and a secure footing, we focused on expanding our island. We continued to break more blocks, craft slabs, and extend our landmass. Our progress allowed us to construct a pen for Donald (the pig) and Create a chest to store our valuable resources. Despite the challenges of surviving on a small island, we were optimistic and excited about the possibilities ahead.

Day 3: Goals for the 100 Days

Having established a stable island, we discussed and set three primary goals for our 100-day challenge. Our first goal was to complete all 10 phases of the block, which would require consistent block-breaking and resource gathering. The Second goal was to defeat the Ender Dragon, a formidable enemy lurking in the End dimension. Lastly, our third goal was to establish an iron farm to ensure a steady supply of the valuable resource. With these goals in mind, we were determined to push forward and overcome the obstacles that lay ahead.

Day 4: Animals and Tree Farm

On the fourth day, we focused on expanding our livestock and developing a sustainable food source. We successfully captured cows and introduced them to a dedicated pen, ensuring a steady supply of milk and meat. Additionally, we established a tree farm, planting saplings and nurturing them for future wood supply. Our island was slowly turning into a self-sufficient ecosystem, providing us with enough resources to survive and thrive.

Day 5: Trapping Donald and First Tree

Day five marked another milestone as we completed Donald's pen and expanded our tree farm. However, not everything went smoothly. One of the pigs managed to escape, but we swiftly tricked it back into the pen using a carrot. Despite some minor setbacks, our island was evolving and becoming more secure with each passing day.

Day 6: Melon Farm and Mushroom Stew

With our animal and tree farms flourishing, we shifted our focus to food sustainability. We crafted a melon farm and started growing melons, ensuring a renewable source of food. Additionally, we fortuitously found a mushroom and used it to create delicious mushroom stew, further diversifying our food options. As we approached the end of the first week, our island was beginning to feel like a small, thriving community.

Day 7: Zombie Surprise and Tree Growth

As day seven dawned, we were faced with an unexpected zombie influx. However, we swiftly defended our island and continued our Journey. The tree farm was thriving, and some trees had grown to provide valuable wood resources. We marveled at the progress we had made in just one week, with our island boasting a flourishing tree farm, livestock, and a self-sustaining food system.

Day 8: Beds and Tree Chopping

On the eighth day, we celebrated a significant milestone - the completion of our beds. Having a place to rest and set our spawn point was a much-needed comfort in this challenging environment. With renewed energy, we set out to chop down even more trees, expanding our wood reserves. Our little island was slowly transforming into a green OASIS, rich with resources and potential.

Day 9: Tree Farm Expansion and Seeds

As we approached the end of the first 10 days, our focus shifted towards optimizing our tree farm. We expanded the farm, planting more saplings, and ensuring a steady supply of wood for our ongoing needs. Additionally, we acquired seeds and established a small farm to cultivate crops. The abundance of resources was a reminder of our resilience and ability to adapt to the challenges presented by this unique Minecraft challenge.

Day 10: Sheep Shearing and Tree Chopping

Day ten began with the task of shearing the sheep and collecting wool for future use. With wool in hand, we could craft numerous items, including beds, carpets, and decorative blocks. After tending to our sheep, we returned to our primary task - chopping down trees. Wood was an essential resource, providing fuel, construction materials, and crafting ingredients. Our dedication to acquiring and managing resources remained unwavering.

Day 11: Villager Hut and First Dog

As we entered the second phase of our challenge, the undulating planes phase, we decided it was time to establish a dedicated space for our villagers. We constructed a cozy hut that would serve as their home and breeding area. Additionally, we welcomed a new member to our island - a dog named Mark. His presence brought joy and companionship in this solitary endeavor.

Day 12: Birch Farm and Cow Pen

With our main hut complete, we turned our Attention to establishing a birch farm. Birch provides unique aesthetics and valuable wood types, ensuring diversity in our resources. We also built a dedicated pen for our cows, streamlining the process of breeding and milk production. Our island was expanding, both in physical space and in the diversity of resources it offered.

Day 13: Breakthrough with Diamonds

Day thirteen brought a breakthrough as we discovered our first diamonds. Diamonds are a coveted resource, used in crafting powerful tools and armor. This valuable find elevated our capabilities and unlocked new possibilities for exploration and progress. With diamonds in our possession, we felt better equipped to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Day 14: From Tundra to Jungle Dungeon

On the fourteenth day, we transitioned from the planes phase to the icy tundra phase. This phase introduced new enemies and environmental conditions, necessitating heightened caution and preparation. We fortified our island, lit up the area to ward off hostile mobs, and continued breaking the block to progress further. Our determination remained unwavering as we braved the harsh conditions of the new phase.

Day 15: Mining Obsidian and Crafting Books

As we delved deeper into the icy tundra phase, we encountered new challenges that demanded resourcefulness and adaptability. Our next objective was to mine obsidian, a key resource for crafting enchantment tables and Nether portals. With obsidian in hand, we crafted enchantment tables and used our newfound knowledge to enchant weapons and armor, enhancing our combat prowess and survivability.

Day 16: Cobblestone Generator and Naming the Polar Bear

We recognized the need for cobblestone in our island development and resource acquisition. To streamline this process, we constructed a cobblestone generator, allowing us to generate a near-infinite supply of this versatile material. Alongside this development, we encountered a polar bear, which we affectionately named Arnold. This addition to our island brought both amusement and companionship.

Day 17: Navigating the Nether and Blaze Rods

As we transitioned into the underground phase, the challenges shifted to the fiery landscapes of the Nether. Navigating through treacherous terrain and battling dangerous creatures, we successfully acquired blaze rods - a crucial ingredient for brewing Potions. With blaze rods in hand, we were one step closer to overcoming the challenges that lay ahead.

Day 18: Iron Farm and Exploring the End

Having defeated the blazes and acquired blaze rods, we took a significant step forward by establishing an iron farm. This accomplishment solidified our resource sustainability and provided a vital material for crafting advanced tools and armor. Encouraged by our progress, we ventured into the End dimension, where the fearsome Ender Dragon awaited.

Day 19: Enchanting Table and Defeating Ender Dragon

With preparations complete, we faced our most challenging objective - defeating the Ender Dragon. Armed with enchanted gear and strategic planning, we engaged in a monumental battle. Through perseverance, teamwork, and strategic combat, we successfully emerged victorious, toppling the mighty Ender Dragon. This triumphant achievement marked the completion of one of our primary goals.


After 100 days of adventure, perseverance, and skill, we emerged triumphant in our hardcore Minecraft challenge. We navigated treacherous environments, defeated formidable enemies, and accomplished our three primary goals - completing all 10 phases of the block, defeating the Ender Dragon, and establishing an iron farm. Our isolated island evolved into a thriving community, showcasing our resilience and determination.

In the midst of despair and limited resources, we thrived. Our journey exemplified the boundless potential for creativity, survival, and growth within the Minecraft Universe. We demonstrated that with the right mindset, strategy, and determination, even the most challenging tasks can be conquered. The 100-day challenge on a single block served as a testament to our adaptability, perseverance, and unwavering spirit.

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