Experience Stable Diffusion in Google Colab for Free!

Experience Stable Diffusion in Google Colab for Free!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background on Google Colab Notebooks
  3. Using Stable Diffusion for Free in Google Colab
    1. Selecting the Proper Runtime
    2. Choosing the Model
    3. Running the Cell and Generating Images
    4. Downloading Full Resolution Images
  4. Adding Logo Models
    1. Loading the Logo Model
    2. Applying the Logo
  5. Additional Notebook Versions for Advanced Users
  6. Accessing Sophisticated User Interfaces
    1. Band in Google Colab Web UI
    2. More Advanced Features in Focos
  7. Conclusion
  8. Resources

📝 Using Stable Diffusion for Free in Google Colab Notebook

Google Colab notebooks are an excellent tool for conducting computational tasks, but they often require powerful GPUs and paid subscriptions. In this article, we will discuss a method to use stable diffusion in your Google Colab notebook without the need for a powerful GPU or any paid subscription. This method ensures that your notebook complies with Google Colab rules, preventing it from being banned. Let's dive into the step-by-step process.

1. Introduction

Before we begin, let's briefly understand why many Google Colab notebooks get banned. Violating Google Colab rules is the primary reason for this. However, by following a simple approach, we can create a basic and stable diffusion usage notebook that doesn't infringe on these rules.

2. Background on Google Colab Notebooks

Google Colab notebooks offer a unique environment for running Python code and conducting various computational tasks. However, they come with certain limitations, such as restrictions on resources and limited access to advanced features. Understanding these limitations is crucial for optimizing our usage of Google Colab notebooks.

3. Using Stable Diffusion for Free in Google Colab

3.1 Selecting the Proper Runtime

To get started, we need to open a specific link and choose the appropriate runtime for our notebook. We'll select Python 3 and T4 GPU to ensure smooth execution and better performance.

3.2 Choosing the Model

Next, we need to choose the model for our diffusion usage. There are two options: SDXL and SDXL with Refiner. While the latter provides more detailed images, the former is usually sufficient for basic usage. We'll opt for SDXL for simplicity.

3.3 Running the Cell and Generating Images

Once we've made our model selection, we run a specific cell to install all the necessary requirements and components for the SDXL model. This process takes approximately five minutes. After installation, we can enter our prompts, specify the style, resolution, sampler, and steps for image generation. Then, with a simple click of a button, we can generate images.

3.4 Downloading Full Resolution Images

It's important to note that, by default, the generated images are not in full resolution. To obtain higher resolution images, we can navigate to the output images tab and download them using the provided button.

4. Adding Logo Models

In addition to image generation, we can also apply logo models to our images. This adds a unique touch to the generated content. To add a logo model, we need to specify the link for downloading the logo model and run the corresponding cell. After loading the logo model, we can apply it to our images and generate modified versions.

5. Additional Notebook Versions for Advanced Users

For advanced users, there are additional versions of the notebook available. These versions offer more sophisticated user interfaces and features like realistic vision and custom models. Access to these versions is available for Patreon subscribers.

6. Accessing Sophisticated User Interfaces

For even more advanced features and capabilities, alternative user interfaces can be utilized. The "Band in Google Colab Web UI" provides a richer interface, while "Focos" offers more advanced functionalities like face swap and image prompts. These options allow users to explore more powerful tools while considering the limitations of Google Colab.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, using stable diffusion for free in your Google Colab notebook can be achieved by following specific steps and adhering to Google Colab rules. This ensures a stable and compliant usage experience. However, for users seeking more advanced features and user interfaces, alternative options like Patreon and alternative tools like "Band" and "Focos" can further enhance their experience. Experimenting with these methods can lead to more creative and compelling results.

8. Resources


  • Learn how to use stable diffusion for free in your Google Colab notebook
  • Select the proper runtime and choose the model for your diffusion usage
  • Run the cell and generate images with just a click of a button
  • Apply logo models to add a unique touch to your generated images
  • Explore more advanced options and user interfaces for an enhanced experience


Q: Can I use stable diffusion for free in my Google Colab notebook without a GPU? A: Yes, you can use stable diffusion without a powerful GPU in your Google Colab notebook by following the steps outlined in this article.

Q: Are there any limitations to the resolution of the generated images? A: By default, the generated images are not in full resolution. However, you can download them in full resolution by navigating to the output images tab and using the provided button.

Q: Are there more advanced features and user interfaces available for Google Colab notebooks? A: Yes, there are alternative user interfaces like "Band in Google Colab Web UI" and tools like "Focos" that offer more advanced features and capabilities. These options can be explored for a more enhanced usage experience.

Q: Where can I find additional resources for Google Colab and Patreon? A: You can find Google Colab at colab.research.google.com and Patreon at www.patreon.com/yourpatreonusername.

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