Epic Slow Motion Explosion: Molten Steel at 10,000fps

Epic Slow Motion Explosion: Molten Steel at 10,000fps

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Slow Mo Guys: Who Are They?
  3. Filming Slo-Mo at Night: Challenges and Solutions
  4. The Bent Cricket Bat Experiment
  5. Using an Electric Furnace for Melting
  6. The High-Speed Cameras Used
  7. The Sparkling Results: Slow-Mo Footage Revealed
  8. The Cricket Bat vs. Glass Comparison
  9. The Intensity of the Sparks
  10. The Impact on the Filmmakers
  11. The Sponsorship Interruption: Henson Shaving
  12. Conclusion

The Slow Mo Guys: Creating Explosive Slow-Mo Footage with a Bent Cricket Bat at Night


In the world of YouTube, there are countless channels dedicated to showcasing jaw-dropping slow-motion footage. But one channel, in particular, stands out for their explosive experiments and captivating visuals. I'm talking about The Slow Mo Guys, a dynamic duo consisting of Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy. In this article, we'll dive into one of their most highly requested videos, where they use a slightly bent cricket bat to Create a mesmerizing display of sparks. But there's a catch – they filmed it at night. Join me as we explore the behind-the-scenes challenges, the equipment used, and the stunning results that this unconventional experiment produced.

The Slow Mo Guys: Who Are They?

Before we Delve into the details of their nighttime experiment, let's first get acquainted with The Slow Mo Guys. Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy are two British YouTubers who have gained global recognition for their mesmerizing slow-motion videos. With over 16 million subscribers and billions of views, their Channel has become a hub for anyone fascinated by the intricate details of ordinary phenomena captured at incredibly high frame rates. From exploding watermelons to giant paint-filled balloons, they leave no stone unturned in their Quest to entertain and educate their audience.

Filming Slo-Mo at Night: Challenges and Solutions

Filming slow-motion footage at night can be a daunting task. The absence of natural light creates a conundrum for filmmakers, as slow-motion shots require a higher frame rate, resulting in reduced exposure. However, Gavin and Dan are Never ones to shy away from a challenge. Armed with the knowledge that a bright subject is essential for successful slow-mo shots in the dark, they embarked on their mission to create a visually stunning display of sparks using their trusty bent cricket bat and some special nails.

The Bent Cricket Bat Experiment

With their bent cricket bat in HAND, Gavin and Dan were ready to unleash a cascade of sparks. The combination of the bat's impact with the nails and an electric furnace promised an explosive spectacle. The high wattage of the induction furnace ensured that the nails would heat up quickly, creating a shower of green sparks that would be captured in glorious slow-motion.

Using an Electric Furnace for Melting

The setup for this experiment involved an electric furnace powered by a staggering 3,500 watts of electricity. Controlled by a seven-segment display, the furnace heated the nails to an extreme temperature, causing them to emit vibrant green sparks upon impact. The Slow Mo Guys knew that this visual effect would make for a mesmerizing slow-motion capture, allowing viewers to witness every intricate Detail in exquisite detail.

The High-Speed Cameras Used

Capturing these extraordinary moments required the use of two high-speed cameras. Gavin used the 4K Phantom camera, set at a thousand frames per Second, to capture the wide shots, while Dan wielded the Phantom t4040 set at a staggering 10,000 frames per second for the close-up shots. These cameras provided the necessary frame rates to capture the sparks in all their dazzling glory.

The Sparkling Results: Slow-Mo Footage Revealed

As Gavin swung the cricket bat, the nails and sparks became a mesmerizing storm of light. The slow-motion footage revealed an awe-inspiring visual display, with sparks dancing in the air like miniature fireworks. Shot at such high frame rates, the footage showcased more spark than pixels in the sensor, creating a challenge for compression when uploading to YouTube.

The Cricket Bat vs. Glass Comparison

In a separate segment, The Slow Mo Guys decided to test the explosive potential of the cricket bat further. They compared the impact of the bat on glass with their initial experiment. The results were astonishing, as the bat shattered the glass with remarkable force, sending shards flying in all directions. This comparison highlighted the unique characteristics of the cricket bat and the immense power it possessed.

The Intensity of the Sparks

Throughout the experiment, Gavin and Dan marveled at the intensity of the sparks. The slow-mo footage revealed the sheer number of individual sparks, covering the frame like a mesmerizing light Show. It became apparent that the bat's design was key in creating such a spectacular display.

The Impact on the Filmmakers

Filming this explosive experiment was not without its challenges. Triggering the cameras at the precise moment proved to be one of the most difficult tasks. Gavin and Dan's dedication to capturing the perfect shot led to some comical mishaps, including accidentally destroying the setup and dealing with particles flying in their faces. Despite the hurdles, their enthusiasm and resilience shone through, resulting in stunning footage that captivated viewers worldwide.

The Sponsorship Interruption: Henson Shaving

In the midst of their slow-motion madness, The Slow Mo Guys took a moment to mention their video sponsor, Henson Shaving. Henson Shaving offers a high-quality razor with a heavy emphasis on precision and sustainability. Their razors use a single disposable blade and employ minimal plastic in their packaging materials. The Slow Mo Guys praised the razor's smoothness and safety, offering viewers an exclusive discount when using the code "slow-mo guys" during checkout.


In conclusion, The Slow Mo Guys Continue to push the boundaries of slow-motion filmmaking with their inventive experiments. Their nighttime adventure with a bent cricket bat and an electric furnace showcased the explosive potential of everyday objects in slow motion, leaving viewers mesmerized by the sheer beauty and power captured in their footage. Through their unique Blend of entertainment and education, Gavin and Dan have created a channel that continues to captivate and inspire millions worldwide.


  • The Slow Mo Guys, a British YouTube duo, are known for their captivating slow-motion videos.
  • Filming slow-mo at night presents challenges due to limited light, but Gavin and Dan embraced the challenge.
  • They used a bent cricket bat and an electric furnace to create a mesmerizing display of sparks.
  • High-speed cameras, including the 4K Phantom and Phantom t4040, captured the sparks in exquisite detail.
  • The slow-mo footage revealed the intense beauty and complexity of the sparks, resembling a miniature light show.
  • The experiment also involved smashing glass with the cricket bat, demonstrating its explosive potential.
  • The Slow Mo Guys Mentioned their sponsor, Henson Shaving, which offers precise and sustainable shaving razors.


Q: How do The Slow Mo Guys film slow-motion at night? A: Filming slow-motion at night can be a challenge due to limited light. The Slow Mo Guys used a combination of a bright subject and high-speed cameras to capture the action in detail.

Q: What equipment did The Slow Mo Guys use for their nighttime experiment? A: They used a bent cricket bat, special nails, an electric furnace, and two high-speed cameras - the 4K Phantom and the Phantom t4040.

Q: What results did The Slow Mo Guys achieve with their experiment? A: The slow-motion footage showcased a mesmerizing display of sparks, resembling a mini firework show. The bats' impact on glass also demonstrated its explosive potential.

Q: Who sponsors The Slow Mo Guys' videos? A: Henson Shaving, a company that offers high-quality razors with an emphasis on precision and sustainability, sponsors their videos.

Q: Where can I watch The Slow Mo Guys' videos? A: You can find their videos on their YouTube channel, "The Slow Mo Guys."

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