Exciting Updates & Enhancements: CSM AI Image to 3D Models - September 2023

Exciting Updates & Enhancements: CSM AI Image to 3D Models - September 2023

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Changes in the Upload Feature
  3. Changes in Model Versions
  4. Displaying Showcase Models
  5. Issues with Lighting in the Showcase
  6. Introduction to Model Version 1.2
  7. Updates in Active Plans
  8. Comparison of Thin Color and Baseline 3D Model Quality
  9. Maker and Creative Pro Plans
  10. How Credits Work
  11. Conclusion

😃 An Update on Common Sense Machine AI Platform

In this exciting update video, we will be discussing the recent changes and enhancements made to the Common Sense Machine AI platform. Stay tuned as we explore the new features and improvements that will enhance your experience and make your projects shine!

1. Changes in the Upload Feature

The upload feature has been upgraded to offer a more seamless experience. Previously, only one image could be added at a time. However, with the latest update, users can now upload up to five images simultaneously. It's important to note that each image will be treated individually, and they will not all contribute to the creation of a single 3D model. Additionally, users now have the option to specify the model version before uploading the image.

2. Changes in Model Versions

With the advent of the latest update, users can now select the desired model version before uploading their images. It is important to choose the appropriate model version as this option will no longer be available once the image is uploaded. The updated platform offers various model versions, each with its own unique functionalities and enhancements.

3. Displaying Showcase Models

One of the highlights of the Common Sense Machine AI platform is the Community Showcase, where users can display their remarkable creations. In this section, we will delve into some of the outstanding models created by the community. From a gorilla playing basketball to exquisite sculptures, the showcase is a testament to the platform's versatility and creativity.

4. Issues with Lighting in the Showcase

While the Community Showcase presents impressive models, there have been a few challenges regarding lighting. Some models, despite clear and well-lit photographs, exhibit discrepancies in the lighting of the generated 3D models. Shadows may appear where they should not, affecting the overall quality of the model. The team is actively working on resolving these lighting issues to ensure a more accurate representation of the original photographs.

5. 😮 Introduction to Model Version 1.2

The developers are constantly striving for excellence and have introduced Model Version 1.2. This latest model version offers enhanced features and improvements over its predecessors. Models created with Model Version 1.2 exhibit remarkable attention to detail, with an exceptional level of accuracy in various elements such as clothing textures and facial features.

6. Updates in Active Plans

Active plans have also undergone updates to provide users with a more tailored experience. The introduction of the Thin Color active plan offers a free option for users. However, it should be noted that the Thin Color active plan utilizes a slower public server and provides only baseline 3D model quality. Users requiring higher quality and faster rendering can opt for the Maker and Creative Pro plans.

7. Comparison of Thin Color and Baseline 3D Model Quality

The Thin Color active plan is an excellent option for beginners, offering a cost-effective way to experiment with the platform. However, compared to the Baseline 3D Model Quality available in the Maker and Creative Pro plans, there are limitations in terms of texture fidelity and rendering speed. Depending on your project requirements, you may consider upgrading to access the full potential of the platform.

8. Maker and Creative Pro Plans

For more advanced users and professionals, the Maker and Creative Pro plans offer a host of additional features and benefits. Not only do these plans provide access to baseline and pro 3D model qualities, but they also offer increased credit allowances. The Maker plan provides 100 credits, whereas the Creative Pro plan offers a generous 400 credits, allowing for the creation of refined models at a more significant Scale.

9. How Credits Work

Credits play a vital role in utilizing the full potential of the Common Sense Machine AI platform. Each uploaded image requires one credit to generate a preview, and an additional nine credits to obtain a pro-quality model. It's important to note that ten refined models can be created for every 100 credits in the Maker plan, while users on the Creative Pro plan can generate up to 40 refined models with their 400 credits.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Common Sense Machine AI platform has undergone significant enhancements and updates to improve its functionality and capabilities. From the improved upload features to the introduction of new model versions, users can expect a more seamless experience and higher quality results. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, the platform offers a range of active plans to cater to your individual needs. Unlock your creativity and explore the possibilities with the Common Sense Machine AI platform!


  • The upload feature now supports simultaneous uploading of up to five images, allowing for more efficient workflow.
  • Users can now select the desired model version before uploading their images, ensuring the best possible output.
  • The Community Showcase displays remarkable models created by users, showcasing the platform's versatility and creativity.
  • Some challenges regarding lighting discrepancies in the showcased models are being addressed by the development team.
  • Model Version 1.2 introduces improved accuracy in clothing textures and facial features, providing more realistic 3D models.
  • The Thin Color active plan offers a free option for beginners, while the Maker and Creative Pro plans cater to more advanced users, with increased credit allowances and access to higher-quality models.
  • Credits are essential for generating previews and obtaining pro-quality models, with different credit allocations based on the chosen plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I upload more than one image at a time on the Common Sense Machine AI platform?

A: Yes, with the recent update, users can upload up to five images simultaneously, allowing for a more efficient workflow.

Q: Is it possible to change the model version after uploading an image?

A: No, the model version selection must be made before uploading the image, as this option becomes unavailable once the image is uploaded.

Q: What is the Thin Color active plan?

A: The Thin Color active plan is a free option available on the Common Sense Machine AI platform. However, it has limitations in terms of rendering speed and texture fidelity.

Q: How many credits do I need to generate a pro-quality model?

A: Generating a pro-quality model requires ten credits in the Maker plan and nine additional credits in the Creative Pro plan.

Q: Can I upgrade my active plan from Thin Color to Maker or Creative Pro?

A: Yes, you can upgrade your active plan to Maker or Creative Pro to access higher-quality models and additional features.


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